Authors Note: Thanks again to everyone who sent comments and reviews. I appreciate them all and I'm so glad that everyone seems to be enjoying the story so far – even if it is somewhat OOC. I haven't yet decided if this will be the last chapter yet or not but you'll the first know.

Again, thanks for all the support. I hope you'll enjoy Chapter 3. Fair warning…it is more fluffy and romantic than the past two chapters. Though still hot (I think). This has not be beta'd.





Chapter 3

Sheldon awoke in the middle of the night and realized two things: 1) Penny was still cradled in his arms and 2) for the first time in his life, he didn't mind the disruption to his REM sleep. Pulling her tighter to his body, he smelled her hair and smiled. He'd never felt like this before and his emotions were getting the better of him but he decided that it was time for him to begin feeling more, now that he knew he loved Penny.

He wondered briefly if they should part so Penny could return to her apartment undetected by Leonard but as his eyes drifted closed again, he found that at that moment, he didn't care what anyone thought – his roommate included.

Penny awoke with a start as she felt the bed move and it took her a few moments to remember where she was. Panic set in and she practically jumped from the bed. A hand clasped her arm at the elbow and pulled her back.

"Everything is fine, Penny," he soothed.

"But Sheldon…Leonard will be up soon. I should go." She looked around for her clothes but still he kept his hand on her arm preventing her from getting up off the bed.

"I've changed my mind, Penny."

"About what, honey?" She turned to face him. For a brief moment she feared he meant about them – and their relationship. Was he having second thoughts?

"About keeping this a secret. You know I'm not very good at secrets, and frankly, there is no logical reason we should be hiding this relationship as if we are ashamed of it. Are you ashamed to be with me, Penny?"

Penny shook her head and leaned down to kiss him softly on the lips. "No honey, not at all."

"Good. And no one should have any heartache with us being together as everyone has their own mates anyway. Not that their approval is required."

He pulled Penny down so her arms rested on his chest, leaning over him. He pulled her face closer, his hands enmeshed in her hair and kissed her – more passionately this time. Penny groaned against his mouth and he smiled when she sighed contently against him. They held each other for several minutes, both lost in their own thoughts.

When at last Sheldon sat up, he knew it was time to get ready for work but he felt so much better about everything in his life now. His work was flourishing well, and now he had Penny. He planned to tell her later that evening that he loved her and momentarily worried what she would do, recalling how she hadn't been happy when Leonard had declared his love for her years prior.

Sheldon dressed back in his PJs and robe, while Penny slipped on her shorts, top and robe. Peaking out into the hall, Leonard's door was closed so they walked out – quietly but not in a sneaky manner now that they'd decided to tell their friends of their relationship.

Sheldon walked Penny to their door since he still had to take a shower and shave, so he wrapped his arms around Penny's waist and bent his head, kissing her deeply as she melted against him, her hands threaded through his hair. They moaned in unison as they continued to taste one another, despite their likely "morning breath".

Suddenly they heard, "What the hell?" and they jumped apart, startled. But immediately, Sheldon grasped Penny again to his side and turned to face his roommate, who stood staring at them in shock.

"Good morning, Leonard," Sheldon said, as if it shouldn't be a surprise to find him and Penny in a passionate embrace.

"I'll repeat…what the hell?" He was confused, surprised…and angry.

"Leonard…" Penny started but Sheldon kissed the top of her head to silence her.

"Penny and I are in a relationship. We had planned to tell you all this evening before Halo but as you awoke earlier than your usual, you are the first to know." Again, he said it in such a matter-of-fact way that Leonard didn't know what to think.

"You? And Penny?" he smirked, nearly laughing. The idea of them together was laughable. The idea of Sheldon in a relationship was all the more laughable.

"Why do you sound so surprised?" Penny asked.

"Come on! Sheldon? How desperate are you, Penny?" He snorted derisively.

Penny gasped in surprise and she felt Sheldon stiffen against her.

"I'll ask you to watch your comments, Leonard. We are friends but I won't have you speaking about Penny that way. Ever."

"No seriously," Leonard replied. "This is some sort of joke right? Did Howard and Raj put you up to this?"

