Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Knight.

I'm back, people! – hides from all the possible attacks from the readers –

Rest assured, the final chapter will be up soon and we'll go rock and roll with 'A Spoonful of Ginger', all right?

Enjoy the chapter!

His days went fast and slow at the same time. Each kiss they shared warmed Kaname's heart to the core and he couldn't remember a day where he had ever lived his life this sincerely. Currently they were sitting down under a large oak tree in the garden at the back of his mansion. The air was cool but the sunlight was enough to enlighten their day. Kaname's shoulder brushed against Zero's, their bodies' curve and dips fit to accommodate each other and Kaname chuckled softly when he heard Zero snore softly on his shoulder.

The book that he had been reading to his lover stayed on his lap, a comforting weight like Zero was and he turned to his side to kiss him on top of his silver head. He felt Zero shift to get closer to him and as adorable as the act was, he had to wake up the younger man at last.

"Hey, don't sleep like that." He murmured softly, kissing him again on his temple. He couldn't seem to stop kissing and touching and caressing his Zero – his, HIS Zero – and it was something he never want to stop doing. Zero responded by leaning into the curve of Kaname's neck and gave a gentle bite on it. Kaname chuckled again, reaching out a hand and pulled his head by his ponytail, albeit gently.

Their eyes met one another and he watched as Zero's lilac pupils dilated with affection and lust.

"Kaname, kiss me." The dancer demanded; voice soft but firm. Kaname felt the need to comply but he just leaned closer until their breaths mingled and he whispered against the pink lips.

"Only if you say the magic word." He smirked.

Zero closed his eyes, seemingly annoyed, but shy at the same time. Out of the blue, he lunged forward to catch Kaname's lips in a kiss but Kaname pulled back faster, his arm wrapped around Zero's waist to hold him still and his other hand stayed cupping his lover's cheek. Zero opened his eyes, teeth gritted in annoyance and Kaname laughed.

"Magic word." He reminded, causing the younger man to raise his hands and took hold on both of his shoulders.

"You. Are. Annoying." He emphasized on each word and Kaname responded by tilting his head to one side with a raised eyebrow.

"Wrong magic word." He replied and a blush crawled on Zero's pale white skin, spreading from his cheeks down to his neck. Kaname almost gave into the urge just to lick them away – or to add more to it.

"How desperate are you to hear it?" his younger lover inquired instead, the gleam of mischievousness was evident in his eyes. Kaname leaned closer again, his thumb tracing the soft baby skin of his lover's cheek, gently memorizing the texture by heart.

"As desperate as I have always been to have you by my side. Always."

His words caused Zero to go still for a second. He seemed to be taken aback by Kaname's answer. However he just gave away a small smile, one hand reaching upwards to Kaname's forehead, skimming down to the tip of his nose and finally stopped against his lower lip. Kaname watched the movement warily – not because he didn't trust Zero, but because every touch Zero gave to him was something he needed to paint in his mind – and his eyes went to look at Zero's again once he stopped.

Then the dancer leaned even closer, negating the distance between them that were until their foreheads touched. The wind would have made them shiver but the love they share was so warm that it hurts to stay apart even for an inch. And Kaname would always remember how Zero's lips parted to whisper softly against his lips and how his eyelashes fluttered against his cheeks as he closed his eyes.

"I love you… I love you. And I will love you, as long as I remember what love is, I'll always love you, without doubt."

It was so quiet that Kaname could almost hear Zero's heartbeat thrumming against his own. The silence gave his breaths, Zero took them away and Kaname wouldn't want to live – and love – anymore when that someone isn't Zero. Not anymore.

"I love you too, beautiful, I always have." He whispered against his lover's lips before leaning down to catch them in a soaring kiss. Their kiss had never been this slow, this painfully slow but sweet, achingly sweet that it made Kaname want to grit his teeth and devour the man that had been his anchor ever since he lost his leg.

He felt Zero shift even closer, as if it was even possible and felt hands tangling themselves in his dark brown hair and he felt Zero kissing his breath away, feeding his love inside. His hands found the sides of his lover's waist to pull him to sit on his lap, the book pushed away and mouth against his own melting away the world that had once demanded him to stay and survive.

With Zero, it was never only to survive. It is to live.

When they pulled away, Zero's face was flushed and Kaname felt that his face mirrored Zero's. Zero ran his long pianist fingers through his locks and entwined his fingers on the back of Kaname's head. Kaname looked up at his lover, smiling like a fool in love that he was and leaned to press a kiss under Zero's chin. Zero squirmed a little in his lap to find a more comfortable position and he mentally shot down the thought of taking his lover under the tree, under the sunlight, risking others seeing what he has the only privilege to.

"I can feel you down there." Zero suddenly said, smirk visible on his face and Kaname suppressed a throaty groan from escaping.

