Paul P.O.V.

It was just another day under the amazing fucking rule of Sam. I was stuck on patrol with Jared and all he wanted to talk about was Kim. Kim this, Kim that, Kim loves this, Kim hates that, I love Kim, Kim, Kim, Kim, finally I had enough. JARED SHUT THE FUCK UP! My mind became silent as I sighed in happiness. You see this is why I will never

imprint. I do not want to be this love struck, this desperate, this…whipped excuse of a wolf! I am Paul Meraz for fucks sakes! In my mind I heard Jared mumble Paul Meraz the man whore of La Push. I growled deeply and said Shut it Jarhead. It became silent again

as Jared phased back and went home. Finally I could have some peace and quiet. A wolfy grin appeared on my face as I dug my claws into the ground before taking around the area of La Push. The moon was high in the sky and its bright beams reflected off of my fur and onto the surrounding trees. I smirked again and let my mind slip away just taking in

the sights and sounds of the forest. After running around for a while I heard what sounded like gun shots on the Cullen's land. I stiffened and sprinted towards the sound to see 3 or 4 vans of leaches with guns shooting at something in the woods. I ran as fast as I could to catch a glimpse of the target and when I did I almost shit my pants. A gorgeous

black, red, and white wolf sprinted away from the vans expertly dodging the bullets. It was about the same size of Leah and it was built for speed. This wolf was honestly the fastest wolf I have ever seen. I tried to keep up with it but eventually it took a deep breath and with a bolt of energy it took off even faster if that's possible. I watched it run away in

astonishment before turning my attention back to the leaches. I growled viciously suddenly feeling the urge to protect the smaller wolf. I dove from the forest and onto the van easily causing it to swerve and crash. The other 3 vans noticed what happened, turned around, and took of the way they came. Good plan. I said while smirking at

myself. After congratulating myself for taking down 1 van of leaches I chased after the delicious scent of the wolf. It smelled like vanilla with a mixture of peppermint laced through it. I chased it for a few minutes until I heard a long howl in the distance. It was

Sam…Bella was having the baby and we needed to be there. I nodded and followed the pack to the Cullen's house preparing for a fight. That's when I noticed that the delicious scent led to the Cullen's house. I tilted my head in shock before phasing back and throwing some shorts on. The pack did the same as we walked inside only to be met by

the Cullens, Jacob, Leah, Seth, a pregnant Bella, and a new girl. She was rubbing something on Bella's stomach mumbling words in a different language. I watched her in astonishment as the room turned pink and the baby appeared in the girl's arms. Without skipping a beat she shoved the syringe full of venom into Bella's chest and watched as she turned into a leach. After the transformation was complete the girl seemed pissed as

she handed Edward the baby and hissed "Congratulations." We all walked onto the porch waiting for her to exit and when she walked past us I noticed she was trembling hard. The pack growled at her except for me…I was too captivated by her beauty to even react. She had long black and brown hair that was kept in a sloppy ponytail, tan skin like ours, legs that went on for miles, curves but in all the right places, and a tribal tattoo on her right

arm. I watched her every movement as she ran into the woods. In the distance I heard her phase and take off. Sam said there was no point in chasing after her because she would be back anyway. I can't believe that the wolf that I though was beautiful turned out to be an even more gorgeous girl. As we waited for her return back all of the guys began to talk about her. "She was HOT" Embry said to Seth who nodded and laughed. Jacob nodded and said "Now THAT was a woman!" The guys all chuckled except for me. A small

growl escaped my throat which caused everyone to glance at me. For some reason I felt extremely protective over the girl and I really didn't like to hear the guys talk about her. Mine. That word crossed through my mind pleasing my wolf greatly. My brow furrowed in confusion until she came back. We all stared at her and I could see the small tremor

run through her as she glared at us and said "Got a problem? Quit staring." I smirked and continued to watch her as she went to sit next to the half breed. For some reason she seemed to lighten up when she was around the abomination which is weird especially for a wolf. The half breed seemed to take a liking for her too as they joked and laughed for a

few minutes. For some odd reason I felt a sense of pride as I watched the beautiful girl interact with the abomination. From across the room I saw Edward smirk at me…damn leach reading my thoughts. I glared at him and in my mind I said Stay out of my head leach! And to go along with the message I showed him a picture of my wolf ripping his

head right off of his shoulders. He laughed a little bit and turned his attention back to the girl who was now talking to Bella. She seemed happy but I could sense a hint of pain behind her soothing voice. As if she realized me staring at her she glared at me and that's when it happened. Our eyes connected and I felt that amazing feeling that all of my pack brothers talk about when they meet 'the one.' The feelings are honestly hard to describe. I

felt happiness, understanding of my pack brothers, honor for being able to imprint on such a gorgeous female, and I felt the sudden urge to be next to her and protect her. I wanted to find out everything about her, I wanted to see why she had pain and depression hidden behind her gorgeous brown eyes; I wanted her to be mine. Her face looked like

she was in a daze too…wait…did we imprint on each other? Before I could think about it anymore she smiled at me and said "Hey I'm Alex Nightshade." Alex...Alex…Alex…I let her name travel across my tongue and sink into my brain. The name fit her perfectly. I

smiled and said "Hey my names Paul Meraz." She smiled and nodded before listening to the names of everyone in the pack. She looked at all of their faces as if calculating exactly what they looked like. I smiled and chuckled quietly at her focused look on her beautiful face. After meeting everyone she said "So…shifters huh?"

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