A/N: So, This is my first POT fanfic. I just suddenly wanted to write one and so now I'm writing it. I've written fan fiction before and got good reviews from it- but I'm nervous in how I'll be received in this fandom. I'll probably never update my other fanfics because I don't have inspiration for Twilight anymore- sorry. For my old readers- I'm truly very sorry for not updating 'My Baby, Forever' but if you're willing to give this fanfic a chance, it would make me very happy. And heads up to the new readers- I'm the type of writer who updates when she updates. My updates are based on my moods swings. So I'm writing this story merely for fun and because I love the Pairpuri Picture Show (if you don't know what that is, go to animecrazy(dot)net and watch it!)
Pairings: Pillar Pair, Adorable Pair, Alpha Pair, Dirty Pair, Silver Pair, Platinum pair and Gay pair
Warning: Contains YAOI (Boy's Love)- or is this shounen ai? Oh well, if you don't like, then don't read!
Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN PRINCE OF TENNIS! If I did, it would have been a yaoi to begin with…..or a shounen-ai at the very least.
Konnichiwa = Regular speaking
Konnichiwa = Pairpuri
On A Rainy Day
Chapter 1: Atobe times Tezuka, divided by Koharu Part I
"Gyaaa! Why the hell is it raining?"
Gakuto huffed, staring out the window, his eyes fixed on a lone raindrop sliding down the glass.
"According to my data, the reason why it rains at all is because when the water droplets or ice crystals that make up clouds become too large to remain suspended in the air, they fall." Inui answered, his green notebook opened in his hand.
"Water in any form that falls from clouds-snow, rain, hail-is called precipitation. Many different conditions cause precipitation." Yanagi continued, putting his hand on Inui's shoulder and looking down at the notebook as well.
"Ah, that's right Renji. Also in tropical regions of the world, air currents cause the water droplets in a cloud to bump into one another; this bumping forces them together into larger droplets and they fall as rain." Inui added, now jotting down some notes.
"So true, Sadaharu. But don't forget that if the cloud is high in the sky, and the air the rain passes through is warm and dry, the rain may evaporate before it ever reaches Earth."
"In colder climates, most rain starts out as snowflakes or ice crystals. Depending on how high the cloud and how warm the air, these crystals will fall to Earth either as rain or as snow or-"
"STOP! Ok, I get it." Gakuto yelled, putting his palms up to show that he didn't want to hear any more. "I didn't really want an answer; I just needed to vent out for a while."
He was not the only one complaining- after 1 month of torturous training they were finally granted one day off from hell. And it wasn't just any day off- they were given permission to leave the camp and be free outside of the iron gate that confined them. They loved tennis- it was their life- and they were grateful for the chance to be invited to train at the U-17 camp (especially since they were only middle schoolers) but it was still nice to have a day to themselves. They were planning to go home, go shopping at the mall or maybe just chilling at the beach.
But the current rainstorm that was happening outside made their plans for them.
And it wasn't just any typical rainstorm that would blow over any minute now- it was a full out FLOOD! So that meant that not only were they not allowed to leave the camp grounds, they were not even allowed outside of the building. That meant no playing tennis on the grounds and other outdoor activities.
And to make matters worse, because the storm was really bad, the coaches divided the players into three large groups and ordered them to stay inside the room they were assigned to. And under no circumstances, they were absolutely not allowed to leave the room, no matter the excuse. One coach was assigned to each room to keep an eye on them- no funny business was allowed. There were three plain rooms that were big enough for each group.
The first room held 2/3 of the highschoolers. The second room held the Seigaku, Rikkaidai, Hyoutei and Shitenhouji teams. And the final room held the remaining highschoolers and middleschoolers (rooms one and two were grateful not to be in that group). Each room didn't contain much; only chairs and couches and other miscellaneous things lying around.
And to put the cherry on top, there was a blackout.
So not only were they stuck with thirty-plus guys in one room during a flood on their day off, but now there was no electricity meaning that they had nothing to pass the time with.
Since there wasn't really much to do, most of the guys decided to pass the time by playing card games (Niou swore that Chitose was using ESP to see his opponents cards), resting on the couches (Jirou and Hiyoshi were currently using Kabaji as a pillow), starting a fight (Oishi and Ootori were holding Momo and Kaidoh back before a fist fight broke out), racing raindrops (Eiji and Akaya were neck and neck) and the rest were just talking amongst themselves (the captains were sitting together, talking about the progress their teams had made so far).
