Chapter 1: Strange Relatives
'I knew he always thought I was just a weak miko, that's all I'll ever be to him. I should have known he would run off to Kikyo, but why on my 18th birthday?! 'Damn you Inuyasha, grrrr...Wait! Was that a growl?...
Just so you don't get too confused this is kinda my own version where Naraku was destroyed and the jewel shards are still being looked for. And I warn you now this is a M-rated story and may contain a lemon and swearing so from this point on think about what you are doing and consider if you know what a lemon is *NOT THE FRUIT!*(if you don't know then you are younger than 11 and you must be wwaayy over that to be allowed to read this so YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!).-ENJOY!
I do NOT own Inuyasha or any of the Characters WHAT SO EVER! :'(
It was a normal day like any other they'd had. Walking for hours in the blazing sun, birds chirping, leaves rustling as the wind danced through and then there was Inuyasha and Kagome bickering to no end. "Inuyasha come on! It's my 18th birthday and I wanted to celebrate it with my family, seeing as I've had my 16th AND 17th here! Can't you just cut me some slack for 24 hours?"
As you probably would have realised, Kagome was trying to convince Inuyasha to let her go home for the annual celebration of her birth and as usual Inuyasha wasn't letting her. In fact it didn't even seem as if he was paying attention. He just strolled along beside Kagome at the front of the group as she practically bickered to herself.
"Hey! Are you even listeni-?"
"Cut it out wench! I don't care if you were turning a hundred. We have a Shikon jewel to finish and I intend for you to stay here until we have them all. And that's final. Hm stupid wench." Then he turned away and walked at a faster pace ahead of Kagome, little did he know that his actions would later cost him something precious to him...
"Sit boy! SIT BOY, SIT BOY, SIT BOY, SIT BOY! I HATE YOU INUYASHA" Kagome couldn't take it anymore and sat Inuyasha with so much anger she was sure he went about ten feet down.
Miroku, Sango, Shippo and even Kirara winced with each command that came with the young ladies wrath. Miroku silently said a prayer for any 'parts' that could have been crushed with Kagome's fury whereas the rest of the gang were fighting laughing fits. That is until Kagome turned around, with eyes similar to those of the devil thus causing all the gang to simultaneously gulp.
"Sango? Would it be okay if Kirara took me back to the village?" Said demon slayer looked to her companion for confirmation and with a nod she agreed. "Sure Kagome, just take all the time you need. I'm sure we can find the remaining jewel shards by ourselves." And with that Kagome hugged each one of her friends -save Miroku of course- and took flight with Kirara back to the village where a certain time travelling well resided.
When she got home she had a relaxing talk with her mother about how some boys just need some space before they start taking interest. "Just be patient. I'm sure he'll come around." "Okay mama, I hope you're right." "Of course I am, I'm your mother I'm always right. Now go get ready for your party, we have relatives coming." "Relatives...? I didn't know we had relatives coming over." And with that she smiled at her mother (I'm gonna call her Kari later) and ran upstairs to party-up.
Kagome ran to her closet and found the dress she'd been dying to wear since her 16th! It had a tight fitting top and flared out gently at her hips to compliment her figure.(Link SHOULD be on my profile. If it isn't then tell me in your reviews x.) It was a deep, midnight blue and ended just above her knees. She looked into the mirror and twirled around to see how it looked. The back was lace up which, thankfully, had already been done. She then went to get her makeup and applied a range of eye shadows to create a blue and grey smoky eye. She then applied a soft pink lip-gloss and knew she was ready. She slipped on her shoes and went downstairs just as she heard the door bell ring.
She answered the door and her jaw dropped. There standing in front of her was the most gorgeous guy she had ever seen. He looked to be about nineteen, and he was wearing black jeans and a blue button up shirt with the first two buttons undone, which she guessed the reason being was to show of the fang he had hanging from a strip of leather around his neck. She also noticed that his skin seemed to be a bit on the pale side. As she looked up to his face, she felt her heart skip a beat. His eyes were a blue that could rival that of Kouga's, and were made even brighter from the contrasting black of his hair.
