I would like to start off by thanking all of my reviewers who have stuck with me through this story. Without all of you I don't think I would have made it this far. But like all things, it must end. It saddens me to end this story because honestly, I've had so much fun writing it and I love Derek and June. I hope you all have had as much fun reading it as I have writing it and I sincerely hope you've fallen in love with June/Derek. And with that, I leave you to read the last chapter.

Song: Bubbly by Colbie Cailiat

By two am everyone was exhausted as we waited for a disgruntled Stiles to get stitched up; calling in yet another favor from my Dad who wasn't thrilled having to drag his ass out bed. Especially since he had just gotten Layla to settle down. Apparently our wolves had rubbed off on her too,(the same way they had with Stiles, aka, the key to the crazed look in his eye), keeping my mom and dad awake all night howling. Dad had thrusted her into my arms the moment I had successfully gotten dressed before hauling Stiles into the ER while I dished out the rest of the clothing to Derek and Scott. Clearly rational thinking had escaped us since we didn't think to put on clothing before hopping into the jeep. Talk about an awkward ride. Not to mention Stiles wasn't too thrilled at the idea of Derek, Scott, and I being bear assed in his jeep. "The three of you are totally sanitizing my jeep in the morning" Stiles bitched the entire ride to the hospital.

A half hour later Stiles and my Dad wondered out into the waiting room where Scott, Derek, and I waited patiently (and honestly, we pretty much asleep.) I couldn't help but smile as I noticed the goofy grin on Stiles' face along with his dilated pupils. He was high as a mother fucker. Curtsey of my Dad who gave him a little extra hit of pain meds to shut him the hell up about not being able to reap the benefits of having a chunk taken out of his side. Yea, my Dad was sly that way. Especially when he was lacking on sleep with an 8am shift. Pff…and they wanted ME to become a doctor. I've rarely made it up before noon in the past month. Not to mention I was getting used to nap time.

I.E. That was now.

Scott and Stiles were passed out on the floor; sprawled out on a massive pile of comforters and pillows that they had collected from all the rooms in my house for such occasion. Monica was none too happy right now. 'If the sound of her bitching as she wondered from one room to the next, trying to locate pillows, was anything to go by.'

Derek snored lightly into the one pillow he was able to snag away from the boys as he laid on his stomach with a pretty content Layla curled up between his shoulder blades. It didn't seem comfortable to me but eh, whatever worked for him. But unfortunately what was working for him wasn't quit working for me as I flipped over on my side uncomfortably; sighing tiredly as I tried to find a position that would be of some comfort. Which coincidentally would involve Derek, on his back, naked, and hard as hell. Lust licked at my lady bits as I peeked over the bed to the two teens conked out with no hope of rising any time soon with anything less than a Zombie Apocalypse and a box of Marshmallow Crunch to wake them. Smiling, I turned my attention to Layla who was pretty much in the same state as the boys as I stealthily slid her from Derek's back and placed her between the two idiots who instinctually placed a hand on her belly.

I crawled back into the bed as I smiled devilishly before nipping Derek on the shoulder; rousing a low groan before going back to sleep. And really I knew I should leave him alone like any good mate would. He was tired and he had had a long night. The man deserved to sleep. But I also deserved to be pleasured after the fiasco of last night and really, I was being a good mate. I mean, who wouldn't want to be roused from sleep so that they could get their groove on? That's what I thought.

I nibbled on his ear and lightly tugged as he groaned again before burying his face into the pillow and grumbling, "It's impossible to sleep with you."

I giggled before straddling his back with my butt resting perfectly against his and soothed my fingers over the bunched muscles between his shoulders; lightly tracing over the Celtic tattoo that lay there. "What does your tattoo mean?" I asked; leaning down and placing a kiss to it before lightly nipping at the back of his neck.

"Mmm..Alpha, Beta, Omega."


Sighing, he shoved the pillow away from his face as I continued to work out his kinks. "It's a reminder that we can all rise or fall to a different position. Alpha, Beta, Omega." He grumbled and I couldn't help the purvey thought that popped into my head as my lady bits begun to ache with a need for my mate.

"I'd like to move to a different position if you know what I mean." I whispered coyly; going back to nibbling on his ear before moving down to his neck and sucking on the spot of choice. I growled playfully when he rolled suddenly and I was pinned beneath him. Yep, I liked this position. It was a good position. Derek rolled his eyes and dropped a lazy kiss to my lips as his hands worked my sweats down my hips before sliding his hand between my thighs. I gasped as heat to flared through me and ground my pelvis against his fingers as he sucked on my pulse.

"I wouldn't trade you for the world." He hummed; kissing me gently as he kept stroking me rhythmically.

"Thank God. I only worked….mmmmm…my entire life to get you. It'd be a shame to…Oh Gawd…." I moaned as he worked me closer to that delicious edge. "Derek…I want you….inside of me….I want to….ohhh fuck…..I want you to come…..with me." I panted; grinding against his hand so close to shattering when he stopped before rolling us over so that I was on top. I practically ripped at his sweats in my frantic rush to reach my prize; taking a split moment to admire it once it was free when I heard him chuckle. "What?"

