Again, SO sorry for the gap between updates. Thank you for being so patient with me. x

I hope you like this chapter, think you all will anyway! :-)

Chapter 40.

Brax sat on the beach, staring out at the sea after a long, hard day at work.

He loved the peacefulness of the beach, especially at night-time.

His peace was short-lived when he heard a familiar voice shouting at him from further down the beach, "OI!" He turned to see Matt pacing toward him. He stood up, about to politely greet Matt, but he froze when Matt grabbed him by the collar of his shirt angrily and squared him up, "What the hell do you think you're doing calling her a slut?!" He yelled, letting Brax go, only to punch him straight in the face, sending him tumbling into the sand.

"Mate, it's not what you think." Brax attempted to sit up and explain himself, but Matt interrupted.

"You fucking hurt her again!" Matt shouted, "I gave her up for you! I thought she'd be happy with you, you said you loved her, you said you'd look after her, but calling her things like that, that ain't love!"


Charlie walked along the beach that night. Just like Brax, she loved the peacefulness of it, the quiet and solitude; the only noise being the sea gently lapping against the shore.

She stopped and listened when she heard shouting and scuffling. She scanned ahead of her to see two men brawling on the beach. Thinking of turning around and heading off the beach, she stopped when she saw a flash of Brax's chest tattoo, allowing her to instantly recognise what was going on.

She began to walk faster, which soon turned into a run as she started shouting at them, begging them both to stop, "BRAX... MATT... STOP IT!" Charlie cried as she ran toward them, "Stop it!" She screamed as she stopped in front of them, trying to tear them apart from each other.

Surprisingly enough, both men stopped and stood up, moving away from each other as they both stared at Charlie, "What the hell is going on? Why are you fighting?" Charlie asked, looking from Brax to Matt, "I said what is going on?" Charlie asked again, gaining no answer.

She groaned in frustration as both men kept quiet, "This idiot started it," Brax spat.

"What'd you just call me?" Matt growled, stepping closer to Brax.

"No, no, I said stop this." Charlie intervened sharply as both men prepared to start fighting again.

"Matt, why? Where did this come from?" Charlie asked.

"I don't know what you see in him, Charlie! He's no good for you, for Zo. He left you, both of you. He left you when you were pregnant for god-"

"NO!" Charlie screamed, alarming both men, "SHUT UP, JUST SHUT UP!" she took a deep breath, "We do not talk about that." She added sharply, trying to calm herself, "You know that, Matt."

"I'm sorry," Matt muttered, watching as Brax wandered away from them, closer to the sea.

Charlie waited until Brax had moved away before she turned to Matt, "What brought this on?" she whispered as she stared at her ex.

Matt squeezed his eyelids shut tightly as he ran his hand through his tousled hair, "Colleen mentioned something in the diner, I must have heard wrong."

"No, knowing Colleen she spread the wrong thing," Charlie rolled her eyes. She sighed as she glanced over at Brax who was wiping the back of his hand across his bloody nose before he sat down on the sand.

"I'll leave you to it." Matt smiled apologetically, "Tell him I'm sorry."

Charlie gave him a faint smile and nodded, watching as he walked off the beach before she turned around and walked over to Brax.

Sitting down beside him, she remained quiet before shuffling closer to him as she rested her head against his shoulder. She smiled when she felt his arm wind around her waist.

"I'm sorry," Brax muttered, placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

"I'm tired of hearing you say that," Charlie sighed, running her hand up and down his thigh, "You've said it too much to me the past few days."

"Because I've been a real idiot the past few days," Brax retorted.

Charlie grinned as she moved away and gazed at him, "You okay?"

Brax nodded, "The guy can throw a punch," he chuckled lightly.

Charlie smiled before leaning forward, moving to kiss Brax's cheek, she laughed as he ducked his head to the right, being sure that she kissed his lips instead.

"Come on, let's get you back to my place," Brax raised an eyebrow at Charlie's comment, "Not like that, you idiot," she giggled as she stood to her feet and offered him her hands, "I need to get you cleaned up."

Brax sighed and nodded lightly before taking her hand, standing up as he took hold of Charlie's hands and led her toward his car.


