A/N: This is the unedited version. I sincerely apologize for any mistakes.
You wake up Saturday morning due to a distant rumble of thunder and your room still as dark as hell. You can hear the wind from your window and the quick hail knock on the glass. You remember from last night that you got at home at like midnight, and it was a good thing Feliciano was sleeping. You sneak your way to your bedroom and slid your way to your bed as soon as you walked in to the room.
You kick off the covers and go downstairs; checking your phone on your pocket to make sure it's there. You remember last night about the possibility that your brother might be spying you, so you thought of good excuses to say to your brother while you stand near the kitchen door.
The sound of the fridge yanking open makes Feliciano to turn his head. He greeted you with his normal "Ciao~" and "Good morning" and you all responded with a nod. You grab the orange juice from the fridge and a glass from the cupboard, and poured half of the cup some juice. As you were about to drink, Feliciano passed by you with a plate filled with eggs and bacon. "Brother, how was your little rendezvous with this person went?" Feliciano asked, his tone is genuinely curious. You can't tell whether he knows it or not.
"It was good. I mean I've been with that person ever since grade school, so I kind of know what type of place we would go to."
"So…where did you go?"
"You know, those …clubs where…uh, bands perform and stuff. No more goddamn questions and eat your eggs and bacon!"
Feliciano quirks a brow and later shrugs it off and continued to eat his breakfast.
Hoo boy. That's was a fairly good excuse.
You two finished your breakfast and did some few chores on the room, and you can't help but notice Joao not texting you or calling you. I mean you're kind of relieved and sad at the time, Feliciano might get a little bit curious and ask whose calling and YOU have to make another plausible excuse.
"So do you have anything planned today?" Feliciano asked, his eyes are darted on the TV remote.
"No…not really." You say regretfully.
"Yay! Its been a while since we've had a decent time together. Do you want to watch a movie?"
"With this weather? I'd rather stay at home."
"The we'll watch some of the movies I've rented!"
All you did was groan in response which meant "yes" in your brother's language. All of the movies he had sucked as hell and it's not even funny. He would always look for shitty romcom movies involving a girl and a guy having issues and gets resolved in the end. Soooooooo great.
As it turns out, the movie he got wasn't that bad at all. You are not rather fond of action/romance kind of genres, but the story was decent, and kind of interesting. You watch as the main character enters the bar with his friend and oh, now he's with his sister. And another friend. Who seems to be a little bit weird.
"So the story is about this guy who cheats on his girlfriend because he has the hots for this other girl, and the girl obviously likes him back, but to date this girl, he needs to fight what, seven of his ex boyfriends? Wow. This is just, oh my god, what – "
"Amazing? Good? Decent? Incredible?" Your brother prompts and his eyes are still on the screen.
"Lame." You lie and you snicker. Man, you can't just help it. You lean down on the couch as your brother starts to explain how the movie was amazing, and you just stare at the screen where the two…
Two guys were kissing.
"Oh, remember Wallace? He's Scott's roommate and he's-!"
Ding dong.
"Someone's at the door." Feliciano informed you.
"Naww, its fucking raining hard outside, and it's probably the sound effects in the movie."
Ding dong.
"Oh. Last time I checked, they're listening to this lame rockband who doesn't seem to be good at all. Uh, I think you need to check, brother."
"Ugh, alright. But I highly doubt that there's a person who will come here with this kind of weather." You say and you stand up, walking to the door. Oh, wow. There is a person outside. Who in the hell would come here with this awful weather? He looks awfully familiar though. Brown curly hair, tanned skin, vivid green eyes…
"Oh, uh, Hey, Lovi." A completely drenched Antonio stands on your doorstep, rain streaming down his hair and clothes. For a second it come so unexpected, it's like no one knows what to do. Until your brother tagged along after and welcomed Antonio.
"Antonio! What are you doing here? Come inside, quickly! You're going to get sick!" he says.
