This is a new idea that i'm working on. I know it's really, really short, but i'm wondering what you all think of it. If there is enough interest, i am willing to continue it :)

Please read and review!

Prologue: Gelegenheit gerne klopfen

"Yeah, I hear you...I'm coming! I just have to find the key."

Hermione Granger hauled herself out of bed, before stumbling over to her desk. She groped around, on and in it, before managing to find her keys in the Bermuda of a top drawer; however, her success was short-lived as she managed to tangle herself in her bathrobe.

She hopped across her flat, attempting to detangle herself, only to knock over part of her collection of herbs in pots. The smell of rosemary and thyme permeated the air as she finally made it to the front door, mentally cursing herself for having lost the keys in the first place.

She pushed the key into the lock and turned it, internally muttering ceasing the moment that she opened the door wide enough. A burly wizard was standing there, arms ramrod straight, wand pointing directly at her head.

His voice was gravelly and full of anger, but even through her fear, Hermione was able to detect what he must have thought was a sense of achievement.

"I told you that you would pay for what you did!"

With that, a bolt of brilliant light was ejected from the tip of his wand, hitting Hermione square in the face.

With that single blow, Hermione Granger knew no more.