"Zero, as much as I love you, I believe you don't enjoy exhibitionism." Kaname teased back, trying to control his libido for a while more. Zero only raised an eyebrow at him but not answering, causing Kaname to inwardly ponder on what he did. Then the young dancer turned to his side and his eyes saw the book again.

"I think you were about to end the chapter for me." He asked as Kaname's attention was taken by the book too. The brunette blinked his eyes before he looked back at his lover and nodded.

"Yes, I did. Then you fell asleep." He chuckled and received a half hearted punch on his shoulder.

"It wasn't my fault, your voice is deep and soothing. I love your voice but it makes me sleepy when I gave too much attention on it." Zero explained, his hand making a vague expression in the air as he leaned to rest against Kaname's chest. Kaname pressed a kiss on top of his head and tightened his arms around him.

"Can you repeat the last words then?" Zero asked again, quietly this time and Kaname smiled. The book has always been one of his favourites and he lovingly cradled his lover against him as he murmured.

"You must know… Surely you must know, it was all for you. Quite contrary to my aunt's intentions, her visit taught me to hope as I had scarcely allowed myself to hope before. You are too generous to trifle with me. My affections and wishes have not changed," Kaname paused in his reading, only to press a slight kiss on top of his lover's head. Zero had his eyes closed one second and in another, Kaname found himself eye to eye with his younger lover. His expression was bland but there were so many things, so much love and so many impressions inside of those orbs that made Kaname inwardly shiver.

He gently rested their foreheads together, the last sentence of the chapter carved in his mind as he looked into his heart. His only heart.

"But one word from you would silence me on the subject forever."

The applauses that he got were tremendous. Kaname smiled as he watched Zero gave a small bow and proceeded to get off the stage. The young dancer disappeared behind the red curtains and Kaname was about to follow him when his sister faked a cough.

"What is that about?" Yuuki asked with a raised eyebrow, the smile in her eyes visible. Kaname could not help but blush, remembering the wink Zero gave him before he began his performance. He looked away and shifted in his seat.

"What?" he mumbled. His sister pouted before she poked him on his side. Kaname thanked his ability to stay calm and collected as he managed to remain expressionless.


However, his sister always wins in the end.

"Fine." Kaname sighed, adjusting his posture again. Yuuki stared at him as he took another minute to think of a better explanation.

"… Zero is my lover now." he turned to look at his sister and was surprised to see her eyes welling with tears. He was about to touch or maybe, run, because maybe for her this was wrong, that Zero was wrong and this relationship was wrong and for Kaname, to run because he knew he would always chose Zero over-

"Nii-san, I'm so happy for you."

Kaname blinked his eyes in surprise. He didn't expect that Yuuki would respond in such way, but she was looking at him as if he had finally found what he was looking for in his whole life, and he was never ever feel anymore grateful than now for having her as a sister. The female brunette leaned in towards him and caught him in an embrace. Kaname had to take a deep breath, wondering since when he had stopped breathing, as his arms went to wrap her inside of his embrace.

"I'm so happy for you, Nii-san," she repeated and Kaname could felt her tears soaking his dress shirt. He only managed to let out a small laugh, closing his own eyes and gently ran his fingers through her hair as she continued, "You deserve this, Nii-san, after everything that you've done, and this is only a small slice of what you deserve."

Kaname breathed against her temple, pressing a gentle kiss on her hair and carefully put an arm distance between them. He leaned down to look at his sister's teary face, and offered her a kind smile.

"I deserve you too, don't I?" Kaname smiled when Yuuki laughed at his words, her tears didn't stop falling but it didn't make her any less beautiful in Kaname's eyes, "So why don't you stop crying, and let us go and meet Zero together now?"

His gentle persuasion managed to make her atleast stopped sobbing, and she wiped at her eyes in a desperate attempt to look more presentable. Kaname only offered her a smile as he patted her gently on her head.

Zero may have his heart now, but Yuuki would forever be his backbone. That was what Kaname knew for sure.

When they pulled away to go and look for Zero, both Kaname and Yuuki were surprised to see the silver haired dance standing at the exit door. He was leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed but his face lacked of expressions. However, Kaname could see the way his eyes were smiling at them, as if he was watching something so intimate he didn't know how to respond to it. Kaname walked closer to him, offering a hand for Zero to take, while Yuuki still fixed in her ground.

Her large brown eyes watched the interaction between Kaname and Zero, as Zero carefully but gracefully put his hand in Kaname's, and allowed the older brunette to pull him closer. The hall was almost empty by then, only the three of them in Kaname's private booth, and Kaname had to smile at the sight of Zero's reddened cheeks as he stepped chest to chest to him.

Yuuki looked like she was about to cry again, whether out of happiness or misery, Kaname wasn't sure, but right at the moment when Zero turned to look at her, she let out a soft gasp of surprise. The lilac eyed man looked at Yuuki with a firm stance, his presence strong and real beside Kaname. Zero's grip in Kaname's hold was tight, but comfortable, and warm, and his, and Kaname wanted this moment to last forever.