It was pretty peaceful as all the teams were on good terms with each other. And the time spent in the room could be useful to get to know one another.
Akaya stalked off to an empty corner of the room, mumbling under his breath about Eiji's raindrop cheating. He wasn't watching where he was going which was why he didn't see the envelope that was on the floor. With his foot on the envelope, he was about to take another step before he slipped and landed with a thud on his butt.
"Itai!" Akaya shouted, slowly getting up.
"Akaya! TARUNDORU!" Sanada yelled, watching the whole thing happen from the other side of the room. "You must always be alert!"
"You should watch where you're going, Akaya." Yukimura said gently, placing his hand on Sanada's knee to calm the Rikkaidai vice-captain and also his boyfriend down. The soothing effect of Yukimura's hand seemed to have done it's job- Sanada had calmed down. But he was still glaring at the baby of their team- it was not good for Rikkaidai to show any weaknesses, especially with three of the best tennis teams around, watching them.
"But fukubucho, it wasn't my fault! It was this envelope's fault for getting in my way!" Akaya whined, holding up the envelope.
"Ooh….what's in this?" Kintaro asked, racing up to Akaya and grabbing the envelope from his hands. Digging inside the envelope, he pulled out a cd. "Oooohhh! It's a cd!" he yelled out, waving the cd in the air.
"It looks like a DVD." Kenya observed, looking at the cd more closely. "And apparently it's called, Pairpuri. And there are 8 stories on here." All the players in the room now were listening into the conversation. They were all wondering what was on DVD.
"Let's watch it, I'm dead bored." Momo suggested, now walking towards them.
"Fshuuuuu…Oi Baka! How do you expect us to watch it without any electricity around?" Kaidoh hissed. Momo made a u-turn and started to fight with Kaidoh.
"What did you say, Mamushi?"
"Who're you calling Mamushi, baka peach."
"Who're calling baka peach, Mamushi."
"Momoshiro! Kaidoh! 10 laps around the room NOW!" Tezuka ordered, glaring at the two bickering teens. Said teens started to look terrified and gulped at their captain.
"Hai, Buchou!" The two teens shouted, starting to run their laps.
"I think I saw a DVD player and a projector somewhere." Kawamura pointed to the two objects hidden in a corner of the room.
"Oh, and it's looks like it's battery powered too- here are the batteries!" Marui exclaimed, holding up the packs of batteries.
"We won't need electricity then and can watch the DVD." Yagyuu told them, observing the equipment.
"Saa, I think we should watch it too." Fuji spoke up, wearing his usual smile and with his eyes closed. "I think we are all rather interested in seeing the contents of this DVD." Everyone was excited that there was now something to do during this storm.
"Do you think the coach will allow us? " Oishi asked, worriedly. They all looked at where the coach that was in charge of them was. They were assigned to Coach Nyudo, the same coach who was in charge of training the 'losers'. He was currently sleeping on top of one of the bigger couches, hugging a bottle a sake close to him.
"I don't think he'll be a problem." Ryoma said, kicking the sleeping coach lightly. The guy snorted loudly for a second, but just fell back asleep, dead to the world. "If he wakes up, we can just feed him more alcohol and he'll fall right back asleep." Ryoma suggested.
"Ochibi's right, nya! Let's watch the DVD already!" Eiji said happily, grabbing his doubles partner and ran to get them a front row seat to the movie. While Kabaji, Oshitari and Gin started to set up the player and projector, the others went to grab seats and made themselves comfortable. They were all excited to watch what was on the DVD.
When it was all set up, everyone made sure that they were all seated before starting the DVD. One of the walls of the room was big and white with nothing hanging on it. It was a perfect place to watch the movie.
"Shishido, Oresama demands that you switch places with me. Oresama refuses to sit on the dirty, cold floor and would prefer to sit on that comfortable armchair." Atobe ordered, brushing off the non-existent dust off his silk black pants.
"Che, why should I give you my seat? Go take someone else's Atobe." Shishido snorted, ignoring the command.
"It's because you have the best seat here so obviously that should go to Oresama" Atobe said as if it was obvious. Mostly all the people in the room rolled their eyes- only Atobe could think like that. "You think that Oresama should have this chair too, nah Kabaji?"