"Oh, uh. Thanks, Feli. I-Im sorry about this," he says, teeth clattering as he goes inside, hugging himself tightly. He's not even wearing a jacket, just his simple plain shirt that's mostly transparent and clinging to his shivering form.
"I'll go get you some towels." You say and walked as fast as you can upstairs. You hurry to the bathroom, your brain racing to catch up the situation. Something must be going on for Antonio to show up like this, and you're afraid to find out what it is. A voice in your head tells you one thing: He knows.
As you hurry down with two fluffy towels on your arms, you hear Feliciano's surprised voice.
"You walked all the way here?"
"Yeah, uh. It's no big deal, really. Im sorry for dripping all over the carpet." Antonio says, which sounds a bit too casual.
"Don't worry, it'll dry." Feliciano says kindly.
"You hand over the towels to Antonio who takes them, and began to dry himself up. The room falls silent and no one in the room has the courage to ask what happened to him. Finally Feliciano speaks up and tries to stay as calm as possible.
"Antonio, what happened?"
You can tell Antonio is feeling hesitant before he answers, he stops drying himself and paused.
"I had a fight with my brother…Is it okay if I stay here?"
Your stomach is doing nervous flips now, and you are staring as hard as you can at Antonio's profile while he looks at Feliciano, but his expression is unreadable.
"Of course! You can stay here any time you want." Feliciano says. "Lovi, do you have any more extra shirts? I think mines are all too small for him."
"I think I do." You say and you two began walking upstairs to find Antonio a pair. Its not until you've closed the door to your bedroom behind you that you didn't realize you haven't spoken a word to each other. You lean against your door and this time you took your time and really, really look at him, and you can see how he's really bony and hunched and his head is down.
You pass him some clothes and he nods as a thank you. You look away and try as hard as you can not to stare at him as he quickly strips off his damp clothes.
"Im sorry for barging in unexpected," he says, as he paused mid way. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."
"Oh, you came in the right time." You say, your mouth twitches up to a smirk. "My brother and I are watching those RomCom movies again. You know how I hate those kinds of movies."
He chuckles and returns back to his usual face. "I see."
"I find this just a bit weird. I honestly don't know what's going on with your brother." You say, and it's the truth.
"Its no big deal. We can probably just ignore it, Lovi." He says.
"Give me a little credit, Antonio. Im not forcing any of this. I seriously want to fucking know what's going on." You say, almost like a command. You almost felt guilty when he didn't respond right away, but Antonio seems like he's relieved to be defeated.
"Alright. I'll tell you after I change. I'll tell you everything." He mumbles and retreats his way to the bathroom. You make sure the door is shut tight when you checked your phone for any recent texts from him. You tap your phone to check, but there was no word from Joao ever since you two texted back and forth last night.
You put aside your phone and decided not to think about it anymore. Joao might get furious when he find out he's here, and you don't want to cause another issue. For now, Antonio's your top priority and you can ask Joao another time.
He's taking a bit longer at the bathroom so you took your time to prepare his bed next to you and added more pillows and blankets.
When Antonio comes back from the bathroom the tension between you too vanishes because the outfit you've given him was definitely small for his own height. The pajama pants you have lent him falls down just above his ankles. You try not to laugh but it became audible a few minutes after looking at him.
"Whats so funny?" he asks, completely puzzled.
"You look like a total idiot with those pants."
He blushes and tries to lower his pants down a bit below his ankles.
"Oh, uh, it's not my fault you're short, Lovi." He smirks.
"Well, maybe you're just too tall." You say as you tried to think of a good comeback. "So, uh, let's cut to the chase. I don't want to be all pushy or anything, but It sounds that you think that I don't care and im not letting this go," you admit.
Antonio sits down next to you, and gave you and apologetic sigh. "I never said that I think you didn't care."
"Seriously, you kind of fucking hinted it, idiot."
"Oh, did I? I'm sorry, then..." he says, and continued on. "He just asked me a bunch of odd questions, is all. I don't really get half of them, but I think he's implying something."
