A/N: The way this story works is that there will be a few sections of the story dedicated to each character. So like the first few chapters would be all about Amelia and Alfred (BUT IT'S NOT! I'm starting with someone else, that was just an example), but that's how it will work. It's going to keep going like that and once I get everyone done, I'll do the cycle again. So it's like a bunch of short stories about each character and they each have more than one. It's a bit hard to explain, but you'll understand after the 16th chapter or so…

Nyotalia Axis Powers

Chapter 1

England blinked, once, twice and then turned around to face the other countries.

"There's people in there." He said blankly. The other nations immediately stopped their quiet chatter between themselves and looked at England as he stood in front of the entrance to the World Conference meeting room.

"What do you mean there's people in there?" America asked, confused. England rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as he replied sarcastically.

"Oh nothing, it's just code for 'I pissed myself.'" He glared at said country (who chuckled in return) before turning to Germany. "What now?"

Germany cracked open the door and saw a room filled with people. Not just any people, they all seemed to be girls. None of them seemed to notice all of the countries spying at them through the door, and they were all chatting. Though it seemed more like fighting if you looked and listened closely.

"So that is why I say we should try to build a giant vacuum to suck up all of the air pollution throughout the world!" A girl (obviously American) said cheerfully and proudly. She had short light brown/blond hair with two red pins clipped onto her bangs. She wore a brown bomber jacket, unzipped and underneath it showed a bikini top that was decorated with the America flag. She wore a brown skirt, brown cowboy boots and had dark blue eyes that shined with independence and confidence.

"Honestly, where do you come up with these ideas?" Another girl asked with an English accent. She had long blond hair tied up in two skinny pig-tails and wore glasses that covered her dark green (narrow I might add) eyes. She wore a casual grey collared sweater and a dark blue plaid skirt along with knee high socks and black slip on shoes. "They're more stupid than France."

France, having trying to listen in on the conversation through the door along with the other countries, gasped, obviously offended.

"Stupid? What makes you think I'm stupid?" A brown haired woman asked, putting her hand onto her chest in shock. She obviously had a French accent*. She wore her brown hair in a bun, along with a small tiara and a purple cape around her shoulders. Underneath it, she wore a dark blue suit top and a long white flowing skirt. "At least I can cook."

"What? Are you trying to imply something! I can cook just as well as the next person!" The blond shrieked. The American chuckled.

"Unless that next person is China, I don't think so." She said, causing the English girl to change her glare into her direction.

"Are they talking about us?" America asked in a whisper (at least he tried to whisper, he was too used to being loud.)

"Who else is named France and China, you git?" England asked, trying to stop him from talking so they wouldn't be noticed and so he could hear.

"You ass! You never tasted my cooking, aru!" A short and petite Chinese girl yelled. Her short black hair had two buns on both sides of her head and there was two strands framing her face. She wore a Chinese shirt that had the sleeves so long that they covered her hands. She slammed her cloth covered fist on the table and glared at the American, unintentionally looking adorable. "You so immature!"

Next to the Chinese girl, was a blonde (almost bleached colored) girl with hair that went down to her waist. She giggled, her violet eyes twinkling with what seemed like innocence.

"China, you're so adorable when you're angry, Da?" She asked, speaking with a thick Russian accent. She pushed a strand of hair behind her ear with her gloved hand and smiled brightly. She was wearing a long pink coat with white fuzz on the collar and the sleeves. In her hair was a pink headband that has a small fluff of white fur and two strings with fur connected at the ends were attached to said fluff of fur. (That made no sense, did it?)

The Chinese girl shivered at the Russian girl's voice and tried to ignore her. Meanwhile, a girl with light brown (and I mean very light brown) short pig-tails was sitting in a corner, hugging a white stuffed (or at least it seemed to be stuffed) polar bear doll that had a pink flower near its ear. She had a pleasant smile on her face along with some glasses that rested over her dark blue almost violet eyes. She had a red beret on and a long red coat, white strips and a pattern of red maple leaves.

"Hey, sis! Come here and tell Britain that her cooking does too suck!" The American called over to the girl, who jumped at being called.

"Huh what? Oh yeah, Canada's here too." The English girl mumbled before turned back to the American one. "My cooking does not suck!"

"At least there are some people who will remember me, like America and France." The girl said to her bear with a soft voice. The bear looked up at her with its blank beady eyes.

"Who are you?" It asked with a child-like girly voice. The girl answered immediately, as if used to the question.

"I'm Canada."

The other countries (the ones who were watching secretly) gasped quietly.

"Wait, there's two Canada's?" England asked. He turned to America, as if he knew the reason to this mystery. America shrugged before placing an arm over his brother's shoulder (A/N: HUGE UsCan fan here. Also a fan of FrUk, too.)

"Don't look at me; if I had a sister, I think I would know." He said. Canada, who was too busy trying to peek into the room, didn't notice his brother's arm.

The countries continued to watch the girls bicker and yell, and it progressively got worse. So much worse, that the English girl and the French girl were trying to choke each other… literally.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" A German voice yelled. England and the others thought it was Germany, until they saw a blond woman stand up and bang both of her hands against the table. Her hair was shorter than Germany's and her eyes were the same color. She wore a long dark green coat with a black tank top underneath and black headphones around her neck. She also wore black combat boots on her feet. "I have had enough of your constant and immature bickering. We will proceed with this meeting and actually try to get things done like we're supposed to instead of having silly chitter chatter. Now, if you have an idea, you will state it clearly and only within the time limit of 8 minutes. If I so much as hear a whisper after your 8 minutes is up, you will be sorry!"

Everyone immediately got quiet and sat back down in their seats, obviously intimidated.

"At least there's one sane person there." Germany muttered.

"Now, does anyone have a question or wish to say anything?" The German girl asked. On the other side of the table, a short girl with brown hair tied in a high pony-tail raised her hand. "Italy, you may go." The girl gave a huge smile before pointing over to the door.

"Does anyone know who those perverts at the door are?" She asked with an Italian accent. Eight pairs of eyes (not including the Italian girl's) looked over at the door and five narrowed in suspicion.

"Oh poo." England muttered.*

A/N: *I'm not gonna bother with actually typing out their accents, it takes too much thought and I'm not good with French accents. Oddly enough, I'm good at all other accents.

*I have always wanted to hear an English man say 'Oh poo.'

Anyways, that's the first chapter. The next one should already be up if you're reading this. The way I work is that when I start a story, I write the first 5 or so chapters and then post the first one on here. That way, my lovely readers don't have to suffer waiting for the next chapter~~~~! … God I sound like France…

The eight people who looked over at the door were Germany, Japan, England, France, America, China, Russia and Canada. Those who narrowed their eyes were Germany, Japan, England, France, and China. America, Russia and Canada didn't. I was hoping you could figure it out yourselves but I just felt the need to say this.