"Usu." Kabaji, Atobe's right hand man/ bodyguard/ best friend/ semi-slave replied. With nothing more said, Kabaji grabbed Shishido and put the capped teen on the floor. Atobe sat on the now empty chair and straightened his cream colored top. "Much better" Atobe approved.
"Why that no good…" Shishido grumbled, glaring at the purple grayish-haired teen.
"It's ok, Shishido-senpai. I'm happy that you're sitting next to me now." Ootori gently told him. Shishido took one look at his kouhai- who was also his boyfriend- and sighed.
"Fine, I'll sit here." Shishido conceded, looking at the screen now while leaning a little towards the tall gray-head.
"Is there anything else or can we start it?" Shiraishi asked out loud, holding up the remote. When there were no objections, he pressed the 'start' button.
"Sugoi! I'm so excited!" Jirou squealed excitedly; he was rarely awake but now his eyes were wide as the word "Pairpuri" showed up on the screen.
"Jirou, come sit next to Oresama." Atobe demanded, but unlike his usual arrogant tone, there was an affectionate tone to his voice.
"Yeah- ok!" Jirou jumped up from his spot on the floor and ran all the way to sit on Atobe's lap. "Ooh….Kei! This seat is so soft!"
"Shh! It's starting." Zaizen hissed and they were all quiet as Pairpuri began.
It all begins at Fudomine Middle School with the bell ringing. All the captains from Seigaku, Hyoutei, Shitenhouji and Fudomine were gathered in what seemed to be one of the classrooms.
"So this 'Pairpuri' is a picture show about us?" Gakuto asked, cuddling next to his boyfriend, Oshitari Yushi.
"It would seem so…eh, data." Inui said, jotting notes in his notebook.
"Nani? Why isn't Rikkaidai here?" Akaya demanded, trying to spot his blue-haired captain.
"Ahh…I think I know. You guys invited me to this meeting but I had to decline because I had to attend a check-up later that day." Yukimura said quietly. He was sitting on the loveseat with Sanada by his side.
"So Rikkaidai won't be part of this? Hmph. Boring." Akaya pouted, crossing his arms against his chest.
"No worries, Bakaya." Niou assured him, messing up his their demon baby's curly black hair. "There are 8 stories. Since Rikkaidai's so awesome, we'll definitely be in one of them, puri."
"You're right, Niou-senpai! And don't call me Bakaya!" Akaya said, swatting his senpai's hand away.
Tezuka was looking down, eyes closed. "Then we're decided on the practice game issue?"
"Buchou looks so sugoi, nya!" Eiji commented, excitedly.
"Of course! The captain of Seigaku has to be cool. Don't you agree, Echizen?" Momo teased, wriggling his eyebrows at his capped kouhai.
"Che. Mada mada dane." Ryoma merely rolled his eyes, but leaned against his buchou, turning away to hide the slight blush on his face. Tezuka saw it though and smiled a bit at his boyfriend.
Atobe was standing near the window, his face hidden by the sunlight streaming through. "Hyoutei will always play anyone."
"Kei, you look so cool!" Jirou squealed.
"Of course." Atobe told him, waving his hand.
"Tsk, you can't even see his face." Hiyoshi muttered.
"That's why he looks cool." Yushi pointed out and Gakuto giggled at that. Atobe sent them a deathly glare.
"Are you guys gonna interrupt every thirty seconds?" Zaizen asked in exasperation.
Shiraishi was sitting down, holding a pen in one hand and a notepad in the other. "Then I'm counting on you."
"Go Shiraishi!" Kintaro cheered, pumping his fist in the air.
"I'm gonna take that as a yes then." Zaizen said, rolling his eyes and trying to concentrate on the movie.
"Oh, come on Zaizen. You should show some school spirit for Shitenhouji also." Shiraishi told him.
Tachibana was also standing at one corner of the room. "What are you planning on doing afterwards?"
"Hmph. Fudomine's here but Rikkaidai isn't?" Akaya muttered under his breath.
Shiraishi answered, "Well, as we have time we plan on playing the other schools as well."
Tachibana asked, "Is Chitose doing well?"
"Why is he asking about you, Chitose-senpai?" Kintaro asked the said guy sitting next to him.
