I felt drained. Physically and mentally.

With my dad coming back and almost being killed…by me it was just to much for one day.

So here I am. Sitting in the parking lot at the boat house, debating if I should go in or not. I needed to see him. There was no getting around that. I sighed and slowly walked up to the door pushing it open quietly.

He sat there by himself at a booth looking out the window thoughtfully. Without thinking I walked carefully towards him never breaking stride. He looked up a small smile played on his lips as he leaned to one side signaling for me to join him. I scooted in and tiredly laid my head on his chest. He rapt both arms around me and set his chin on my head. We sat there like that for awhile in a comfortable silence. Finally I decided to break the silence.

"you know you deserve something for saving me."

He chuckled, "ya? When can I collect?"

"hmm I don't know you've been a pretty good boy today so.."

I tailed off pulling his head down to me pressing my lips to his.

He responded immediately knotting his hands in my hair.

It was undeniable and inevitable. I was in love with Adam Conant.

I knew this was wrong considering the problem with Diana, but

I cant stay away from him anymore.

"Adam.." I murmured against his lips

"hmm yea?"

"we cant keep doing this." I sighed pulling away a little to look at him.

"oh…" his face fell and the light in his eyes began to fade slowly.

"I didn't mean we have to stop this," I explained "I meant we cant keep doing it behind Diana's back."

He sighed half of relief and the other of understanding

"I know were gonna have to tell her and the others."

I nodded in agreement "we'll tell them tomorrow together"

He nodded then smirked "but for tonight…"

I cut him off with my lips already knowing where he was going with it.

Tomorrow was gonna be a bitter sweet day, but for tonight I was gonna forget about all of it.