
A frenzy of emotion, as for something unattainable.

I'm posting this because no one seems to want me to focus on My Puppy Shiro. Because if you guys wanted me to update it, I assume you would've told me in a review. I settled for 5 last week, but no more. No updates till 10 reviews.

Chapter 1

"Hey Ichi- Oh my gosh! Ichigo!" Yuzu shouted, dropping the small towel she had been rubbing her hands dry with. Quickly stepping forward into her brother's room, she called for her twin sister. "Karin! Quick, Ichigo is hurt!"

Running as fast as she could at the sound of her distressed sister, Karin soon arrived in the doorway. Her grey eyes flew open as they took in the sight before her.

Ichigo Kurosaki was passed out on his bed with numerous bandages holding him together. The deep scarlet of his blood had already begun to soak through the wrappings on his forehead.

"Yuzu! Go get dad! And tell him to bring some supplies from the clinic!" Nodding, the small blonde ran past Karin in a hurry to reach their father, who was currently in the family clinic.

Karin moved closer to Ichigo's bed as she tried to overcome her sudden, immense fear. He couldn't be dead; logic told her that. Once you're dead, there's no heartbeat to keep you bleeding.

Coming to a stop next to his head, she fell to the floor, on her knees. She reached a tentative hand out, toward his forehead, but stopped once she heard her father rush into the room. Yuzu stood back in the doorway, too afraid to come closer.

"Karin, take Yuzu down. Watch the clinic." Isshin grunted, unusually serious.

"R-right." Karin mumbled, leading her sister down and away from their fading brother.

Later that night, Isshin had assured the twins that Ichigo would be alright, but he might not wake up for a while.

Karin was furious. First, he just goes and disappears for days, and then there he is; lying on his bed, unconscious and seriously wounded! What could he have possibly been out doing?


After a long, restless night, Karin rolled out of bed and strode out through her door and down the stairs. Surprisingly though, she wasn't consumed by any scents. Proving her suspicions, Karin glanced into the kitchen. It was empty. The lights hadn't even been turned on! Jogging back up the stairs, Karin knocked on her twin sister's door.

Upon entering, she discovered that the blonde hadn't slept in, like she had assumed. She was just sitting on her bed, staring off into space.

"Hey, Yuzu?" Karin asked, moving further into the dark room. Yuzu looked up.

"Oh, good morning Karin." She gave a faint smile. It was an effort, at least.

"Aren't you coming to school today?" Karin wondered. Yuzu lied back down in bed.

"I don't think I'd be able to concentrate."

"Yuzu… You know Ichi wouldn't want you to worry."

"And Ichigo knows we don't want him to run off and get himself in trouble." She shot back, rolling onto her side.

Karin sighed. "Well alright. I'll bring your work home."

"Thanks, Karin."

And with that, Karin turned and walked back out into the hall, closing her sister's door behind her. Now she was worried about both her siblings. Isn't that just great?

Going back over to her own bedroom, Karin hurriedly changed into her grey school uniform. She and her sister Yuzu were freshmen at Karakura High. Her older brother, Ichigo, was a senior.

Since no one had prepared breakfast, and there was no time to sit and eat it anyway, Karin grabbed a pre-washed apple off the dining table.


Once she had arrived at school, she dumped the core of the apple into the garbage, and set her bag down so she could change her shoes.

As Karin sat on the bench, unlacing her signature red calf-high boots she had come in, she couldn't help but overhear the conversation a group of girls were having behind her.

"Hey, guys, have you seen those seniors yet?"

"You mean the Seireitei guys?"

"Yea! I wonder what happened? They're all bruised and cut up. They seemed just fine on Friday..."

Karin's eyes widened. Seniors… injured. By now she had finished with her shoes. Jumping up from the bench, Karin turned around. "Hey, where can I find the seniors you're talking about?"

The older girls looked down at Karin curiously. They had never met, yet she spoke to them so familiarly.

"Ah… I just saw Kuchiki walking that way a little while ago." One of the girls answered, pointing down a hall. Karin grabbed her bag and raced down the designated hallway, calling a thank you over her shoulder.

Unfortunately though, she didn't see anyone still loitering around in this hall. As she was running though, she heard a hushed voice say her name. Stopping in front of the door it came from, she closed her eyes and focused on listening.

"Did you drop Kurosaki off okay?" a deep, male voice pondered.

"Yes, it went fine. Nobody noticed me. I checked back in early this morning, and it seems his family found him and have been taking care of him." A low, yet feminine voice answered.

"Good. We can't have anybody associating him with us." The first voice responded.

"Yea, wouldn't want to get in trouble or anything." A third voice said. This one, like the first, belonged to a man.

Laughter, ranging from low chuckles to loud howls, filled the room.

"Shut up. This is hardly the time to be laughing." The first voice said.

"Oh, but Captain, we should enjoy life while we can! We were so close to losing, the other night!" A high pitched voice female whined.

"Exactly. Spend your time training, so that doesn't happen again!" the first voice, now angry, shouted.

Karin, by this point, was seething. Her brother was lying in his bed, unconscious, and they were laughing. She opened her eyes, about ready to storm in there and set them straight, when she realized her cover was blown.

Upon opening her eyes, Karin found herself intimately close to a man's chest. Looking up, she was greeted with white hair, teal eyes, and an angry frown, all placed perfectly on an angular face.

Finally able to assess the situation, Karin covered her surprise up with anger. How did he open the door without her even hearing? How long had he been observing her eavesdropping? She pushed those thoughts aside, and grabbed the grey school jacket of the man in front of her.

Before she could get a word out, the man spoke. "I suggest you unhand me." This made Karin angrier.

"And who the hell are you to tell me what to do?" She roared.

The man appeared unfazed by her harsh words. Instead, he simply raised an eyebrow, and gave her a once over with his cold eyes.

"Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe I am your upperclassman. Freshman, right?" he responded.

Karin's glare intensified.

The man smirked. "Thought so. Look, little girl," he paused as he effortlessly tore her hands off of his blazer. "I advise you learn manners. Here's a crash course: never touch a stranger so familiarly, know your superiors, and never eavesdrop. It could get you into quite a bit of trouble one day." With that, the man turned and made his way down the hall.

Looking away from his retreating figure to the doorway he had just come from, she found the space occupied. There was a red haired woman with large breasts watching her with wide eyes. Beside her stood a short, angry girl with violet eyes and black hair. Behind her was a tall man, about the same height as her brother, with his bright red hair pulled up into a pony tail.

"Matsumoto!" The white haired man called. Blinking, the red-headed female detached herself from the group, and went running after him.

"Coming, Captain!" She called.

Now seeing an opening, Karin noticed the room behind the remaining two figures was filled with many older students who she had never noticed around the school before. Karin watched as, one by one, they filed out and left her alone in the hallway.

Too stunned to have talked earlier, she finally called out a "H-hey!" But they were already gone. She'd have to come back later if she wanted to talk to them…

Ah, sweet little Karin… are you sure that's what you wanna do? Course it is!

Just so there's no confusion, I assure you, this is AU. They are not shinigami. And yes, I made Karin and Yuzu closer in age to Ichigo. You'll live

And though it hasn't been addressed yet, Toshirou is a junior, while the others are basically all seniors

And if it really matters that much to you, the first voice was Toshirou, the second was Rukia, the third was Renji, and the fourth was Matsumoto.

Toshirou was kinda OC… but he had to earn Karin's respect somehow.

10 reviews and I'll update next weekend

20 reviews and I'll update as soon as I notice the count