"Me and Tachibana used to play on the Shishigaku team before. We were really close friends too." Chitose answered the wild boy.
Shiraishi now held up his hands. "All right, but… Sometimes you notice the vanishing ball. It's not much of a use to the underclassmen."
Tachibana sighed, "His wandering complex is the same as always, huh?"
Music now began to play and the title of this Pairpuri was "Atobe times Tezuka, divided by Koharu."
Everyone except four people laughed at the ridiculousness of the title. Tezuka and Atobe looked embarrassed, Koharu was blushing and Shiraishi just shook his head.
All the captains now stood outside the tennis courts, watching the Fudomine players practicing.
Shiraishi leaned against the entrance, looking at the players approvingly. "Look's like everyone's working hard! I'm looking forward to the practice matches."
Tachibana looked at them, suggesting "How about it? Want to play lightly with our members?"
"If Tezuka-san, Atobe-san and Shiraishi-san are playing, I doubt it'll be light playing." Jackal commented.
"There's a 97% chance that Shiraishi won't be playing." Yanagi observed.
"Hoi hoi? Why?" Eiji asked curiously.
Tezuka was watching the Fudomine members with his usual expressionless face, "I don't mind."
Atobe, too, was looking at the players with a smirk on his face, "Oresama guess it can't be helped. Should the almighty me play against someone?"
Shiraishi, who was looking a little regretful while looking down with his eyes closed, replied, "I have no jersey, so I'll pass."
"Ahh…so that's why." Eiji nodded.
"Sugoi, Yanagi's so smart!" Jirou exclaimed, clapping his hands.
"As expected from Rikkaidai's tensai." Ootori agreed, nodding his head.
"Hey! I thought I was the tensai around here!" Marui, Rikkaidai's self-exclaimed tensai, argued. Jackal quickly covered the red head's mouth.
"We are so not having this conversation now." Jackal said, rolling his eyes.
Suddenly a familiar voice could be heard out of no where. "LOCK ON!"
Kaidoh and Momo both shivered. They could recognize that voice from anywhere.
It was now shown that the voice belonged to Shitenhouji's tensai/ ½ of their gay pair, Konjiki Koharu. Using one hand as a telescope, he said in his usual girly voice, "As expected of Fudomine's tennis club! Handsome players all around!" Switching his hands as telescopes, he continues to say "I had a feeling of this when I came from Osaka!"
All the captains were now giving Koharu a mystified look. Tachibana was the one who spoke up first. "Shitenhouji's Konjiki Koharu."
Atobe snapped out of his surprise and asked, "Ah, what is he doing here?"
Shirashi sighed and replied, "He said he wanted to come no matter what, so… What the heck is he doing?"
"What the heck is he doing?" Most of the guys in the room wondered.
Koharu seemed to ignore them and continued with his ramblings. "Everyone's so HANDSOME! I have a hard time choosing! But, but, but…But the one I'm needing the most is Kamio-kun!" Koharu was now shown puckering his lips and his face was all lovey-dovey. "But where IS Kamio-kun? Kamio-kun…!"
"Gyyaa! Poor Kamio-kun, having a guy have a crush on him." Momo shook his head in sympathy for the red head. In room 3, said redhead sneezed.
"Is there something wrong with a guy having a crush on another guy?" Shishido asked Seigaku's number one rascal, threatingly.
"No, that's not it. I'm not homophobic- heck, my best friend and captain are dating and I'm perfectly fine with it. I even tease Echizen sometimes about the things they must do in private like saying love-dovey words to each other, making out- mph!" Momo was interrupted as a pillow hit him square in the face.
"Urusai!" Ryoma shouted, glaring at his senpai.
"Anyway, I'm just sorry for Kamio-kun that a guy like Konjiki has a crush on him." Momo finished, using the pillow that Ryoma threw as a seat cushion.
Everyone looked to where Koharu was sitting and watched as he and his 'boyfriend' Hitoji Yuuji, were arguing about Koharu's 'unfaithfulness'. They nodded their heads in understanding, agreeing with Momo's words.
Tachibana then decided to step in and informed him abruptly, "He's got a cold, so he's not coming."
Some of the players screamed and others just laughed at the face that Koharu made at the news.
