And here we come to the epilogue. If you're not interested in reading a sequel, STOP HERE!
If not, read on...
I know you said we should meet in the library, but I was thinking that the Astronomy Tower might be better. And not for any logical reason, either, which is weird.
It's not fair! Why does Score-Score get Lily? I'm writing to my mother!
Maybe I'll snog Lorcan.
I don't care anymore. We cannot affect his views of her. Why try when there are others who could be just as deserving?
D Zabini, Ravenclaw
What is WITH you? This is SCORE!
[A library note]
What's with me? Because when he was depressed, I tried, I sent him letters, but he wasn't looking for me, or you or ANYONE! And it wasn't until he had her that he's beginning to look himself again.
I want to mean that much to someone. But it's not him.
But seriously! It doesn't mean anything! She's a POTTER! We're much more deserving, we're purebloods!
Watch it, Nott, entire wars have been fought over that.
You know what, you have fun. I'll... I'll go shag someone or something. Or send that letter to my mum.
You've still got leaves in your hair.
Then don't snog me under trees!
Oh, and you should probably take a shower, there's dirt in your hair.
Scorpius, Lily, Zabini, Rose:
Stop borrowing my damn ferret! She's dead tired over here!
Granted, she needs to lose weight, but-
You know, I think that's more than just weight.
So yeah, I declare the Ferretpost on temporary holiday, while new recruits are "hired."
You should call it the Splashpost.
P.S: Hugo borrowed her too, just so you know. Everyone's got into in-school messenger pets. You should see what Lucy's cat-
Lucy's cat...
Lucy doesn't HAVE a cat...
Oh GOD our cousin pulled a gramps...
You should register Lucy on the Animagus list. As a ginger cat.
Just saying...
Astronomy Tower, got it. Usual time?
[An elk patronus that arrived at Auror Head Office]
Dad, you have to come! Fast! I can hear them on the stairs! They're going to- I don't know what they're going to do! But these someones... Some of them are the lists in your office!
...I'm scared, Da. Please.
[A newspaper clipping, four hours later]
Hogswarts collapsed tonight in a series of yet unknown events. The shock has spiraled through the countryside as wizards and witches attempted to enter Hogswarts grounds to get to the children, only to find they couldn't as the castle walls and grounds rebounded their efforts.
The only communication was to Auror Harry Potter, from his daughter Lily Luna Potter, seven minutes before the attack was reported by a Hogsmead[...]
And thus, I will begin our sequel! I sat down, just trying to write a happy ending, but it wanted suspense.
For those wondering, Lily's patronus is an elk for these reasons: It represents her father, who she seems as calm and noble and strong and powerful, someone she looks up to. The elk represents these and agility and freedom, something Lily is: agile and very free. That's not to say it's her animagus form, but patronuses are a connection to a person and the one they view as their protector. Like Harry's was a stag because of his idolization of his father, but it showed the traits of himself as well.
The sequel will be called Collapse(Maybe with aesthetic spaces, like so: C O L L A P S E, or with A Tale of tacked onto the end) and will detail what happened, how the students get out, and a whole new war-torn world. (And several good laughs) Always wanted to write a war-fic.
And yes, it will be Lily/Score, all the way through.
Final stats-
Chapters: 17
Word count: 21,321
Reviews (As of chapter sixteen): 136 (My most ever!)
Alerts: 47
Faves: 36
Views: 4,838
Review, one final time, and I shall see you in Collapse! (I'll post in about an hour)