Hello, everyone! It's been two years (I believe?) since I've updated. I realize I left it hanging and since then my life has changed so much that I can't even believe it. I've had no time to work on anything and I honestly forgot about fanfiction for a while until one faithful day, on habit, I typed in fanfiction and here I was and my heart stopped. I want to start again on everything and this is how I'm going to do it.

I'm going to write this story.

I'm going to start off where it left and once it's done, I'll rewrite it! I just want to finish it since the typing left off oddly since my writing style has changed so tremendously. So you'll notice that for a while. I also have another story that I will be starting back on and so check that one out too? It's a SYOT (submit your own tribute) story and I only ended on District Two reapings sadly. But yesterday I went and saw Mockingjay part one and it changed my life. Just kidding, but it made me want to get involved in this fandom once more. I lost touch and so here I am, taking back my ideas and love for the Hunger Games.

You'll hopefully see an update soon! I'm going on Thanksgiving break this week so I'll have about a week off from school and (hopefully) I can type while I'm on vacation!

See y'all soon!