"HAHAHA! What a face!" Akaya laughed, holding his stomach as tears ran down his face.
Koharu was shocked by the news and looked close to a monster or the devil himself that was just awaken from its slumber. "Kamio-kun isn't coming?"
A picture of Kamio-kun sleeping peacefully on his bed was shown on the screen. Snoring softly, unaware of the danger he just avoided.
"Fsshhhuuu…Kamio-kun is lucky." Kaidoh mumbled; everyone nodded their heads in agreement.
"Hmph. And I came all the way there just to see him!" Koharu said, pouting.
"He better be sick." Yuuji muttered, keeping an arm around Koharu, holding on tighter as Koharu tried to swat him away.
A part of Atobe was shown and he said, "That Kamio…Saved his life by being sick."
Tezuka showed up as well and said, "Let's not let our guard down."
"And even Atobe and Tezuka agrees." Yagyuu pointed out, sitting on the couch with his boyfriend, Rikkaidai's trickster.
Tezuka was now shown on the Tennis courts, his opponent being Fudomine's Ishida Tetsu. Ishida told Tezuka, "Tezuka-san! Thank you for having me!"
"Isn't he cheerful?" Marui said, chewing on his favorite strawberry-flavored bubblegum.
"Don't lie Marui, you'd be cheerful too if you got to play against Tezuka also." Niou teased.
"Whatever. What's under his bandana?" Marui wondered, popping a bubble.
"I bet he's bald. Hey, fukubuchou?" Niou called and Sanada turned to his direction. "Why don't you shave off your hair too? Since you wear that cap, you might as well, piyo." He suggested, smirking like an imp.
"TARUNDORU! Fifty laps later!" Sanada yelled at him. "Go shave your own head- that rattail of yours looks ridiculous."
"I agree with fukubuchou!" Akaya said, raising his hand. Marui raised his own, seconding it.
"Everyone, behave. Let's continue watching the movie, shall we?" Yukimura said gently, although there was an underlying threat in his words. Everyone shut up.
Tezuka replied back, "Ishida-kun, wasn't it? Same for you."
Suddenly a light began to shine around Tezuka and everyone knew he was getting serious.
"Ooh….Sugoi!" Jirou exclaimed, excited.
While looking at Tezuka, Ishida thought, "He's got an aura like that just from stepping on the court! As expected from Tezuka-san. He's not average!"
"He's has that aura anywhere he goes- it just gets stronger on the tennis courts." Fuji told them.
"Especially when he starts to play." Ryoma agreed, giving his boyfriend a smirk/smile.
"Arigato." Tezuka thanked, removing the younger teen's cap and ruffling his hair.
Atobe was shown on the other side of the courts, his racket behind his head as he spoke to his opponent, Fudomine's Ibu Shinji. "The almighty me shall personally become your opponent. Be grateful, Ibu."
"And Atobe-buchou's aura is the complete opposite but at the same time, kinda the same from Tezuka's." Gakuto noted.
"You're right." Shishido agreed, looking at the screen.
Shinji just gave him a look, "I don't remember asking you though." Suddenly, the chants of Hyoutei was heard all around the court…but there were no chanters to be seen anywhere! "What? He's getting 'Hyoutei' calls from just stepping on the court…What's with that existence? Isn't that exhausting?"
"I don't think Atobe will ever get tired from getting attention." Zaizen whispered to Gin. Gin nodded in agreement.
"Oresama heard that." Atobe hissed, glaring at the two shitenhouji players.
Back to the other match, as usual, Tezuka was shown scoring a point against Ishida. "What's wrong? At your limit already?"
Observing the matches with Tachibana, Shiraishi noted, "Ishida's breathing is labored. And Tezuka isn't even sweating."
"According to my data, Tezuka is playing at only 30% of his normal strength." Inui stated, pushing up his eyeglasses.
Refusing to give up, Ishida called back, "Not yet! Argh!" And he returned Tezuka's shot.
"30% or not, returning one of Tezuka's shots is impressive." Oishi said and Eiji nodded his head in agreement.
Shiraishi and Tachibana both had their mouths open in amazement as they watched the match. Shiraishi started, "That's…"
Tachibana finished what Shiraishi was about to say, "That's hadoukyuu!"
"Just like Taka-san!" Eiji squealed, making Seigaku's power house blush and smile awkwardly.
