Brooke walked out to the porch, hand in hand with Julian. Haley was rocking a crying Jamie in her arms. She saw her friends coming over, and stopped. Brooke knelt down in front of Haley, rubbing Jamie's arm.

"Hey, bud? You wanna talk?" she said in a sweet quiet voice.

Jamie wiped his eyes, and looked at his favorite aunt in the whole world. He nodded his head.

"I know a lot of grown up stuff was said inside, and I bet it was kinda scary to hear, huh?" she said, crinkling her nose as she said it. He nodded again. "Well, sweetie I'm so sorry you had to hear so much like that. It wasn't meant for you to hear." She looked at her friend, holding her son. "But now that you heard..." she looked back down at Jamie, "Let's talk about it."

"Okay." Jamie said quietly. Haley wasn't sure if she should talk or stay silent. Julian leaned up against the railing, there for moral support.

"A lot of big words were said, like cancer."

"I know that word. Alex in my class said his grandpa died of cancer."

Haley closed her eyes, lowering her head.

Brooke sighed, "I'm sorry to hear that, bud. Cancer can be pretty bad." She paused. "But, you know what? There are so many doctors and nurses that are working all the time to find medicine that can help people, and so many people get better. Did you know that?" she said with a small smile. Jamie shook his head. "Well it's true! So, yeah, it's true, I have cancer Jamie. In my kidneys. That's why I had that shot over here, remember?" she pointed to her side.

Jamie nodded, "Are you going to die, Aunt Brooke?"

Haley let out a small gasp, sickened by the fact that her friend had to be explaining this to her son. Brooke looked up at her and squeezed her hand, while keeping her other hand firmly planted on Jamie's leg.

"I have no plans on it, Jamie. I have so much to do- I have a shop to run, and a wedding to plan, and I have to watch your basketball games and go to your school plays. Oh, and we can't forget about little Sawyer! I have to make sure Aunt Peyton dresses her in the best dresses ever. I have so much to do, Jamie!" She said with as much excitement as she could muster, a smile on her face. "You see, Jamie, I can't go anywhere, not when I have so much to do, and so many people who need me. Nah, I think I'll stick around." she said with a wink. Her eyes were glassy with tears she hoped wouldn't fall. At this point Haley is quietly crying and Julian has wiped his eyes. "Hey, can I ask you to do me a favor?"

Jamie perked up a bit hearing this. "Uh huh," he said nodding.

"Well, it's just that sometimes when I'm at the doctors, I have to wait for them to get the room ready or get my medicine. And sometimes I get a little nervous, and I have nothing to do while I I was wondering... if you could maybe send me videos on my phone for me to watch while I wait." she smiled and tapped his leg. "What do you think? Think you can do that for me? Maybe Aunt Peyton can help you with making a playlist for me. And I'm sure Julian, here, would help you film."

"Absolutely, you've got it." Julian said, caught off guard that he was brought into this conversation.

"Okay, Aunt Brooke. I can help you. I'll make you one every day. And I'll get other friends in it too, like Uncle Skills and Millie and Chester!" he said, feeling better, starting to perk up and get excited with his new job.

"That would be great, buddy!" They hugged. "Thanks James Lucas Scott." She kissed his blonde hair. "okay, I'm going to go in and check on Sam. Want to go jump on her with me?"


"Come on!" Brooke slowly got up and took Jamie's hand, as he jumped off his mom's lap and skipped in with Brooke. "let's go get her!"

Julian wiped his face, and looked at Haley. "What a woman I love. She's amazing."

"Ha, yeah. You've got that right. God, Brooke has the biggest heart of anyone I know. I don't- I don't know how she does it." said Haley.

The door opened to the guest room, and Brooke and Jamie peeked their heads in. Sam was lying on the bed. Perfect place for them to pounce. They tiptoed in, and giggling they jumped on the bed, shouting "ahhh" Sam rolled over, unamused and looked at them.

"Did we scare you, Sam?" asked Jamie.

"Oo, so much." she said blankly.

"Oh come on Sam! Crack a smile!" said Brooke. "Hmm, seems like we need to try another plan, Jamie. This one's a tough one to crack!"

"Okay, how about we tickle her?"

"Good idea! Ready, set, go!" The two tickled and Sam tried not to laugh.

"Stop. Stop. Okay, stop!" Sam said louder and louder. "I don't want to laugh, okay. It's not funny, Brooke!"

Brooke looked at Jamie, and then back at Sam. "You're right. It's not. But, Sam, I can't have you sad all day and night because of me. I just can't."

Jamie took Sam's hand, which made Sam look at him. "It's okay to be sad. I'm sad too. It's because we love Aunt Brooke so much."

Brooke smiled, tears forming. She was amazed at his insight at just 6 years old.

"But Momma said that Aunt Brooke has the best doctors giving her really good medicine. And Momma said that we have to brave for Aunt Brooke." Jamie looked at his aunt. "I can still cry sometimes about it, because it makes me sad. But I can be brave like you too Aunt Brooke. I can."

Brooke shook her head in awe, and winked at her nephew. "I know you can." She looked back at Sam. "Hey, Jamie, can you give Sam and I a minute and go check on your uncle Lucas? I'm sure he's losing at bowling on Wii, and you know you can help him."

"Okay Aunt Brooke, you've got it." he said, saluting her. Before he got off the bed, he kissed Sam and Brooke on their cheeks.

"Mm, such a sweet boy." She sat up next to Sam. "So, what do you want to know?"

Sam was quiet for a minute. Then, she spoke. "When will you know if you need a transplant?"

"Soon, within a month. They've been doing blood work weekly and an MRI is scheduled for this week to see."

"How do you know if someone's a match?"

"Well, they do a blood test and they're listed on the donor's list."

"What happens if you don't get the transplant?" Brooke sighed. "What really happens? What are the odds? I'm not a kid, I can take it."

"Sam, it's not something you need to wor-"

"Just tell me. Please."

"It would double my chances if I could get even one kidney. One is worse than the other. With the state of my kidneys right now, it would very difficult for me to lead a normal life."

"i want to get test."


"I want to see if I'm a match. I'm young, I'm healthy, I would be a great match."

"Sam, sweetie, that's a nice thought, but you can't just give up a kidney and-"

"Why not? People live with just one kidney all the time. And it might save you, Brooke."

"Sam, it's not that simple. It's an organ, it's part of you. It'd be a surgery and recovery, and -"

"So what? Who cares? I don't. I want to get tested"

"Your mom-"

"What about my mom?"

"She would have to be okay with it, and you should talk-"

"No, why? I only met her last year. And besides, I'm legally an adult. I don't need any consent from a guardian."


"Brooke, please. Just let me get tested."

Brooke was exhausted. Sam saw it.

"Brooke, please. One blood test to see."

Brooke didn't like the thought of Sam going through with this. But she also knew that she would no matter what Brooke said.

"If you're a match, we're having a long talk with the doctors and your mom will be part of this." she said, shaking her head.

"Then it's a yes. I'll go tomorrow with you to get tested." Sam smiled, kissed Brooke and stood up. "Come on, let's go. We have company you know." She took Brooke by the hand and they went back to their guests.