This is my first story in a long time so be nice. I did get my inspiration for this by the tv show Sons of Anarchy, and no, none of the characters will be in this story. Please review so I can see what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong.. Enjoy!

"Come on Bella!" I could hear my best friend Alice call me from down stairs, "The lovely boys of Seattle aren't going to keep waiting!"

I had to suppress my groan. Alice was always impatient when it came to parties. "I'm coming Alice!"

I looked up at the mirror, and I couldn't even recognise myself. My dark brown hair was curled into ringletts, and flowing down my back. Alice had done my make-up; she gave me dark smokey eyes, and painted my lips red. I was wearing Alice's tank top, with dark jeans, and my black leather jacket. I deffinatley looked the part for where we were going.

"You look beautiful." Renee, my mother said from the doorway.

"You always say that." I smiled weakly at her.

Renee Dwyer-Swan my mother, and biker queen of Forks. Her hair was cut short, showing off her tatoos on her neck. Her ink tells the gang world who she belongs to, the Sons of Anarchy.

"Well I always mean it." Her hand goes to her pockett and takes out a cigarrett, she goes to light it but unfortuantley for her lighters out.

"Here," I look through my drawer and find what my mother needs. I toss it to her knowing she's not very cordinated.

"Thanks kid." As she lights her cigarrett, Alice comes into the room.

"Am I going to be waiting downstairs all night?" She crosses her arms, and tries to look threatening, but the little pixie can't pull off the look.

"Don't worry Alice I'm all done."

"Good now lets go!" Alice runs out of my room, to go get our purses.

"Be safe Bella."

"Don't worry mom I'll be fine. Alice is always there to keep me safe from the big bad men." I assured my mom and kissed her on the cheek. It didn't make her feel any better.

Renee moves to take out an object from her purse. "Here, take my pepper spray tonight as a warning to guys who come too close."

"Mom I won't-" I tired to tell her, but she cut me off with a look.

"I don't care what you'll be needing, you're taking the spray."

"Alright, I'll take it, but you know where we're going spray won't be enough."

"You're right, forget the spray." Her hand went into jacket pocket and pulled out a nine inch blade, looking closely you see the stain of red on it .Without saying a word she left it on my dresser and walked out of my room.

"Love you mom!" I yelled after her, she didn't reply.

I drove my stepdads mercedes on the highway to the warehouse. It's where the best underground parties are held. It's in Seattle, it used to be an old shipping yard but no one has worked there officialy for years.

I took the exit and I noticed we had a tail. Two men on bikes were following us, probably since we left Forks. I couldn't see what were on their cuts, but I was pretty sure it was the reaper.

"Uh," Alice couldn't help the whine. "I thought I told you not to tell Phil we were leaving."

"I didn't! James must have seen us leaving all dressed up and told some prospects to follow us."

"Whatever." Alice huffed.

I swerved the car over to the side of the road and slowed down to a stop, making the two bikers to stop behind us. One of them got off their bike and came over to my window.

"Can I help you?" I asked innocently, looking up through my lashes.

"Bella, where are you two going?" Jasper asked rather annoyed, Alice beside me giggled. I knew she liked him.

Jasper is a new prospect with Sons. He has only been with the club for a few months but I know he's going to go high up the ranks pretty soon. His father is the Vice President and all.

"We're just going for a little joy ride in my daddy's car. Since when doesn't he let me take his cars out?"

"He does, but it's pretty late out and you two look like your going to cause trouble." Jasper looked over to Alice.

Alice leaned over me giving Jasper a better look. "Jasper, I promise we won't cause any trouble for you tonight."

Jasper ran his hand through his hair, obviously in a dilemma. If he lets us go and comes back empty handed to James or my father both him and the other prospect will be punished. But if he takes us in Alice won't be happy with him.

"Alright," he held his hands up in mercy, "here's what we're going to do. Tyler and I are going to follow you down to where ever you two are going. We won't wear our cuts, but we are not letting you leave our sights."

I looked over to Alice for comfirmation, she nodded and we agreed. "Okay Jasper, we've got a deal." He went over to his bike and grabbed Tyler's cut, and walked back over to us.

"One more thing." Jasper said as I took the cuts.

"What is it Jaz?" I asked annoyed, what more could he want from us?

"You owe me a dance" He winked at Alice and walked back to his bike. Alice couldn't hold in her delight as she clutched onto Jasper's cut.

The rest of the ride to Seattle was uneventful, and went rather quickly.

When we got to the warehouse the party was already in full swing. Outside there were men with there bikes and the whores who wanted to sleep with them. You could tell who belonged, and the ones who were imposters. There were dealers trying to be stealthy, and junkies finding a new vien. This is my life. This is where I belong.

I've never personally done anything illegal. Phil and the club won't allow me to be in direct contact of that part of the buisness until after graduation.

I live and die for the reaper, it's in my blood. My father, my real father Charlie was one of the co-founders of the Sons of Anarchy. He and Phil built the empire together, until his unfortunate death fifteen years ago.

He died a Son's death, on the road riding his bike.

We got out of Phil's mercedes and walked to the warehouse. "Hey hold up Bella!" Alice stopped and looked over to me grinning, she took her hand into her bra and hoisted her boobs up to make even more cleavage show. I couldn't help but smile, Jasper was not going to know what hit him tonight.

"Okay now for tonight, who are you?" I asked. We could not risk our idenities to be known. I don't know and I don't want to know how many men would go after me if they knew I was the daughter of Phil Dwyer.