Sheldon sighed, tightening his arms around Penny. "Leonard, I'm only going to say this once. Surely a man of your intelligence, albeit not at the level of my own, will be able to follow this. This is not a joke. Penny and I are in a relationship and before you ask…yes, a relationship that includes sex though that is all I will say on that particular matter given it is none of your business. We would hope you would be accepting and supportive, however, you should know that regardless of your attitude on this matter, it will not change the way I feel about her."

Leonard crossed his arms in front of him and daringly looked from Penny to Sheldon and back to Penny. "Feel? The great Sheldon Lee Cooper actually feels? Now that is a joke."

Sheldon was infuriated now. He took a step toward Leonard on instinct and Penny grabbed him tighter, pulling him back against her. "Forget it, honey. Leonard obviously has issues. But for your information Leonard, not only does Sheldon feel…but just like with everything else he does, he is very good at feeling. Very good." She winked up at Sheldon and he blushed but smiled, understanding her insinuation.

"I agree, Penny," Sheldon concurred, remaining where he stood. "Leonard, while I have the same opinion that in the past I wasn't one for expressing any romantic feelings, since spending so much time with Penny, I have found that however long they were repressed, I do indeed have them and I have them for her."

"So what…do you love her?"


Penny gasped and looked up at Sheldon who looked down at her, his eyes shining blue and looking at her intensely. "I do love you, Penny. I had wished to tell you tonight when we were alone – after making love again, but Leonard has played my hand."

"Sheldon…" Penny started but Sheldon softly put his fingers on her lips to silence her.

"Penny, I love you. I never thought I would ever say that to a woman who wasn't my mother, my sister or my Meemaw, but I do. And unlike your previous boyfriend," Sheldon shot a look of disdain to Leonard and then continued, "I am not expecting you to say it back to me, at least not yet or simply because I've said it. I simply wanted you to know how I felt about you. So you know how serious I am taking this relationship; how seriously I going to work to keep you happy and in my life." Sheldon bent his head and kissed her, ignoring Leonard and the evil glare he was receiving.

When he pulled away, Penny put her hand to his cheek and stroked it, her heart feeling full of love. "Sheldon, I…"

"Go ahead, Penny," Leonard interrupted raising his voice. "Go ahead and break his heart! Tell him 'thanks' like you told me! Tell him that you don't love him!"

"Leonard, for the love of God, be quiet!" Sheldon roared, surprising even himself at his response, but good Lord the man infuriated him to no end sometimes. He was behaving selfishly and for no reason. "Go on Penny," Sheldon urged her.

"I would have preferred to wait until tonight to talk with you about this but I feel you should know…I love you too, Sheldon."

Sheldon smiled as they heard Leonard gasped in surprise. He bent down to kiss her again and the both sighed contented and happy.

"Wait a damn minute here!" Leonard yelled interrupting them. "You tell HIM you love him? HIM? Yet you couldn't tell me! What the hell!"

Penny put her hand up. "Leonard, you're behaving like an idiot. You know why we didn't work out. I didn't love you – not the way you wanted me to. I'm sorry but it just wasn't there. I feel that with Sheldon. I'm not doing this to hurt you but honestly, how can you even stand there and be so arrogant and behave like we've betrayed you? You're in a relationship and even you agreed when we split up the last time that we weren't right for each other. But there you stand, acting like you own me. Just like Sheldon said, what you think about us doesn't matter but I would hope that you would be adult enough to accept it and be happy for us."

"Whatever," Leonard said in a huff and walked back into his bedroom slamming the door closed.

Sighing, Sheldon touched Penny's face. "Well that certainly could have gone better but I'm not sorry that I told you I love you. And I'm certainly ecstatic to find that you love me too. You do, right? You weren't just saying that to get back at Leonard?"

She should have been insulted but she could see where he was coming from. "Sheldon remember when you said that you'd never lie to me? Well I am saying the same to you. I will never lie to you – ever. I love you, Moonpie."

He smiled and didn't scold her for using his Meemaw's nickname for him – he just couldn't. She moved up to her tip-toes and pulled his mouth down to hers as they rested against the door and kissed for several more minutes until they pulled apart breathless.

