As the car pulled up to the scene Integra's lips were tightly pressed into an expression of concern at the scene before her. The house was ablaze and the street was now fully cordoned off at both ends. Bodies were being dispatched of quickly in dark vans and ambulances, it was moving efficiently but a crowd was still forming at either end, innocent bystanders curiously getting their fix of morbid fascination; it never failed to amaze the baroness how ordinary people's minds worked – they all wanted to live in security and peace, yet at the first chance to see something shocking or horrific they pushed to be the first in line.
She shook her head and got out of the car, Walter already beside her and ready for trouble if it came to it. She watched as policemen and guards hurried to clear the way for her to come through, people were taking photos with phone cameras now and she decided it would be best just to ignore it right now.
"What's the situation?" she queried as she walked past the barricade wall and advanced on the scene itself "Where's Sir Jeremy Norman?"
The young officer who'd brought her though shook his head, he looked like a boy himself and seemed shocked by what he'd witnessed here tonight in the heart of London "I'm sorry to tell you this Ma'am but he's been confirmed amongst the dead, there are a lot of people who've lost someone here tonight." He said in a strained voice.
She grit her teeth angrily and shut her eyes tightly as she accepted that none too welcome titbit of information "I see. I'm very sorry to hear that. Thank you for letting me know officer, carry on with your duties." She ordered him.
"Yes ma'am." The Policeman saluted quickly before hurrying back to the barricade.

She walked to the house where the fire was now being contained and saw her agent staring at the work impassively. He had an unusual smile on his face as he watched it slowly being brought under control.
"Is something funny about this that I can't see Alucard?" she asked him sourly.
"Mm? Ah, Integra." he bowed, taking his hat off his head in a smooth polished movement of a gentleman "I wasn't expecting to see you here tonight." He confessed.
"And where else would I be Servant? This is my job." she asked him sharply.
"As you say Master, I'm sure I shouldn't guess otherwise. But we've both been keeping secrets of late haven't we? For all I know you might have had another meeting to attend like that last one that you went off to on such short notice." His tone was light and as she cast him a sharp curious stare he caught her gaze and winked playfully at her.
"You're aware you completely failed in this mission aren't you Alucard?" she demanded of him, growing angry at his behaviour "I sent you here to save this man, and the first thing I'm told from a mere policeman is that one of my fellow members of Government is dead. This will be all over the news by tomorrow and it'll be a nightmare to cover up."
"Thankfully cover stories are not your burden to bear Integra. You never were very good at making things up." Alucard pointed out.
"This is no laughing matter!" she snapped at him "Just tell me what happened here Alucard, and be quick about it!"
He turned to look her square in the eyes, assessing her carefully for a moment before he smiled humourlessly at her "As you wish Master." He replied "I arrived to see the doors broken down and the house infested with ghouls, I went to the top floor as I assumed it was where your fellow Knight would be hiding from trouble."
He paused as she frowned at his use of words, his tone sounded accusatory "…and…?" she pressed him impatiently.
"Well he was already dead when I found him. One of his guards was a vampire Master, I found him feeding off the man and I took care of him but your friend was beyond help. Apparently you might have to advise your fellow members about some of the tell tale signs of a vampire." The vampire pointed out.
She glared at him and lit herself a cigar "His guard you say? Which one was it?" It was not really a question she'd have asked right away at the scene with the vampire confirmed dead but something about that story didn't seem right and she wasn't buying it...
"How should I know Master? You told me to save your fellow member, and I did. His body is over there along with the other guards. Perhaps the one that's missing from the roster will give you the answer you seek." Alucard pointed over to where the casualties of the 'attack' were being laid with covers, Walter was already getting the information for her and thanking the attendants for their hard work.