"And Kabaji!" Jirou also squealed.
"Don't forget Rikkaidai's resident baldy!" Marui patted Jackal's head while Jackal tried to shoo him away.
"That attack looks like yours, Gin!" Kintaro said, pointing at the screen.
"It's because I taught that to him. Tetsu is my brother." Gin informed them.
"NANI?" Everyone exclaimed- most of them didn't know about this piece of information.
"It makes sense since they share the same surname and now that I think about it, they do look alike as well." Oshitari observed.
"And they're both bald too!" Marui pointed out proudly.
"Do you have something against bald people or something?" Jackal demanded.
"Of course not. I don't mean it as an insult- I mean it as a compliment!" Marui argued, aghast at the idea. "I'm pro-bald all the way!" He gave them a thumbs up and Jackal and Gin just rolled their eyes.
Ribbons of mist surrounded Tezuka as he began to use one of his signature moves. As they watched as Tezuka stared his opponent down, Tachibana continued, "Tezuka Phantom. All the shots will go out!"
Smoke and fire surrounded Tezuka as he played on and his Tezuka Phantom was now in use.
"Ooh…these pictures are so cool!" Akaya complimented.
"Nya- he's right! They look like yours Fujiko!" Eiji commented, knowing his best friend loved taking pictures with his camera.
"Saa…sou ka." Fuji said, merely smiling.
Suddenly, the tennis ball which Tezuka managed to hit out was now in the direction of hitting Koharu! Koharu, who was still despaired about hearing that his beloved Kamio wouldn't be coming to practice hence meaning that he wouldn't be able to his the redhead's lovely face, was facing away from the court- unable to see the tennis ball heading towards his way! Trying to warn his teammate, Shiraishi cried out, "This is bad!"
Everyone in the room was also shouting- though it was pointless- trying to warn Shitenhouji's tensai to get out the way.
Koharu, still oblivious to the danger he was in, cried "To not be able to see Kamio-kun after coming to Tokyo on purpose…Gods must hate me-"
"Again, Kamio-kun is very lucky." Someone in the room muttered.
Shiraishi interrupted his ranting of woe by shouting out, "Watch out!" Hearing the warning, Koharu finally looked back, gasping…and just in time for the ball to hit him right smack in his face.
"Ouch! That's gotta hurt!" Kenya flinched at the contact and everyone nodded, agreeing with him.
Gasping, Koharu slowly started to wake up. Apparently the tennis ball knocked him unconscious. The person in front of him slowly became clearer and Koharu could see that it was Tezuka. He heard Tezuka ask him, "Are you alright?" Tezuka was kneeling next to Koharu, who was sitting down, his back against one of the courts. "Can you stand, Konjjiki? Grab hold on my shoulder."
"Aww….Buchou's so kind na, very kind yo!" Momo said, grinning.
"Nya- so sweet Tezuka! Make sure you don't make Ochibi jealous." Eiji said, teasingly.
Tezuka just ignored them as he remembered what happened that day. What happened wasn't something he wanted Ryoma, let alone everyone in this room, to know. He kept his face expressionless but knew it was useless since everyone was gonna find out sooner or later. Ryoma, who was used to reading his boyfriend's face, narrowed his eyes- not liking the expression he found there. He was sure that he wouldn't like what would be happening next. He looked back to the screen, watching what would happen next.
Suddenly, the place started to fog. Even though things were blurry, only a blind monkey wouldn't be able to make out what was showing. Even though Tezuka and Koharu were in the same position, Tezuka was now dressed up in a white long sleeved shirt and black pants. On top his shoulders, laid a royal blue prince's cape and a gold crown to match. Koharu was also dressed in something different to his previous clothes. He was now dressed in a big pink ball gown and wearing a black necklace.
Everyone was silent, too shocked to say anything.
In Koharu's eyes, Tezuka was a prince and Koharu was his princess.
Everything was still silent and no one was moving- maybe not even breathing. Everyone was looking at Koharu and Tezuka…and then at Ryoma and Yuuji.
Ryoma opened his mouth.
A/N: So here's the first chapter of my new story! Did you guys like it? This chapter was so long so I decided to spilt each Pairpuri episode into 2 parts.
Feel free to comment on my story- if you leave a review, I'll give you a sneak peek on chapter 2!