"I am going to be, Mary Hale." She winked. "And who will you be tonight?"

"Maria Hall."

"Really! The deputies last name? That's majorly boring." Alice sighed.

"Girls are we staying out here, or are we going in?" Tyler asked annoyed.

"Hell yes we are!" We said in unison. The boys in here tonight were going to have their hand full with us.

When we entered, the dance floor was over crowded so we went straight to the bar to get some shots. Afer my third red dragon, I was starting to feel it, and Alice already left me to go dance with Jasper. Tyler was no where to be seen, probably lurking around some porn star somewhere.

"You look rather lonely. Can I buy you another shot?" A man behind me asked.

I turned around a little too quickly and crashed into a wall, or what I thought a wall was, and fell straight on my ass. The man was massive, bigger than any Son I've seen. He had tattoos along his collar bone, and an animal tat on his forearm, the letters B.K. underneath.

He smiled down at me, "Are you okay there? That fall seemed pretty brutal."

Embarrassment written all over my face, I didn't dare to speak.

"Can I help you up?" He asked. I still didn't answer, and he started to look panicked. "Oh, no!Did you hit your head? How many fingers am I holding up?" He held two fingers right up to my face, and I tried to hold in my laughter but I failed miserably.

"I gues those shots hit me harder than I thought." I went to get up, and he took my hand.

"The name's Emmett, and don't be embarrassed sugar I'm used to women falling for me." He winked.

"You're very smooth Emmett, and you seem like an okay guy. But I'd like that shot you offered now so I can get on with my night."

He looked at me confused, "You sure you didn't hit your head sugar? Because I just saw you fall I didn't offer you anything."

"If you didn't then who did?"

"That would be me."

A guy walked around Emmett's big frame and instantly I noticed was how beautiful he was. His bronze hair was in a disarray, and his emerald green eyes were piericing. The second thing I noticed were his tatoos, I could tell by his ink that he was in a gang. I couldn't tell which just yet, I needed a better look.

"So can I buy you that shot?"

I gave him a dazzling smile, "Of course you can, but make if two, and you can also tell me who you are."

He laughed at my forwardness. "The name is Anthony Masen," he took out his hand and I shook it. "And you are?"

"My name is Maria Hall." I gave him my fake name grudgingly, I didn't know this guy quite yet. For all I knew he gave me a fake name as well. "So how about those shots, you promised me."

He ordered four more shots, then we were on the dance floor.

As we danced he took a hold of me and turned me around so he could grined up against me. His hands went down my sides, feeling my curves, and resting them on my ass. As the song went on, I noticed people around were watching us dance, Alice included. I smiled at her and she gave me a thumbs up.

It was mostly girls looking at me with livivd eyes, and I relished at the attention.

"Let's get out of here," Anthony whispered in my ear, and I nodded.

I sent Alice a quick text.

'Leaving with the guy, I'll see you tomorrow!'

She never replied back.

When got to his ride, I noticed the bike. It had a crest on it, it looked like a lion but I wasn't sure. I couldn't be sure of anything in my intoxicated state. I got on the bitch seat, and Anthony handed me his helmet. "I don't have a spare so just use mine." It was too big so I held it on with one hand, my other around Anthony's waist. I sware I drank too much because when he rode all I saw was a blur.

In no time we were at his apartment and he had me up against the wall. Feeling up my shirt and caressing my breasts.

He brought his lips up to my ear, nibbling my lobe. "Uh, I want you so bad."

"Then have me." I said back, biting his neck in response.

He carried me to his bedroom, and threw me on the bed making me bounce. He pushed down his pants and took his shirt off, leaving him only in boxers. I had to look him over, but I didn't have the chance to. In no time he was ontop of me sucking and biting my neck, trailing kisses down to my torso.

"This has to go." He motioned towards my pants, pulling them off me in a flash. Anthony came back up to my face and attacked my lips, with his. And soon we were both battling for dominance with our tongues. He broke away all took quickly and ripped Alice's shirt right off of me, and I was too caught up in the moment to care.

He pushed my panties down, and pumped his two fingers inside of me. I sware I've never felt so much pleasure from two fingers before, I almost came right there, but Anthony wouldn't let me.

"I will not let you cum from my fingers, that's for my dick, and my dick alone." He said roughly. I let a moan escaped my lips, and in a instant he was ontop of me. His boxers now a forgotten memory, he pushed his way inside.

I wanted this feeling to last as much as possible but there was no way in hell, I was slowing Anthony down. After a few minutes, he flipped out position so I was riding him. That's when I felt him hittting my spot, over and over. I wasn't going to last much longer.

"Keep going," he moaned. "That's it, right there." He became more and more violent with his movements, and I couldn't take it anymore.

"Ugh," I slumped myself ontop of him exhausted, and Anthony chuckled.

"Am I too much for you?"

"Not at all." I replied, he could have said something else but I didn't hear. Sleep soon took me over.

When I woke all there was light. It was blinding, and I pulled the covers over my head.

"Good Morning." A velvety voice, spoke beside me.

I took a chance to peak out from under the covers and there he was, the beauty that I met last night. He was wearing pajama bottoms, and his torso was bare.

"I made some coffee you want some?" He asked holding out his mug. I nodded holding my hands out. "No, this is a little old. I'll get you something more fresh." I couldn't help my smile, this man was so nice to me.

Anthony turned and left down the hall to the kitchen. And for an odd moment I was truely happy.

Until I saw his tatoos.


Well that's the first chapter, hope you liked it! The next chapter will be up soon!