"Um...Hello? Kagome? Kagome? Can you hear me? It's me, Kiba."
Kagome snapped out of her little daydream and suddenly realised that he must be one of the relatives her mother was talking about. "Oh hi yeah, I'm sorry it's just I don't remember seeing you before?" She tilted her head to the side and watched as he laughed at her puppy-ish antics. "Well I'm not surprised. The last time I remember seeing you was four hund-yelp! What did I say?!" He turned around to see his father.
Kiba's P.O.V
"What did I say?!" His father motioned for him to come over. He did, only to receive a punch to the head. "She doesn't know yet!" "Ohhh. Well you could have said so before." he said as he rubbed the lump forming under his lush hair. Kiba and his father both turned around to address Kagome, only to find a chubby cat in her place. "Well now you've done it dad. She probably won't speak to us for the rest of the night." His father gave him a glare. "Well then you better pray she at least listens to what we have to say." And with that they both walked into the Higurashi shrine.
Normal P.O.V
As time passed Kagome realised that Kiba and his father were probably the only distant relatives that were coming. So with that she realised that there shouldn't be any other surprises tonight, and so she decided to relax and enjoy her party. Little did she know she was about to be given a surprise that would rival anything else.
Seeing as her jii-chan had forbidden her to have alcohol 'at such a pure age' –even though he downed a bottle of sake- she didn't really enjoy most of her night to the fullest. So when it came time to go back to the feudal era later that night, she was a bit disappointed. She went up to her mother and explained she would have to leave soon. "And where is it you think you are going young missy?" Kagome turned around at the sound of the voice and saw Kiba's father whom she found was called Sora "hm...As in sky? That explains the eyes". She turned her attention back to Sora and realised he had a serious look on his face. "Kagome? Would you like to join me and Kiba in the living dining room? We need to have a discussion." Kagome turned to her mother and received a look of approval. "go on dear, I'll be right with you after I put Souta to bed." A distant complaint could be heard in the background and Kagome chuckled. Then she turned to Sora, nodded and followed him into the dining room just wondering what was in store for her...
Soon they were seated in the dining room and awaiting Kagome's mother to join them in their 'important' discussion. As the silence dragged on the tension in the room got thicker and thicker, well it did to Kagome. Next you could hear the scrap of the chair as Kagome said "I'll just go see if she's having trouble wi-" "No Kagome, please sit. I'm sure you're mother will understand if we start without her." With that Kagome sat down and smoothed out her dress, then looked Sora in the eye. He looked back with a stern look and began. "Kagome, I don't know how to tell you this, but to put it simply... You're in danger."
Kagome blinked at him. "What do you mean by danger?" Sora sighed. "Well Kagome, I don't know how to put this so I'm just going to go ahead and say it. We know about the well and the feudal era and we are here to warn you of a war." Kagome sat there shocked. "How?...There's no way he could know that unless...mama? No. But how?!" Then Kiba decided to speak. "No we weren't told by anyone. We know because...we are demons Kagome. And my father is your grandson."
Kagome stood up with so much force the chair smacked against the cupboards "Enough! I'm not listening to any of this! I just met you people like 2 hours ago and you're expecting me to believe this crap?!" Kiba stood up also and looked Kagome dead in the eye. "Kagome it's the truth! You mated t-" "LIES!" She turned to Sora. "I don't know how you know about the well... but there is NO WAY that I am your grandmother!" And with that she grabbed her backpack and stormed out of the house straight towards the well house.
"Well that went well huh dad." Sora fixed his son with another glare. Just then Kari walked in on the scene and knew instantly, she looked to Sora. "You told her?"
"Only what she could handle. She wouldn't hear anything past 'grandson'. She's gone back."
"She'll be fine. Just give her some space to think and she'll come asking questions."
Sorry it took so long guys, had a lot of studying to get used to hehe :3 hope you like the complete of this chapter :D
Inu-Youkai Kagome x