"Nothing. I just realized another thing about you I love." He commented and I was truly intrigued as I crawled up his lap; raking my nails down his chest teasingly. And what's that 'oh hung one'? He chuckled and rolled his eyes before answering, "You're always truly infatuated with my junk. It makes me feel good."

I smiled before leaning down and placing a kiss to his lips; slowly trailing them lower until I came to my favorite treat. "What else do I do that makes you feel good?" I taunted; dragging my tongue up the hard length of his cock while watching as he threw his head back.

"You're a pain in my ass and a tease." He insulted half-heartedly as I continued my slow torture.

"Mmm…I'll take that as a compliment. But on that note…" I added before reaching around and pinching his ass cheek; causing his hips to jolt. Ha! How does he like being pinched on the ass? I mused as I sucked on his hard length greedily-enjoying the way he tasted against my tongue while thrusting his cock into my mouth. I loved pleasuring him. Even more, I loved him.

"June…" Derek sighed before tugging me up his body and capturing my lips while he thrusted his hips in one swift motion; seating himself inside of me as I moaned against his lips. My world spun and titled off its axis as pleasure raked my body and I rocked my hips gently against his-my claws digging into his shoulders as he dropped his mouth to my breast. His tongue swirled around the ridged peak as he drug it between his lips and lightly nipped. And oh god that felt so good. He angled his hips with another thrust and I was seeing stars as he slid across the magic spot that had me whining, needy. "Oh god Derek…that's so good…..I'm so close…." My fingers tangled through his hair tugging him closer to me still, the closer I got.

"Come for me, June." He whispered; swallowing my scream as I shattered with a red hot flame sweeping through me from head to toe-Derek's thrusts quickened before he buried his face into the crook of my neck and growled as he came.

I wrapped my arms around him tighter as Derek leaned back against the headboard and I felt the weight of fatigue tugging at me now that I had been satisfied in the most intimate of ways. I nipped lightly at this throat and shoulder as I settled into him with his knot slowly softening. "Sleep." Derek ordered and I was more than happy to oblige.

"Gahhhh, Derek I can't do this." I groaned tiredly while leaning against the tree.

"Yes, you can. You just have to focus and find your center." Derek directed as he smoothed a curl from my face.

"I found my center. It's directly between my legs." I shot back; watching as a grin tugged at his lips and he shook his head. "In fact, you could stroke my center right now." I coaxed with a feral grin as my hands trailed up beneath his shirt.

"Mmm…you tempt me. But remember what we discussed earlier." He warned and I pouted. Damn Heat! It seemed like I had just gone through this shit not long ago. By next week I would be in miserable cramping hell. And what a perfect time to embarrass Derek again. I smiled innocently when he glared down at me before pushing past him; seeing as how he wasn't going to ease my discomfort I went back to focusing on finding my center. Whatever that may be. "Close your eyes." Derek directed and I sighed, having done this exact same thing now four different times. "Just do it." He ordered again, giving me that in command look.

Groaning, I threw my head back and did as he directed when I felt his arms wrapping around me as he tugged me closer; pressing my ear to his chest so that I could focus on his heartbeat.

"Now, go back to last night." He coaxed and I hesitated. I didn't want to go back. I had done my very best to ignore what happened last night and I really wanted no part of it. "I know, June. But it's the only way. You have to go back and relive it before you can move forward." I listened to the words rumble through his chest and shook my head.

"We don't even know if it actually happened to me the way it did you. Maybe I'm just going to be the lame ass alpha female who can't shift into an actual wolf. I'm good with that." Though the sex may be a little awkward if I can't match Derek's form and Damn it! I wanted that experience.

His chuckle vibrated through my ear and I hugged him tighter, "You're a bad liar." He teased before getting serious; his arms wrapping around me tighter. "I know you don't want to relive it and I wish you didn't have to. But it's the only way you're going to shift, June."

"Does it have to be now, though? Why can't I take a month to digest everything?" I pleaded.

"Because the moon's still strong and in a month if you haven't shifted the power may have weakened. It's better you do it now and give it strength. I have confidence in you."

Sighing, I knew he was right. Drawing from his strength, I closed my eyes and let the steady rhythm of his heart calm my racing mind as I forced myself back to last night; tears stinging my eyes as I relived the fight over again and the awful feeling I had when I cradled Derek's body in my arms. "Don't focus on that. Focus on the part where you fought Allie."

"I can't."

"Yes, you can. See the part where you grasped her heart."

"No, I can't. Derek, I blacked out. One minute I was punching her and the next my hand was plunged through her chest." I pleaded as tears streamed freely down my face.

"Look deeper, June."

Grasping Derek tighter, I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to push past the black blockade that Derek believed held my inner wolf; but all I saw was the before and the after, no in-between, just black.