"I really should take my shower or I'll be late for work," Sheldon told her, his forehead resting against hers.

"Yeah I need to take one too before my shift. I'll see you tonight after work?"

"Of course."

"Bye honey." She waved to him as she crossed the hall.

"Bye Penny," Sheldon replied realizing that at that moment, he'd never been happier in his entire life.

Then Sheldon Cooper did something he never allowed anyone else to do in his presence – he whistled happily on his way to take his turn in the bathroom.

On her break at work, Penny sent Sheldon a text. Hi honey. I miss you. Did you get to work okay?

A few moments later she received a reply. Yes, though Leonard was still in no mood to speak with me, he did give me a ride into work.

That's good, honey. He'll come around.

I suppose at some point. Raj and Howard now know also. Leonard could not keep it to himself.

That's okay, sweetie. I'm fine with them knowing. How did they react?

They appear to be satisfied with our relationship. I suspect, in part, due to them both being in successful relationships as well.

That's good. I'm sorry about this morning, honey. With Leonard.

No need to apologize. This was in no way your fault. It was all Leonard. Besides, it was one of my best mornings ever.

Penny smiled when she received that last text from Sheldon. Her heart swelled. She couldn't remember being this happy in any other of her past relationships. This was very different, for sure. Sheldon was still and likely would also be a pain in the ass, but he was her pain in the ass and she knew how to deal with him. Besides, everything else he did far made up for those idiosyncrasies.

Penny do you want to accompany me to the comic book store this evening?

I've love to honey but I have a surprise for you tonight and I want to be ready for after Halo.

Very well. I will see you for dinner and Halo later.

Penny put her phone away but had no sooner stood up to go back to her shift and it buzzed again. I love you, Penny

Penny felt the tears swell in her eyes. Quickly she replied: I love you too, honey.

After work, Penny entered her apartment and started to prepare for her surprise for Sheldon. She had decided, after all their sexually charged teasing and one-upmanship lately and now that they had declared their true feelings for each other that she wanted to do something special for him. She wanted him to know that this wasn't just about sex for her; she really loved him – all 6'2" of his whack-a-doodle self.

She knew everything they did was new to him and she understood that he didn't know a lot about romance and love and she wanted to show him in a way that was different from anything else they'd done. He deserved it. She was so proud that he had opened himself up to her. It was so very out of his comfort zone and yet he seemed to be adapting quite well.

Penny scrambled around for a couple of hours before the boys returned from the Comic Book store before dinner. Three knocks on the door told her that they were home and she went to the door to answer. Pulling it open, her heart soared as she looked into Sheldon's eyes – they were smiling just as his mouth was.

"Good evening, Penny. Did you have a good day?"

"Hi, honey. I had a great day but it's much better now that you're here."

She stepped forward and placed her hands on his chest. He licked his lips and leaned down, kissing her softly. She felt his hands on her hips and she moved closer to him, a moan escaping her mouth against his. She felt him smile against her lips.

"Holy crap!" they heard from behind them and turned in their embrace to find Howard and Raj standing outside of Sheldon's apartment, gapping at them in shock. While they knew that Penny and Sheldon were in a relationship now, actually seeing it was an entirely different matter. Leonard, of course, was nowhere to be found.

"Hello Howard. Raj," Penny greeted them with a smile before pulling her door closed behind her.

Sheldon took her hand and walked with her to his apartment for their meal, with Howard and Raj close on their heels, both stunned to silence. "How did you guys make out at the comic book store?"

Sheldon smiled as he walked her to the couch and helped her sit, before sitting down next to her – never releasing her hand the entire time. "It was exciting. I was able to finally get the 1971 Green Lantern #84. I've been looking for that one for years."

"That's great, honey. I'm so happy for you!" And she really was because the look on his face was priceless and she never wanted to see him sad ever.

Sheldon smiled. Neither noticed they had an audience. Leonard sat frowning at the entire exchange – his mood having not improved since that morning. Meanwhile, Raj and Howard sat and watched Sheldon and Penny with delight. Despite Leonard's foul mood, they were genuinely happy for their friends – surprised, but happy.

