A Bad Influence

Disclaimer: I do not own the Tudors or take any credit for it

Authors Note: Hi! I noticed that there wasn't any fan fiction for these two so…

Chapter One

Cromwell slithered inside the King's chamber; he had some bad news for the King. But then again he probably wouldn't be that bothered.

"What is it Cromwell?" the King asked drily.

"Your daughter the Lady Mary's marriage offer with Princes in France and Spain have been declined"

"So?" he smirked.

Typical of the King, Cromwell didn't know how he could be so callous and cold with his children.

"Well it would be advisable to have the Lady Mary married off as soon as possible" Crowell advised.

"Why?" the King asked.

"Because… (How was he supposed to put this? 'Your daughter isn't getting any younger'). Your daughter might lose more interest if she gets older" Cromwell tried to tread carefully "most Princesses are betrothed when they're a lot younger so the competition will get more difficult".

"You mean she's not getting any younger?" he laughed, "True, I agree with you she needs to get married right away. But I don't want a foreign match; I want her to marry someone at court".

"Who did you have in mind?" Cromwell wondered.

The King carefully stroked his beard while Cromwell waited patiently for an answer.

"How about Sir Francis Bryan? He's single and a close friend" the King smiled.

The King must really hate his daughter, Cromwell thought bitterly. If his daughters were still alive he wouldn't let them anywhere near a man like that.

"Hasn't Sir Francis got a reputation as a womanizer?" Cromwell tried to save Mary.

"He's not bad really. Call him in" the King ordered.

Cromwell bowed slowly and made his way to fetch Sir Francis. When he came back with him Henry rose from his seat and dismissed Cromwell.

"Are you still single?" the King asked.

"Very much so" Francis said with joy.

"Well I would like you to marry my daughter, Lady Mary" the King requested.

Francis was stunned for a few seconds; he didn't want to marry that brat! But he knew better than to deny the King. What the King wants; he gets.

"I'd love to accept your majesties most gracious offer" he lied.

The Lady Mary gently cradled her half-brother in her arms. Singing an old Spanish song her Mother taught her, he seemed to like it. Suddenly Cromwell entered the room and Mary put the baby down and faced Cromwell.

"Good afternoon Lady Mary I have some news for you" Cromwell started.

Mary hated Cromwell with all her heart but she was eager to hear the news.

"Your Father, the King is marrying you off to Sir Francis Bryan" Cromwell revealed.

Mary's gulped loudly as her stomach violently dropped. She remembered him from when he gave her those documents to sign. He was horrible!

"No!" she pleaded.

Cromwell has highly sympathetic to Mary, what a horrible choice for a husband. But he wasn't going to let her see that.

"I'm sorry it's the King's orders. You are to be married at court tomorrow at noon from there you will join Sir Francis at…" then Cromwell trailed off.

Mary didn't know why God was punishing her this way? Her husband-to-be was a monster.

"If the King wills it then I will marry him" she stated bravely.

"Mary Tudor will you take Francis Bryan to be your husband? Will you love him, comfort him, and, forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?"

Mary wanted to scream 'NO!' and run out of the church as far as her legs would carry her. He'd answered his vows with an annoyingly huge smug on his face. Everyone was staring at her to answer, her Father, Cromwell, Brandon, Seymour…everyone was just glaring at her. So she begrudgingly swallowed her pride and answered the question.

"I do" she answered bitterly bringing an even wider smirk on her husband's face.

As the service went on she wanted to run she kept recanting in her head 'one, two, three go!' but she'd still be there.

"I Francis Bryan take you Mary Tudor to be my wife to have and to hold from this day forward for better for worse for richer, for poorer in sickness and health to love and to cherish till death do us part according to God's holy law. In the presence of God I make this vow"

Now it was her turn!

"I Mary Tudor take you Francis Bryan to be my husband to have and to hold from this day forward for better for worse for richer, for poorer in sickness and health to love and to cherish till death do us part according to God's holy law. In the presence of God I make this vow" she said slowly through gritted teeth.

"Heavenly Father by your blessing let these rings be to Francis Bryan and Mary Tudor a symbol of unending love and faithfulness to remind them of the vow and covenant which they have made this day through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."

Francis was having a worse time then Mary but he didn't want to show her that, she needed her to know her who was in charge. Dutifully they exchanged rings, almost ending the ceremony.

"In the presence of God and before this congregation Francis Bryan and Mary Tudor have given their consent and made their marriage vows to each other. They have declared their marriage by the joining of hands and by the giving and receiving of rings. I therefore proclaim that they are husband and wife" the priest ended merrily.

They church clapped with joy, sadly the opposite feelings of both man and wife. As her husband and she walked down the aisle he gripped her arm painfully tightly and whispered in her ear.

"I'm in charge now. Do not disappoint me" he growled in her ear.

Mary desperately wanted to burst into tears. God save her!

The wedding feast was amazing, the wine and ale flowed like water in a stream. But she was left on her own while her new husband gambled, drunk and swore the night away. Mr Cromwell sat down next to her and looked at her sympathetically.

"The King wants to inform you that you and Sir Francis Bryan will be traveling to your home in Buckinghamshire" he smiled weakly.

"Thank you Mr Cromwell" she replied blandly.

He nodded as he went to leave her; she hadn't even had her first dance with her husband yet. Eventually after much ale's after prodded by Brandon, Francis reluctantly asked her to dance. It was cold and emotionless, he carried her roughly. But he never lost his smug smirk on his face that Mary wanted to punch. She felt desperately unhappy, but she didn't want the festivities to end because she knew what would happen next.

After being bathed and put in her virgin white night gown. She slipped into their bed chamber, he was unfortunately already there.

"My dear sweet Mary" he smirked as he edged forwards.

"Look!" she yelled as she slowly retreated from him, "You can have as many mistresses as you wish. But I would like to remain a virgin".

"You forget yourself Lady Bryan, I'm the husband" he laughed, "There will be no more of your rebellious nature. It may have cut with your Father but not with me".

Mary felt frightened, but what could she do? Suddenly her grabbed her violently and forced her down to the bed. Then he took away her innocence…

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