"Feel it, June. Remember the rage you felt and harbor it."

I did as I was told; remembering the hazy shade of red I saw when I taunted Allie before punching her. That feeling of hopelessness for my pack, for my mate and how all I wanted to do was kill her; give her back what she had taken away from me. My life. I felt the coil begin to tighten in my stomach as warmth spread to my limbs and tingled in my fingertips. I clung to the feeling; focusing on the look I saw in Allie's eyes when she took Derek's life, pushing the pain back and brining the anger forward. My spine grew heavy with the weight of my tail and my nails ached with the growing claws as my mouth grew painfully full with the razor sharp points of my teeth.

"That's it, June. Feed your rage." Derek coached; taking a step back but still holding me.

I remembered the way she attacked Stiles, willing to kill him too, in order to hurt me; before lunging at her. The feeling of her struggle beneath me and screaming cries when I would hit her again. My skin rippled and shuddered when I collapsed to the ground with a loud wail. "Focus June. Push through the pain and hold onto the rage." Derek's voice whispered through my ear as he eased me onto my back and soothed my hair.

I clung desperately to the anger as pain singed my body and my bones snapped; heat piercing me so hot it felt as though my skin was melting. "Ohhhhh God!" I screamed; finding my anger rapidly fading as the pain became unbearable.

"It's almost over June. You're so close. Focus, find the rage again." Derek cheered me on and I could feel the heavy weight of his hand on my shoulder. Digging deep with the help of his strength I focused back to last night; the feeling of blackness slowly lifting from my memory as I remembered Allie's fight beneath me. Even when she was struggling that gleam of a killer never faded from her eyes. She was determined to kill me, but not before she wounded me emotionally. That was the point of the wolfsbane in the bottle. To take me out long enough to take away everything that ever mattered to me.

A ground quaking growl shattered the air around me as I screamed my rage and the blackness that fogged me, lifted. I saw that moment my hand plunged through her chest; heard her one last scream followed by my name whispered on her dying breath. It wasn't a plea or an apology but rather her last attempt to hurt me. I felt that shift in power as my hand squeezed her heart still in her chest and suddenly my body convulsed with one last snap and I laid still. I could hear Derek's rapid heartbeat behind me when suddenly I felt a nudge against my neck.

My eyes blurred when I tried to open them; blinking away the tears, I let the spinning earth settle before opening them again. This time, my breath caught as I was greeted with a different world entirely. Colors were more vibrant and I could see the speck of a bug on the trees around me. The moon's light was casted in a suddel glow but it was as though I could see every ray.

Look at your feet. Derek's voice whispered through my head and for the first time, I looked up to see the handsome black wolf he had become.

I can hear you. It was absolutely amazing. His chuckle vibrated through my head and he shook his head.

My thoughts are no longer safe from you in this form. It's how we communicate.

Yea, this was going to take some getting used to. Wait, how are we going to communicate with Scott and Stiles?

June, look at your damn feet. We can talk about this later. But now, I want you to see what you tried so hard to become…and have.

I scoffed at him mentally before doing as I was told and felt a roll of anxiety. OH MY GOD! Did I….am I…I'M A WOLF! I screeched as I stared down at the foreign limbs that had turned into paws.

You are. Derek nudged me lovingly with his nose, try standing. My body felt odd and weird as I tried to learn how to coordinate my feet so that I wouldn't tumble back to the ground; using Derek's burly body to steady me as my muscles stretched. I felt all caddy-wompous trying to walk when suddenly I froze; facing the broken glass window of Derek's house as I stared at two black wolves. In the reflection I could see my coat, streaked with brown and a white tip tail, but I was a wolf.

My heart drummed in my chest that squeezed tight and I felt like crying with joy as I stared at the two of us; finally I felt good, confidante even and above all else…I felt like me. A rush of excitement jolted down my spine and tingled in my toes as I itched to see what my new form could do.

Then let's find out. Derek urged; turning towards the steps of the porch and looking out. A howl sounded from the trees. Scott, calling to us, when Derek answered his howl and looked at me. Lifting my snout to the sky I mocked my mate. Shall we?

Turning to Derek, I grinned (or so I thought), before giving him a lick across the chops and rushing off of the porch to where Scott called to us from the cliff; Stiles, standing by his side with Layla in his arms. She squealed as Derek and I traipsed up to them and squirmed from Stiles' embrace; setting her down on the ground between us and giggled when Derek and I nuzzled her.

We were together, pack, and if I've learned anything this past month, we were stronger this way. I still had a lot of learning to do but with Derek's help, I would get there. But most importantly, I finally had a family again, found my true self and managed to snag Derek Hale. And if that's not accomplishment, then I don't know what is.

The End

Thank you all again. This isn't how I wanted to end this story, but I didn't want to put it off any longer. Maybe someday I will come back and make it better but for now, this will do. On a better note, I am happy to report that this isn't really the end for Derek and June. There is a sequel in the works. Hope everyone enjoyed. As always, please please please review!