The group ate their meal and talked about many various things, including an upcoming audition Penny had for a sitcom. She wasn't confident she would get the part but Sheldon's support of her made her feel much better.

"So Penny…" Howard began. "Sheldon tells us that you have a surprise for him tonight."

Penny smiled. "Yes, Howard, I do. But it's a secret and only for Sheldon so I can't tell you about it."

"How 'bout you whisper it to me?" Raj smacked Howard in the arm.

"Thank you, Raj," Penny said smiling at the quiet man. "Howard, I'm sure you've heard this before but what Sheldon and I in do in private is just that – private."

Howard just shrugged his shoulders. "Hey, can't blame a guy for trying, can you?"

Sheldon frowned and shook his head. Some people would never evolve.

They played Halo for 90 minutes before Penny excused herself. "Honey, will you be done soon?" She leaned over and kissed his cheek, but her hand squeezed his thigh and he jumped a bit.

"Y…yes…I will be over in a few minutes. Would that be acceptable?"

"Sure, honey. I'll see you then." She kissed him again on the check, bid good-bye to the others and left for her apartment.

Fifteen minutes later, Penny heard Sheldon's three distinctive knocks on her door and she smiled, praying he would appreciate her surprise for him. She opened the door and Sheldon, who was about to greet her, stopped and gasped at what was before him. Penny's hair was up, though hung loosely down, strands lightly touching her face and shoulders. She wore a stunning red dress that showed her beautiful curves, with the back completely exposed and matching red 3" heels.

"Penny…you look…" Sheldon sighed, looking her over again. "Exquisite." He stepped towards her and closed the door behind him, his eyes unmoving from hers.

Penny smiled and blushed, feeling beautiful, sexy but most importantly, loved.

"Thank you, honey. I wanted to do something special for you tonight. To show you how I feel about you – how much I love you." Sheldon momentarily looked pained. "What's wrong, honey?"

"I believe that I am somewhat underdressed. I'm sorry. I should have asked what attire I should wear this evening."

Penny sighed, relief filling her. She took his hand and kissed the back of it. "No worries, honey. You look fine." He looked skeptical but she smiled again and said, "Really."

"Very well."

It was then that Sheldon noticed Penny's apartment – the aromas, the candles – the ambiance. It was…romantic. While he'd never been in this sort of situation before, he'd seen enough romance movies – movies that Penny made him sit through – to understand this was a romantic gesture on her part. And he loved her all the more.

Normally he might have scolded her for the open flames of the candles but he bite his tongue, not willing to say anything to ruin the moment that she'd obviously put a lot of thought into doing – for him.

Penny went to the counter and retrieved two wine glasses and small bottle of something Sheldon wasn't familiar with. He eyed her questionably and she took her hand and led him to the couch, encouraging him to sit.

"It's called port wine. It's a wine usually drank for dessert. I know you don't normally drink, honey but I thought you might want a little sip. Port wine isn't meant to be drunk in large quantities anyway – just a little bit. I think you'll like it. Do you want to try it?"

He couldn't deny her request. He was curious and wanted to try something new. He'd found that about himself a lot lately since being with her. For all he knew in the world, there was still so much that he didn't know – he was willing to concede that. So he nodded and she handed him the glass before sitting down gently next to him.

"That dress is…" He took a sip of the port wine. "Delicious."

Penny giggled. "I told you that you'd like the wine."

Sheldon shook his head. "You misunderstand. Yes, I like the wine…but it's you that I find delicious – you…in that dress. The back…open and exposing your beautiful back. It's quite appealing." He took another sip of wine.

Penny leaned closer to him and gently kissed his lips, tasting the port wine on them. His left hand moved up and behind her, settling on the warm exposed skin of her back. She moaned against his mouth. He was aware that because her entire back was exposed that it meant she wasn't wearing a bra and his heart beat quickened. He loved her breasts. He loved everything about her.

"Simply delicious," he stated, his mouth moving over hers as his hand caressed her back with feather light touches.

They broke apart, both breathing heavier but content as they settled into the couch together.

"This is nice," Penny sighed, her hand on his chest.

"Hmm…" Sheldon quietly agreed.