She left Alucard to stare at the smoking house and walked over to where Walter was squatted down and surveying the body of her fellow knight with a curious frown.
"What's the matter Walter?" she asked him.
The butler shook his head slightly and stroked his chin in thought "Sir, I like to think I'm a man who knows a lot about vampires and their methods. This one's not a normal case and it's puzzling me. I'm just trying to work it out."
She nodded and took a drag off her cigar before letting the smoke out "Tell me what you think Walter. I'm just as curious about this as you are, and you are the best human I've met in this area. Give me some ideas."
Her butler smiled at that and bowed his head slightly in gratitude of her compliment "Sir. Vampires do not attack urban settlements in this manner. Cheddar was more the average vampires style; they go for villages or other isolated communities. They strategically pick off a few until they're either found out or have enough bodies hidden away as ghouls to get away with a quick bloody rampage before anyone can get out."
He pointed over to an alley "I found evidence of feeding, there's blood spatters there and in the other alley just over there at the other end of the street. No more than one or two people in either of the alleys at most, and quite likely people in the wrong place at the wrong time. That's not so odd, it could have been the vampire was looking for victims or had a particular need to feed."
She looked at the large amount of victims and sighed heavily "Then what happened?" she asked him.
"It appears the ghouls made their way carefully through the street initially, the few houses at that end were easy targets, but as they got closer to the house it seems they were less subtle" he indicated to doors that had been bashed down and where windows had been smashed "I believe this was when the phone call you received must have taken place sir. It seems Sir Norman's household security made a failed attempt to rescue some of the civilians closer to the household before they too were killed."
"And none escaped?" she asked.
"None. It seems to have been planned that way, it's common for vampires to be thorough in their sprees given how hungry the ghouls are on reanimation." Walter explained.
"He must have really wanted Sir Norman dead." She mused "An entire street killed for manpower… it seems like overkill given his foes were only human."
"Perhaps he feared the guards?" Walter guessed.
She shook her head "Unnecessary concerns Walter, they'd have let him through without the need for violence."
"Really sir? How do you know that?" the butler asked her.
"Alucard confirmed one of the guards was the vampire." She said "They'd have let him in."
"…then this tactic doesn't make sense." Walter stated as the two of them realised it as the same time.
"A vampire that could get in here wouldn't have needed to murder a whole street for the sake of one man… Alucard! Get over here right-!" Integra turned to call her agent over to her for answers but the street was empty. Alucard was nowhere to be seen.

As he walked in through the front doors Alucard was quickly met by Seras and Pip who seemed eager for information about what was going on tonight.
"Master, I can't find Sir Integra anywhere! Walter's gone too…" she sounded worried and seeing the look on his face she found herself faltering and stuttering again. She'd seen that look before on him…
"Mister Alucard," Bernadotte stated "You want to tell me what's going on here?"
Alucard looked at him and Seras and nodded "Come with me. I have something to tell you both and I don't have long to explain." He took them to Integra's office and sat in the chair as pointed to the phone "Seras, this is Integra's private line. Do you know why she has this in her study?"
"Because it's a work phone and this is her workplace?" Seras guessed.
"No!" Alucard thumped his hand on the desk "It's because no one would be in here to overhear unless she wanted them to!" he lifted the receiver and snarled "She was calling Islands, that old man who chairs those meetings of hers, and they were discussing me." He slammed it down in its holder so hard it cracked the phone.
"They want me imprisoned again Seras." He said coldly "They want me out of the picture."
"Master…" Seras felt her stomach dropping and a horrible feeling of nausea rising up her throat "Master wait! Hold on, I know what you're going to say! You can't do this again – you mustn't!"
"Why not!" he leaned forward and glared daggers at his fledgling "Tell me that Seras!"
She started trembling again – she couldn't do this again!
He saw the broken look on her face and his gaze softened slightly "I won't kill her Seras. I won't even harm her." He assured her soothingly.
"Hey? Someone want to explain what you're talking about?" Pip asked the two of them.
They both looked at him in amazement… how didn't he know? Oh. Of course they wouldn't have told him…
"Captain, there's obviously a few things you haven't been informed of around here." Alucard surmised "Let me bring you up to date, before you arrived here-"
Seras cut him off "Pip he murdered the last set of household guards after raping Integra!"
"Be silent!" Alucard roared at her.
"I won't Master! These people are my friends and you can't do this! Integra's right about you – you're a mons-ah!" she squeaked as his hand lashed forward and caught her by her throat to bring her right up to face level with him.
"I'm trying very hard to be kind to you Seras, to you and Integra both. STAY BACK!" he snarled at Pip who'd moved forward to try and get him off Seras. The mercenary fell back onto his backside with a look of shock at the glowing red eyes and wild savage expression on his employers face.
Alucard turned his attention back to the girl in his hand "Now if you do as I say like a good girl then I won't have to hurt anyone. But if you try and be clever – one word Seras – then I'll be forced to take action we'll both have cause to regret. Now all you need to know is that I want Integra alive and unharmed. That's what you want too isn't it – just nod Seras and stop that noise, you don't need to breathe girl!"
Seras had been gasping and struggling to breathe under his very tight grip around her neck but she stopped at his insistence and with visible reluctance raised her eyes to meet his. Hers were swimming with tears.
"…" she tried to speak and Alucard raised a brow before tapping her head and then his own Use telepathy you idiot. He commanded in her head.
If I do this… do you promise me you won't hurt them? She pleaded pitifully.
He smiled amicably as though she were a little girl asking him if she might get a glass of water So long as they behave I won't have reason to. I just want them kept here out of the way whilst I clean up this mess of hers.
She swallowed hard and nodded very briefly. He let her go immediately and she rubbed her sore neck and looked at him with a sad and very guilt ridden look upon her face "…what do you want me to do…?" she asked him in a very quiet voice.

