Our first FanFic, go easy on the reviews and tell us if we've left a mistake anywhere! ENJOY!

The Trap Country

Ahsoka Tano was no ordinary Jedi Padawan, she was the apprentice of the mythical Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker. He was her best friend, countless occasions had he saved her, and she had saved him, he was the father she had never knew; did he think the same about her? Maybe...he would do anything to protect her even if it meant dying himself or having to leave the Jedi Order...yeah...he thought the same.


I haven't been able to sleep for weeks, dreams plague my sleep, haunt me wherever I go, no one had noticed any difference about me except my Master, Master Kenobi, Captain Rex and of course, Barriss Offee. She's the only Padawan in the Temple who's my friend, all of the others don't like me because I'm sixteen and became a Padawan two years early. She's my best friend, both her and my Master know when I'm feeling negative emotions.

"Ahsoka...are you alright?" Barriss wouldn't stop bugging me about my health since the dreams, neither has my Master.

"Snips...you look tired...go get some rest." It was far from peaceful.

Droids were marching in and out of tall, concrete buildings...

They where different from ours...

I was stood on a building, it was the highest of them all...

Anger was bubbling inside me for no reason...

Maniac laughter rung in my ears...I spun around and tried to use the force but it wouldn't come.

I was thrown off the edge...waiting to his the painful tar road below...

That's when I wake up screaming to be comforted by my Master and possibly Barriss, I have to admit that they do a good job. It's always the same dream, I don't why it's bothering me or why I'm not telling anyone, it's just a dream...right? None of it will come true...I hope!


Ahsoka has been acting strangely for the past couple of days, she wakes up in the middle of the night gasping and won't tell me why, it's beginning to get serious. She won't eat or sleep, or do anything for that matter! I rolled over to face the wall, in the room next-door was Ahsoka, I could sense her fear, but I don't know why. The fear wall faded slightly and I knew she was awake.

I entered her room to find her panting and covered in a sheet of sweat. I walked over and put a comforting around her shoulders. She immediately curled up into me and I cradled her in my arms, she didn't say anything to me. Eventually she fell asleep and I laid her back down on the bed. What was frightening her so much I don't know. The next morning she wakes up as though everything is fine but you can see the stress in her eyes. This would be the end of it. I am going to find out what is bothering her.