They sat without speaking for quite some time, simply enjoying holding each other and the warmth between them. Finally Penny moved to stand up.

"I have more to this surprise, honey," she said, taking his wine and placing it on the table with hers. She offered her hand and he readily accepted it, climbing off the couch. "I know that you don't really like to do this but I was hoping that you would indulge me, just this once."

Penny flipped the switch on her stereo and romantic music filtered through the apartment. She stepped up to him and waited.

"Of course I will indulge you. While I am not a very good dance, I find wanting to touch you further in that dress a great inspiration to accept your request."

He smiled and Penny giggled, feeling a bit like a teenager all over again.

Sheldon took her hand in his and pulled it to his chest while wrapping his other hand around to again caress her silky exposed back. Penny put her arm up to rest on his shoulder and sighed softly against him. They swayed to the music, their bodies pressing together as they moved. Penny smiled when she felt Sheldon's hand move lower on her back, resting on the small of her back right where the gap in the dress ended – just above her round but firm buttocks.

"Is this okay?" she whispered against his ear.

"Very okay. I don't believe this is a very difficult indulgence after all."

"I'm glad." She pulled back slightly and looked into his beautiful blue eyes before gently placing her lips on his. Sheldon moaned softly at the kiss, wanting more, but sensing that this kiss was soft for a reason so he let Penny guide him. "You're an incredible kisser, honey."

Sheldon blushed. "Thank you, Penny. I think you're an incredible kisser as well, though I do not have anything really to compare…" he stopped himself. "I suspect no one would ever kiss me better than you."

Penny sighed and kissed him again, this time parting her lips slowly. She felt his tongue enter her mouth and they moaned together. There was no hurry here; no battle to be dominant. They just enjoyed their leisurely – albeit sensual and hot – kisses.

A short time later, Penny drew back from Sheldon and shut the music off. She took his hand, leading him to her bedroom. It too, like the living room, was filled with many lit candles and it smelled of jasmine, just like Penny.

"Sit here, honey," Penny said, directing him to the foot of the bed. He did as she requested - his pulse racing at the unknown of what she might do next.

Penny turned on yet another stereo, the music emanating from it a bit more upbeat than the music to which they'd just danced together. Penny turned her back to Sheldon, standing about ten feet away and began to sway to the music. Sheldon gulped as he watched her shapely body gyrate to the music, her hips swaying while her hands moved over her body. He wished it was his hands that caressed her, not her hands but he instinctively understood that this was her show and he wasn't to move from his spot.

Penny moved to the music, getting lost in the sensualness of the moment –enjoying the way that Sheldon's piercing blue eyes moved over her with an expression of love and desire. She moved her hands over her derriere and then around to gently wisp over her breasts before caressing her own neck. She then slipped the small straps of her dress down and off her shoulders, turning away from Sheldon, showing her back. As she slipped the material down her arms, freeing them, she held the material momentarily before allowing the dress to cascade down and pool at her feet.

She stood there, naked from the waist up, offering Sheldon the complete view of her back. She wore only a small pair of red panties and the red pumps. Reaching up, she pulled the few pins from her hair and it cascaded down her back.

Sheldon groaned. "Penny…"

Smiling, Penny turned her arms hugged about her body to cover her nipples but not enough to hide quite a bit of flesh to his appreciative eyes. She continued to move to the music, leaving the dress on the floor – which Sheldon apparently didn't notice, or didn't care. When she raised her arms to sway to the music, Sheldon gasped at the sight of her breasts. Sure, he'd seen them before, but the way she moved – the way they moved – he nearly lost it right there. She was a vision and he didn't know how much longer he could take this.

He groaned again. "P…Penny…"

"Soon, honey…" she said softly, continuing to dance. She moved her hands to her hips, hooking her thumbs inside the waist of her panties, as if she was going to slide them down. Instead, she toyed with the fabric before moving her hands back up and softly cupped her breasts.

Disappointment danced on Sheldon's face and she bit back a laugh. She was torturing him – she knew it. But he would be rewarded for that patience soon enough.