"I will take care of him, don't you worry, Yuuki." He said in a small voice, almost inaudible to listen too, but his words were laced with such sincerity that both Kurans couldn't help but stare at him. The silver haired dancer tightened his grip in his lover's hand, and Kaname had to laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Both of his sister and lover were trying to find a common ground between them; one wanting Kaname to be happy, and another wanting to rest assure everyone that Kaname was in a good hand.

It felt weird to be taken care of, since all he had done in his life was to take care of others. But it didn't mean that it didn't feel good, Kaname inwardly smiled. Without wasting another second, he leaned down to press a loving kiss against Zero's flushed cheek with a soft 'thank you', and watched in amusement as the colour darkened, before offered another of his hand to Yuuki.

Yuuki looked from Zero to Kaname, before she let out a wide smile to appear on her face. Kaname had to chuckle a bit as she took his hand as well and started to walk them out from the private booth.

"Okay you two lovebirds, I want to know your story during dinner so let us get going now!"

The groan that followed from Zero was enough to make Kaname laughed again, this time, much more content and happier than he thought he could ever be.

"I'm sorry that she got so very excited about us." Kaname turned to look at his lover who was walking right beside him. They had just sent Yuuki back to her college, and Kaname told the driver to pick them up later. The thought of walking at night with Zero was comforting, and it gave Kaname a sort of intimacy that he knew Zero would appreciated. Their fingers were loosely laced together, and Kaname felt it against his covered skin when Zero stepped closer to him naturally, as if he had been doing it throughout his life.

"It's all right, Kaname. At least she is not against us." Zero replied instead, looking back at him with his head tilted up. Kaname smiled a little, and leaned to press a loving kiss against Zero's forehead. It caused the dancer to promptly blush and Kaname snickered at the sight. Zero was so easy to dishevel, at the point where he became irritatingly adorable to tease.

The air of the night was cold, and the two of them continued to wander mindlessly with a slow pace. Kaname wasn't sure yet about where they should go, or whether he should just send his lover home by now, but he didn't want to let go of the private, sweet moment, that they were having.

The silver haired man seemed to understand his thought, as he ran his thumb against Kaname's, gently. Kaname stole a glance towards the shorter man and suppressed a smile from escaping. Zero looked like he could burst out of embarrassment by the way his face was burning red.

"Umm, Kaname," Kaname smiled at the younger man and nodded, bringing up their laced hands together to press a kiss against them. Zero's face reddened even more, as if that was even possible.

"Yes?" Kaname prompted, and Zero huffed. He looked away for a moment, before he looked back at him with a strange, but strong determination in his eyes.

"We'll always be together… right?" Zero asked slowly, as if he wasn't sure himself whether he wanted to know the answer or not. Kaname abruptly stopped in his step, his other hand that was holding onto his walking stick almost lose its grip on the expensive wood.

Zero blinked his large lilac eyes at him, suddenly looking so out of place and Kaname knew he had just given the younger man a false and easily misunderstood answer.


"I'm sorry, I went over the line-"

Before the silver haired dancer could start putting all the blames and insecurities into himself, Kaname pulled him close and into a searing kiss. The dancer gasped into their sudden kiss, mouth opened and although surprised, happily accepting Kaname's tongue into his entrance. His arms went to wrap around Kaname's broad shoulders, and Kaname's own arms found themselves settling around the familiar slim waist.

They were almost alone in the dead town; the clock nearing digit 1 in the morning, and Kaname got Zero tight in his arms. One hand was holding on the back of Zero's neck, thumb rubbing against the soft baby hair there, and their breath visible mingled in the cold air. Their nosetips touched and Kaname felt exhilarated to see his lover up so close. Zero's usually light lilac eyes were dark with desire, lust and something else that Kaname couldn't name. His hands were holding onto Kaname's shoulder, as his knees were weak to stand by their own.

Kaname always thought that Zero was beautiful; from far and up so close. But he never knew that being like this with Zero only made him even more beautiful, because Zero gave him things he thought he didn't deserve, things he never though that he needed.

And Zero was even more beautiful now; from the inside and out.

"Of course we'll be together forever, silly." Kaname murmured under his breath, breaking the magic that was their love, and Zero let out a relieved laugh, although he did tried his best to look annoyed first.

"Good," Zero responded back, nuzzling their nosetips together with a smile on his face and Kaname felt his breath being stolen away again, all over again, by the same person. His arm tightened around Zero's waist to pull him closer, yet still mindful of his walking stick in his hand. Zero leaned to rest his cheek against Kaname's shoulder, his lilac eyes gleaming with happiness as they stared up at Kaname and Kaname had to lean down to kiss him again because he was so wonderful, and so beautiful, and so completely Kaname's.

"Yes, so perfectly good."

A/N: Thanks to those who reviewed, favourited and followed my stories. You guys are the best :D

Please review.