A/N: Hey there, I know it's been a few days already since Valentine's Day, but what can I do, I wasn't planning on posting a new fanfic, the idea just came to me on Valentine's xD.

Well, I hope you like it. Dedicated to every Jori shipper in the world.

Disclaimer: Nope, Not mine at all, never will be.

I hate Valentine's Day, I really do. You can add it to the list of things I really despise in the world, right after the words tissue and moisture. And how could I not hate it when, for the first time in a long time, I'm alone… and it's not that I need him to feel good about myself, not at all. It's just that I thought he would be back with me by now. That he would be all romantic about it and ask me with several roses to be his valentine again. But that didn't happen. I don't like to recognize it but it hurt when he dumped me, when he humiliated me in front of our friends… if you can call them that…

I mean, seriously, all we did was fight a little. Why was it so different from the rest of the time? We have always fought like that, ever since we met each other, even our first kiss was after a fight. I can't help but feel he wanted to break up with me and he was just making up excuses because he wasn't man enough to tell me what he really felt, to tell me the truth. He does not love me anymore. And I get it, I really do, but I thought he cared enough for me. I thought he would tell me the truth. Instead he left me counting outside Vega's house like a moron. While he stayed there playing cards…. He played cards for God's sake!

He wasn't hurting; he was probably happy in a fight-free environment, being hit on by the older Vega. I really don't get it. Nobody likes her! But they prefer to have her there than me. Granted, she lives there, but it would have been nice if one of my friends at least would have come after me. I know I would have only been obnoxious to them, but still, it would have been a nice gesture. But that didn't happen. All I got was a text message from Tori freaking Vega asking me if I was alright, and a weird call from Cat asking for advice about how not to skip three when you are counting. Apparently she was impressed by my math skills.

That night I drove for a couple of hours before heading back home. I had the stupid hope that Beck would be there when I got back, ready to apologize and ask me to give us another chance. But he wasn't. I wasn't just disappointed and sad… it really pissed me off. So the first thing I did was to go to the Slap and change my relationship status. That would teach him. If he had the nerve of breaking up with me like that, he would never have me back, even if it hurts a little.

It's been over a week since that happened and here I am, wandering alone on Valentine's Day in the mall. I'm not sure what possessed me to go out today. I mean, what exactly did I expect? To have fun doing activities that are meant to be done as a couple, activities like dinner, movies, etcetera? I don't usually enjoy those, not even with someone; this was such a bad call. All I see are couples being all mushy and happy. What's the point, why am I even here at all? Am I torturing myself? I know that sometimes I say I like pain, and I do, but this is ridiculous.

Maybe I should just go home. Yeah, stay home and watch some gore movie for the tenth time this week. That's what I'm thinking about when I see her. Just what I needed…Tori Vega walking through the mall. I should just go now before she sees me; the last thing I need is an awkward conversation with the shiny princess. Wait… maybe it is what I need; torturing Vega a little may make me feel better about myself. After all, I don't see her with anyone. I'm not the only one who's alone on Valentine's.

There she is, frowning and looking at a store. She hasn't even noticed I'm there, so I can't help it when I go and scream really loud next to her ear. She looks really startled until she sees me and smiles, still a little worried.

"Hey Jade, jeez, you scared me," she says while she runs a hand through her hair. I wonder what's up with this girl and her hair.

"I see. Well, that kind of was the idea," I tell her, smirking at her.

"That's what I thought. So what are you up to?" she asks. What am I up to anyway? What should I tell her? Maybe I'll just avoid her question.

"None of your business, Vega, I'm just clearing my mind." That sounded a little more offensive than I expected, but still within parameters. She just nods and says nothing. This girl is really scared of me.

"And what are you up to here on Valentine's Day, alone?" I smirk, giving emphasis on the last word.

"Oh, you know, I'm looking for a new pearphone. I haven't had time until today." She looks a little confused.

"And why do you look so confused. You don't know what color to choose from?" It certainly looks like a problem the little princess could have.

"Well, kind of, yeah, I do." I knew it.

"Purple," I say before I can stop myself.

"What?" she asks.

"The color… you should buy a purple one," I tell her, and she nods.

"You're right, I will… Um, Jade, do you want to…" She stops there and blushes like a tomato.

