Dear readers,

I know that some of you have been enjoying out story, and that you're eager to receive more chapters, and that your also pretty peeved at Kiera for not writing anything. Well, all that we can say is that we are sorry. Even though our exams are long finished, we've been - well, our lives aren't exactly peaceful at the moment.

Kiera is writing this note by the way, on behalf of myself and Poppy, and I can safely say that it is my fault. In my opinion, I'm probably just being lazy, and not bothering to write anything for you guys. Actually, I have been writing. I've wrote some Clone Wars stories, Zelda stories, Harry Potter Stories, and a few others. However, I might post one of my Clone Wars stories.

The story I've been writing is not a very much used story line, all I'm telling you is that it's about Ahsoka going under cover in a High School to investigate a series of murders. I'm not good at mysteries, however. I know that there is a FanFic called The Jedi Trail Series Book 7: The Academy, by SashaMonroe (really good, by the way, read it is you have the chance).

So yeah, tell me if you'd like it to be posted, I've got one chapter and a half (?) ready.

Anyway, I am really sorry for the large - how should I put this - hiatus? But I just haven't been really in the mood to type so much as the Chapter title for the Trap Country - so it is going to be put on hold.

I'm sorry, but I just really need some inspiration. I won't be discontinuing it, I will definitely post a chapter, even if it is in a few years!

Thank you to everyone who has reviewed, viewed, added us to favourites, subscribed and supported us throughout these couple of months; I hope that if we publish anything else, to to support that just as strongly.

Thank you again guys! You're awesome!