After several more torturous minutes, Penny moved and turned off the music. She approached Sheldon, helped him to his feet and began to undress him. She could already see he was hard but he was being so patient and she loved him for it. She slipped his shirts up over his head and put them on the chair behind her. Putting her hands on his chest, she noted how warm he felt. She leaned forward and kissed his neck, nibbling softly on his collarbone before going lower. Sheldon moaned and reached for her.

"No touching, honey. Not yet." Sheldon moaned again but acquiesced.

Penny went back to kissing his chest, loving the warmth of him on her lips. Her mouth suckled one of his nipples and he gasped in surprise. She tongued it until it was a hard little bud, then bit very gently. Sheldon moaned again and Penny didn't think she could ever get tired of hearing that sound from him. She moved to his other nipple and repeated her actions. She kissed a trail down his stomach until she reached the top of his pants.

Without touching his erection, Penny carefully undid his pants and slipped them down his legs and off. She tossed them onto the chair to join his shirts. She could see his hardness straining against her briefs and she fought back a moan, determined to do this the way she'd planned.

Kneeling before him, Penny kissed his thighs, her hands caressing up and down his legs. When she touched the back of his knee, Sheldon giggled and jumped slightly.

"Sorry…that tickles," he said sheepishly.

"Mmm…no need to apologize honey," she replied, kissing her way back up his legs until she was once again at eye level with his cock. She placed a tiny kiss against his briefs and she felt it twitch. She smiled. Slipping her fingers inside the top of his briefs, she carefully slipped the tight material over his erection and let them fall to the floor. His cock bobbed in front of her but she refrained from touching it, much to Sheldon's dismay.

Penny stood back up and with her hand on Sheldon's shoulder, she slipped off her shoes, remaining only in her panties. "Lay down on your stomach on the bed, honey," she instructed.

It took some adjusting given his arousal but finally Sheldon lay on his stomach, his head resting on his arms. Penny climbed onto the bed and straddled his thighs. Learning forward, she kissed the back of his neck, over his shoulders and then sat up, placing her hand on his back. She began to knead the muscles in his back and Sheldon moaned in pleasure. She moved her hands over his entire back and sides, massaging him deeply as he continued to moan. She loved that she could make him feel like this.

Shimming down further to his feet, she caressed his derriere and Sheldon giggled, which in turn had Penny giggling. She loved the tautness of his buttocks and gave each cheek a kiss before moving her hands down to his thighs, massaging everywhere but refraining from touching him intimately at his groin. She kneaded down his right leg, then up his left, again being careful to not get too close to his groin.

Moving back up and off to the side, Penny instructed Sheldon to turn over. He did as instructed and it was impossible to see his hard-as-rock cock thrusting into the air. Sheldon eyed her hopefully but she just smiled and straddled him again, sitting on his hips, his cock barely touching her ass.

"Penny…" he sighed, looking at the beautiful woman on top of him.

Penny leaned forward and kissed him softly, her tongue gently lining his mouth, then down to this throat to his shoulder. She then sat up and began to massage his shoulders, down his arms and across his chest.

Sheldon closed his eyes in pleasure until Penny spoke. "Sheldon, honey…I want you to watch me."

Sheldon opened his eyes and watched her face as she moved her hands over him, kneading and squeezing his body – giving him immense pleasure just from her touch. He wanted to reach out and caress her breasts, touch and kiss her neck but he refrained. He knew that he wasn't supposed to touch her. And while he knew it wasn't possible to literally die from not being able to touch her, he know understood the exaggerated expression.

"I love you, Sheldon," Penny said looking into his eyes. "I don't think I've ever felt like this with anyone before."

She massaged his hips that sat between her thighs before moving over and again, moving down and up his legs, her hands touching every inch of his skin except his groin.

"Penny," Sheldon sighed. "I love you as well. And we both know that I've never felt like this with anyone before. I cannot begin to express how I feel about you. There are no words…"

Penny felt the tears swell in her eyes and smiled. "Thank you, honey. Those words were just fine." Sheldon smiled.

Penny moved from off of Sheldon and laid beside him, kissing him deeply, her hands caressing his chest as her tongue tickled and danced in his mouth. Sheldon's moans encouraged her.

"Make love to me, Sheldon…please."