"Do I want what, Vega?" I ask, looking straight into her eyes, forcing her to look down.

"Well, nothing. I was just wandering if you would like to go with me to buy it. You know, join me so I'm not alone," she says, still looking down. Right, because it would be so much fun joining Vega in the search for a pearphone. But on the other hand, there is really nothing else I want to do right now.

"So you're not alone? You mean on Valentine's Day? Are you asking me on a date, Vega? I had no idea you saw me that way," I say, laughing. It's just priceless to see her blushing like that. A few moments go by before she speaks again.

"Yes..." she says and I freeze. Is she serious?

"What Vega?"

"Yes, I want you to join me on Valentine's Day. Like you said, I'm alone, and you are too, as far as I can see… We could have a pretend date, maybe?" she suggests, and I'm ready to say no, to say something mean to make her feel ridiculous about even asking.

But instead I said, "Sure." I don't know what possessed me to say that. It was meant to be a sarcastic "sure", but it came out completely different, almost as a happy "sure". Oh well, what's the worst that could happen anyway?

"Seriously?" Her eyes are big as plates, confusion in her eyes. I'm sure she thought, just as I did, that I was going to make fun of her.

"It's just pretending, right? Yeah…I guess it could be worst. After all, making fun of you is one of my favorite's things to do," I say. I need to help this situation somehow.

"Cool then, let's go. Purple, you said, right?" And there she is, smiling at me like there's no place on earth she would like to be instead of here with me. Well… she has always been like that to me, no matter what. It's probably just the way she is.

It wasn't a problem to buy the pearphone. She bought the one I suggested, and sometimes I wonder if she would do whatever I told her. Maybe I should put that to practice now.

"So… we're on a pretend date, right?" I ask her, and she looks at me, puzzled.

"Yes, we are…" she answers.

"Alright, then we should continue on it and do something fun. What about going to the movies? There is a particular movie I want to see," I tell her. It should be fun seeing her suffer with a gory movie.

"Sure, that sounds great. Which one do you have in mind, Jade?" she asks with a smile.

"The Zombie's Comeback; I heard it's really bloody." I smirk at her. I know she may throw up when she watches the movie. It's really a win-win for me.

"Oh, yeah, that could be… fun." I knew she would say yes, so we head to the movies and buy two tickets.

Once we're watching the movie, it becomes obvious that she can't take gore. I mean, she can pretend all she wants that she can, but she keeps closing her eyes every time someone dies. It makes the movie even funnier to watch.

It's then that I notice that she is sinking into the seat. Nope, I can't allow that; she needs to watch this movie, so I take her by the shoulders and lift her. She stares at me like I had just become a rainbow or something. And then I see why. I'm hugging her, in the movies, on a date, a pretend date. Of course she was going to think something else.

I was about to take my arm away from her when she cuddles against it and puts her head on my shoulder, looking directly to the screen. So much for taking my arm back. Well, I guess I got what I wanted; she's watching the movie now and I must say she looks really relaxed. That wasn't what I wanted.

"Having fun there, Vega?" I ask her with sarcasm, without taking my arm yet. I want to see her uncomfortable.

"Yeah, I am," she says, looking confident. "And we are on a date. You could try and call me Tori, you know?" And she's smirking at me, something that makes me lose my usual state of confidence.

"Is that right, Vega? Oh well… Then Tori it is, for today. After all…we are on a pretend date. Everything should be the same as on a regular date." And saying that, I hug her even tighter, bringing her closer to me.

"Yes, everything," she says, smiling, and returns her eyes to the screen, looking happier than I have ever seen her, which is kind of add, considering she is always happy.

The movie goes on without much of a change. She refused to move from where she was, not that I had asked her to, but still, she remained there, even taking the liberty of hugging me when the worst scenes came. And I honestly don't know why I allowed it; it must be about the date thing, but it was kind of fun, and I could swear that there was a moment where she was looking at me, at my eyes, at my lips, when she wanted me to kiss her. I can't be sure, but it felt like it. So I just pretended not to notice it. I guess I have always kind of thought that she liked me somehow. No one takes the kind of punishment I make her go through just because. What should I do now? Go on with the date? Or just… go home?

A/N: Hey, so what do you think about it? It was meant to be a one shot, but I guess it's just not in me to write short stories xD.

let me know what you think. Thanks for reading n.n