A/N: This chapter is my little sort of hat tip to the snow we have here! Enjoy!


It was safe to say in the morning none of the adults had actually taken the time to look outside.

At the end of the night the four adults had polished off three bottles of wine and although that wasn't actually a lot each it still meant that none of them could drive; so Ray, Judy and the kids stayed over, Sophie slept in a travel cot in Lillie's bedroom (she wasn't so young any more so the chances of her waking up in the middle of the night were slim to none)

"Daddy!" Lillie called excitedly as she ran into the kitchen

"Dada! Dada!" Sophie tried to mimic her new best friend, toddling into the kitchen right behind her.

Ray jumped up and caught the little girl before she tripped over her own feet, "And what is it that you two are so excited about?"

"'noe! 'Noe!" Sophie giggled pointing to the door that lead outside

"'nowing!" Lillie grinned as Joe picked her up and sat her on his lap.

Charlie and Judy who had, up till now, been concentrating on making breakfast opened the curtains of the kitchen windows.

"Oh my god!" Judy looked astonished

Charlie just squeaked happily and bobbed up and down on her toes. No wondering where Lillie gets her excitability from…

"Look!" Lillie demanded of Joe giddily pointing to the window.

Joe lifted her onto his side and walked over feeling a little sceptical, kids can get excited over the smallest amount of snow; Ray had much the same idea and joined Judy at the window.

"Would you look at that!"

The ground was covered with a thick, heavy layer of snow.

"It must have been snowing all night…" Joe whispered, though he didn't know why he was whispering, Lillie patted his arm and her turned his head to face her.


"Sledging?" He repeated

"Yeah!" She giggled "S'edging"

"Um…" He thought it over, "I think there might be a couple of sledges in the shed but they haven't been used in years…"

"C'ean 'em?" The little girl requested, by now Joe was fully aware that there was absolutely no getting out of this.

This time he turned to the other adults, "What do you guys think?"

Charlie gave him a look as though to say 'you really think my answer is going to be no?', Judy smirked and looked to Ray.

"I think it's a great idea and that we should include everyone else too." He smiled at Lillie "Good thinking buttercup," he ruffled her hair

She giggled at the nickname the team had given her due to her always wearing yellow when they saw her, well at least nine times out of ten

Joe put Lillie down on the counter, grabbed his coat and wellies from the hallway and snatched the keys from the cupboard.

"Might as well get them now."

Ray handed Sophie to Judy, slipped on his shoes and threw on his coat, adding a "We all know what he's like with mess…" before slipping out the door behind Joe.

"He thinks that shed is going to be any form of mess he is sadly mistaken…" Charlie shook her head and helped Lillie down from the counter before fully opening the curtains.

Judy laughed, setting Sophie down on the floor,# the two girls ran excitedly back into the room with Lillie excitedly chanting 'S'edging!'

"I'll drop everyone a text; let them know what the plan is…" Judy picked her phone up from the table

"Good idea… Make sure they have some sledges too though…" Charlie suggested stifling a giggle

"Why?" Judy made her way back over to the window

"I don't think that particular one is stable!"

Judy also had a suppress a laugh when she saw the bewildered look on the faces of both men as, while in one hand they each held a sledge in the other they each had half of another.


A/N: I know this chapter is shorter than usual but I wanted to end on a bit of a laugh and since I didn't get to do my Christmas special I thought I'd give you a snow one instead! Reviews make me happy… So does snow, but reviews? Many pleases and thank you's! ^.^