Your stomach fills up with curiosity and nervousness and you become hesitant to ask. "L-like what…?"
"I don't know, questions mostly about my school life or something. Francis and Gilbert have been acting a lot weird too, ever since yesterday. "
Oh those two. They probably know by now, but it looks like they didn't tell Antonio yet…"So how did you guys fight?"
"Oh well, he just got mad at me for spilling juice on his art. He'll recover soon. For the meantime, I'll stay with you. I usually stay with either Francis or Gilbert, but why not you this time?" he managed to smile, and you can tell it's genuine. Your smile became somehow awkward and your eyes are darting all over the place. You try not to blush, but you couldn't just help it.
"Is something the matter?" he asks, tilting his head.
"Ah, nothing! Fuck, its just that…you have a really…nice face." You say and you immediately covered your mouth after you said it. Oh my gosh what did you just even said. Why did you decide to be honest right now. Why.
"Oh, uh nothing! So do you want to watch a movie? With Feliciano, of course."
Its late at night, and the movie is not even over yet. You three decided to play some board games first before restarting the whole movie again, and ate dinner after. Right now the main character is still fighting the fifth and sixth evil ex boyfriends, and it's getting kind of boring now.
After the movie ended, the whole room turned dark as the credits began to roll. You didn't notice that you fell asleep during the movie and your head is entirely leaning on Antonio's shoulder. You sit up and blinked wearily at the screen, you move your arm to wake up Feliciano but he's not in the couch and you find yourself hitting an empty arm chair. He's not in the spot where he sat on. He's not on the floor. He's not on the couch. He's definitely not in the kitchen.
You nudge Antonio and grabbed his arm completely, but it turned out to be useless. He just sat on the couch again and tucked himself like a baby. You decide to yell at him after.
You went upstairs and you couldn't help but notice your room is wide open. You room was dark, except at the side where Feliciano was standing, looking at your phone.
"Wh-what the fuck are you doing?" you ask drowsily as you begin to walk up to him.
"Brother…Who is Joao…? And what is he to you?" Feliciano asks, looking sincerely upset.
"I…I don't know what you're talking about."
"He seems to like you a lot. You two go on dates and be all cuddly." Feliciano continues as he ended pestering your phone.
"So it was you who was spying on me."
"I just wanted to make sure where you were going! Besides, Francis spotted you somewhere near a dark street post and that's where I became really worried."
"Guess what? I can perfectly take care of myself, Feliciano. I should be the one taking care of you. And Joao is none of your fucking business. " you say rather harshly. You didn't notice you were yelling so loud, that you woke Antonio up. He is standing right behind you, completely lost at the strange sight of you two fighting.
"What are you guys talking about…uh…er, Joao, I heard?" he asks, rubbing both of his eyes gently and stares at both of you. Specifically at you.
"I think its about time to tell him." Feliciano demands and you got Antonio's full attention now.
"Guess what this conversation is about? Not that particular topic. And guess whose business that still isn't, fucking yours, that's right."
Both of them tilted their heads as they looked at you, not amused.
"Did my brother call or…something?" Antonio asks as he drops himself down on the bed, rolling on the other side.
"No, but I think big brother here has something to say!~" Feliciano declares, walking to the door and slowly closing it, leaving a tiny space for his mouth to talk to. "Don't mess this up, brother. Make sure you tell him, otherwise this whole thing you've created will cause an uproar." He whispers, and left.
You shivered, and took a step to where Antonio was. Antonio's face was covered by the pillows as he lay down on the opposite side. You sit down on the edge of the bed, and you begin to talk.
"So, uh, Antonio…" you prompt.
You waited for a response, but nothing came out. All you here was the ticking of your clock, and the sound of Antonio snoring.
You groan and decided to give up and probably will tell him tomorrow.
You crawled in to bed, stealing a glimpse at the tired brunette, listening to his snoring that made you fell asleep.
a free cookie for the person who knows the movie they're watching~