Sheldon sighed against her mouth. "You needn't ask twice," he said as he gently laid her on her back and knelt up between her open legs. Bracing himself over her, he gently put his cock to her and slid inside, slowly and with care. He understood how different this was to their last sexual encounters. They were really making love now – not just fucking.

When he was fully inside her, he leaned down and kissed her passionately. "I love you, Penny," he said softly against her lips as he began to move inside her.

Penny wrapped her legs around his back and put her hands on his back, letting him guide his own movements. She was letting him take the lead this time, putting aside her need to always be the aggressor.

"Oh Sheldon," Penny sighed as she stroked inside her, slowly and steady. His eyes never left hers as he brought them closer and closer to a release. His hips started to move faster, and she gasped as he shifted his hips slightly and she felt him hit that spot. "OHHH Sheldon!" she gasped and came with a start.

She clinched around him and Sheldon fought for control. He slowed down again and then stopped as she trembled around him. He kissed her again, then moved his lips down to her throat and kissed the hollow between her neck and shoulder.

"Penny…" he gasped, trying to not lose it yet. It was too soon. He wanted to keep this feeling – with her – forever. "Can we try something?"

Penny smiled, loving that he wanted to experiment. "What do you have in mind honey?"

"I understand if you don't wish to…and it's not optimal for us to be able to see each other as we make love, but…"

Penny got it. She knew what he was asking and she was happy to oblige. "Sure honey…anything you want to try is fine."

Sheldon helped her to her knees, then placing a pillow down, he gently guided her to lie over the pillow with them beneath her stomach, causing her ass to stick in the air a little. She opened her legs and was surprised when he closed them. "No," was all he said.

Penny groaned, knowing exactly what he wanted to do. It wasn't something that occurred often for her – usually she was either on top, or in missionary or on her hands and knees. This was somewhat rare.

Sheldon straddled her legs. Her pussy lips, swollen and wet were displayed between her closed thighs and Sheldon nearly came as he put the head of his cock to her lips and pushed inside with a moan. Leaning down over her, he braced his hands on each side of her shoulders and he kissed her shoulder. Then he pulled back and thrust in again – the tightness between her legs made all the more by the fact that her legs were closed together. The sensation over his cock as he slid in and out of her was amazing and he groaned in pleasure.

He noticed then that she had slipped a hand beneath her and knew she was teasing her clit as he stroked inside her.

"Yes, Penny…" he moaned, "touch yourself. Come on my cock."

Penny moaned and rubbed herself harder as Sheldon's thrusts picked up speed. It was a strange but so hot feeling of being fucked like this and she was amazed that he'd thought of it.

"Oh Sheldon…I'm going to come!"

"Yessss….do it. Come."

Sheldon was gasping for air now, his hips thrusting harder, causing her to rub harder against her clit. "OHhhhhh….Sheldon!" she screamed as she came.

Her pussy clamped over his cock and nearly stopped his thrusts she was squeezing so tight but he kept thrusting, feeling his own orgasm building up. She continued to contract around him and Sheldon finally let out a hoarse cry and came, thrusting several more times while he expelled himself inside her.

Once spent, he pulled gently from her and lay beside her, pulling out the pillow so she was more comfortable. They were both gasping for air but both were content and satisfied.

She leaned over and kissed him to which he responded in kind. "That was…wow!" she said. Sheldon chuckled, his arms and legs weak now. "Where did you learn about that?"

"Howard sent me a porn video once and the couple was engaged such as that. I found it fascinating. So different from…because the woman's legs were not spread wide while... I imagined it felt different…and I was correct."

"Mmm…yes it's different that way."

"I still would always prefer to have you facing me when we make love, however," he said with a sly smile.

"Me too, honey. I love to watch your face when you come."

Sheldon blushed but added. "As do I like to see your face. Thank you, Penny. This was a wonderful surprise."

Penny smiled and kissed him again. "You're welcome, honey. I'm glad you enjoyed it."

"Hmm…yes. Very much." And they both giggled.

Then held each other for a while, softly talking about their evening, before deciding to take a shower – together.

Later, they changed her sheets and slid into bed together, both content to fall asleep in each other's arms.