"This won't do Walter. He's up to something!" Integra got into the car as Walter hurried into the driver seat and turned on the engine.
"Ma'am we can't be certain of that, but I think that this is a very wise choice! Can't we discuss these concerns with Islands before returning to the mansion?" the butler urged her.
"Walter I did that before and all it did was cause more trouble, Islands will be informed the second I have proof, but I must know!"
"Sir, what will happen if you're right? Please consider it – you'll be walking into a trap!"
"Seras is there." Integra stated "I trust her implicitly. She has a strong moral code."
"Alucard will not care and she is not strong enough to face him, nor for that matter are we." The butler pointed out "We have between us no weapons that will do anything more than slow Alucard down or severely displease him."
"The mercenaries are on my side Walter, I'm the one paying them and I have to ensure their safety as well as that of England's."
"Integra – they're mercenaries!" Walter all but shouted "Alucard will have them on his side by the end of the day because he will give them no other alternative but to do so if they want to live! Money is of no use to a dead man, and with all things considered I'd weigh your life far more heavily than theirs! They fight others peoples wars for profit – they have no honour!"
Integra stared at him coldly for a long second as the butler composed himself "Never call me by my first name so disrespectfully again Walter." She commanded him.
"Yes my Lady." Walter acknowledged.
"Good. Now drive me to my home." Integra ordered him.
"But sir-!"
Seeing no other option Walter started the ignition and set the car in motion. His mind was a frantic whirlwind of thoughts and fears as they drew closer and closer to their home and headquarters.
As they pulled up Integra clicked a pen she'd been writing with back into its place in a small holder in the rear door compartment. She leaned forward and ordered Walter to stop the car at the entrance as he normally would.
She kept her voice low as she instructed Walter what to do.
"Listen carefully old friend, you must take this letter to Islands and ensure he reads it before anyone else does. Before anyone else Walter." She insisted "It's the only way to make sure Alucard doesn't become a threat to anyone else again. You must do as Islands commands you after you give him that letter and trust me. If I'm wrong we'll laugh about this later, but till then have faith I know what I'm doing."
Walter nodded "Here's hoping that you're just being paranoid then Sir." He teased her.
She laughed at that and suddenly leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the side of his head "My dear old friend," she said so kindly Walter feared to hear what her next words might be "have I ever told you how lucky I am to have you with me?"
Walter smiled and tried not to let his expression show his overflowing emotion at that sentiment "Now sir, as I've always maintained regarding such sentiments, I am only-"
"My butler." Integra finished "I know Walter. That's why you'll do as I said and nothing else." She opened the door and paused halfway out to lean back "If Enrico Maxwell gloats you will say something in my defence?"
"I would be glad to put him in his place should such an occurrence take place my Lady." Walter assured her.

"Good." She shut the door and walked down the stretch of tarmac towards her gates

Hi. I'm not dead.
I know this one was considerably shorter than previous chapters but it was a case of get it up quickly and be shorter, or write up ALL of it into a very long one. I'd say I've procrastinated long enough with updates so I wanted to just get it up and assure you I haven't abandoned my story.
- Blood Never Lies.