Disclaimer I do not own D-Gray Man.

Two Souls

Ch 1

Bad Start


Allen Walkers alarm clock went off waking him up. He got up and started getting ready for his first day at Black Cross high.

Allen and his guardian Marian Cross moved recently and Cross decided to have Allen start school for the first time in his life. After half an hour Allen was ready but not looking forward to it. He was a late freshman starting at the start of second term.

He grabbed his ipod and and put on his headphones then went downstairs to find Cross. He found him on the couch sleeping with Saki bottles around him.

"Another late night drinking party." Allen thought to himself.

He then grabbed a bucket filled it to the top with hot water threw the water at Cross and yelled. "Man Overboard!"

"Ga! What the?" Cross said trying to make a full sentence. "What the hell are you doing idiot pupil!" Cross yelled.

"What are you doing? You know it's my first day." Allen said back to him.

Cross looked at his watch and said. "Bah already?" Alright let's go so I can get back to sleep."

15 minutes later they arrived.

"Alright get out." Cross said.

As Allen got out Cross looked at him and said, "Why do you always have those headphones on?"

"None of your business." Allen replied.

"Whatever, remember your walking home." Cross told him.

"Fine." Allen replied.

Allen preferred not to talk to people instead he used the headphones to block out the world.

As Allen walked in he passed a girl. But Allen noticed something about this girl.

A/N Leenale's hair style is what it looked like at the end of the last episode

She looked about his age, short green hair and like Allen she had headphones on as well. For some reason Allen felt like he was looking in a mirror he could tell that the girl thought the same as well.

The girl then turned her head and the two of them looked at each other for a bit each giving a blank stare, and then the girl spoke.

"What are you looking at?"

"Theres a way to say hello." Allen thought. For some reason already he did not like this girl. Then he said to her, "Nothing."

Just then a loud voice came from out of nowhere. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY LEENALE?"


Leenale woke up about 10 seconds before her alarm went off. After turning it off and getting ready for school she kept thinking to herself, "Why do I always set my alarm even though I always wake up before it?"

After getting ready she grabbed her ipod and put her headphones around her neck. Just as she came down to the kitchen for breakfast her big brother Komui, as energetic as usually jumped in.


But just as he was about to hug her she dropped kicked him to the floor.

"Nii-san how many times have I told to stop doing that?" She asked him.

"But can't a big brother just try to hug his little sister?" He asked.

"If you did it like any normal person then yes." She replied.

Well anyway," Koumi started as went to grab ice for his head. Hurry up and eat breakfast I have to be at the office a little earlier today."

"Why?" Leenale asked.

"I have to show a new student around." Komui replied.

"Great just what our school needs." Leenale said in a sarcastic tone.

"Now Leenale no need for that type of sarcasm." Komui started. "In fact I was going to ask you to help me. It might do you some good to actually try and actually make some friends instead of always having those headphones on all the time."

Lennale was not a big fan of talking to people. "Nii-san what I choose to do with my time is none of your business." She told Komui.

Komui just sighed. "Alright alright never mind then. Now hurry and eat."

A few minutes later they arrived. Komui headed for his office while Leenale was on her way to the school library. Just then she realized that Komui forgot to give her, her lunch money as she walked back she notice a boy entering the school.

"The new guy?" She thought to herself.

From what she could tell he was about her age white hair, a red tattoo on the left side of his face, and headphones on as well. But for some reason some about him bothered her. She felt like she was looking in a mirror. She could tell the guy was thinking the same thing. Both just stood there giving a blank stare.

Then Leenale asked. "What are you looking at?" She knew it was rude but she didn't like the guy.

"Nothing." He replied.

Just then a loud voice came from out of nowhere. Turned out to be Komui's.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY LEENALE!" He yelled as he charged at Allen.

However Leenale got in the way and gave him a good kick in the face.

"Nii-san!" She said in an annoyed tone.

"So sorry," Komui said as he got up. "Got a little hysterical there. So you must be Allen Walker? I am Komui Lee Guidance consular welcome to Black Cross High."

"Thanks I guess." Allen replied.

Leenale was about to leave but Komui grabbed her arm. "I almost forgot this here is my little sister Leenale Lee, although I'm sure you already got to know her a bit."

"No." Allen said.

"Oh I see." Komui replied. "Well anyway since you're here Leenale how's about you help me showing Allen here the school?"

"No thanks." Was all Leenale said.

She didn't want to be around this guy.

"Leenale please." Komui started. "I probably won't be able to show Allen the entire school before classes start so I would appreciate it if you would help him just for today."

Leenale knew that her brother wouldn't let this go so she sighed and said, "Alright."

"Great now Allen let the tour begin." Komui said.

"Whatever." Allen said as he started walking.

"Not the nicest kid." Komui thought to himself. "Also why do I get the feeling I'm looking at two Leenale's?"

That question plagued Komui's mind as he and Leenale show Allen around. Although it was mostly Komui Leenale just stood there not saying anything with an annoyed bored look on her face.

Just then the bell rang.

"Oh, I'm sorry Allen but I have to get back to my office but here is where your first class is and Leenale here will help you out with finding your other classes. Sound good?" Komui asked.

Allen just looked at Leenale who looked back, he rather it be someone else.

"Alright I guess." Was all Allen said.

"Perfect, well Allen once again it was nice to meet you. I hope you do enjoy your first day, and Leenale I thank you for helping me out here and I hope your day goes smooth as well." Komui said as he was leaving.

"Yeah yeah." Leenale replied.

With that Koumi was gone. Leenale started getting ready to go to her class, but she turned to look at Allen and said, "Be here right after class is done."

"Same to you." Allen replied.

As Allen walked into the class he thought to himself, "I don't like that girl."

As Leenale was walking to her class she thought to herself, "I don't like that guy."