Brax winced as he sat on one of the stools at the breakfast bar of Charlie's kitchen whilst she stood in front of him, cleaning the cuts on his face, "Hold still," Charlie scolded, grabbing Brax's chin with her hand to stop him from moving as she continued to clean the cuts, "Brax, stop being such a baby," Charlie snapped as he kept wincing and moving.

"You're not exactly being gentle about it," he muttered in response through clenched teeth. Charlie rolled her eyes before finishing up, placing all the blood-covered cotton wool balls into the bin, she began to pack the first aid kit away, "Thanks," Brax mumbled.

"So, are you going to tell me what had you in such a bad mood the other night?"

"What night?" Brax frowned.

"The night I was at Angelo's."

"Oh," Brax shook his head, "It doesn't matter."

"I think it does, Brax." Charlie sighed, "You were really upset, I know it."

Brax exhaled, "My uncle died."

Charlie's eyes widened at his words, "You mean-"

"Yeah," Brax interrupted, "The one who looked after us when mom couldn't, and dad wasn't around, the one who gave us money, the one who cared. The one who loved us."

"Brax, I'm so sorry."

"Don't be, it's okay, I'm okay." Brax smiled weakly as he reached for her hands and clasped them in his own.

"You sure?" Charlie asked, giving his hands a comforting squeeze. Brax nodded in response, "Okay," Charlie whispered, smiling lightly before she leant forward and placed a soft kiss on his forehead.

"Are you okay?" Brax asked as he removed his hands from Charlie's and placed them on her waist instead, pulling her between his legs. Charlie frowned, "I saw how upset you looked earlier after what Matt said."

"I'm fine."

"Charlie, he's upset you. He needs to-"

"Needs to what, Brax? You're really going back for more? You need to stop this fighting and stop it right now because I won't do it again, Brax, you have a daughter to think about too now, how do you think she's going to feel when she sees these bruises?"

Brax stayed silent as he looked up at her, "Just so long as you're okay?"

"I'm fine," Charlie groaned before leaning forward, pressing her forehead against his, "Stay with me tonight?" Charlie asked, leaning back to try and read the expression etched across Brax's face.

A grin soon found its way onto his lips, "I wouldn't be anywhere else." Charlie smiled as Brax placed a soft kiss on her cheek, "Where's Zoe?"

"She went out with Rubes, they should be back within the next hour or so."

"Okay, well, let's wait till they get back, then I can go out, grab us a takeaway?"

"That sounds great," Charlie grinned before she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly, "I love your hugs," Charlie mumbled into his chest, smiling as he only tightened his embrace around her.


-1 week later.-

"Charlie... he's here!"

Charlie took a deep breath as she heard her eldest daughter calling her. She stood before the tall length mirror in her bedroom, staring at her attire for that evening.

She had opted for a little black dress, the top half of the dress being in the form of a lace vest-top, the bottom being a chiffon style skirt with a dipped hem, she also wore her favourite heels and her hair was curled and brushed to the side, over her left shoulder.

She inhaled a shaky nervous breath, before walking downstairs.


Brax stood nervously in the hallway with Ruby, waiting for Charlie to come downstairs.

It had been a week since he and Charlie seemed to be back to normal relations, although things still quite weren't where he wanted them to be. So, he decided to arrange to take her out on a date, and he hoped they would be able to move forward from there, as a couple.

That's why he was now stood in her house, dressed in a smart shirt and smart black trousers, armed with a bouquet of her favourite flowers.

He stood up straight at the sound of heels from upstairs, and soon enough, Charlie had joined them both in the hallway, "Mom, you look stunning!" Ruby gushed.

"Thanks, sweetie," Charlie smiled, kissing her daughter's cheek before she moved to stand in front of her date, "Hi," she muttered shakily.

"Hi," Brax muttered in response, his eyes drinking in her beauty, "You look... stunning."

"Thank you," Charlie blushed heavily at his compliment.

"I got you these," Brax smiled as he handed her the flowers.

"Thanks, they're gorgeous." They were interrupted by the sound of the doorbell, "It must be Matt," Charlie mumbled.

A few days after their fight, Brax and Matt had apologised to each other, and were back on normal terms. As part of his apology, he had offered to look after Zoe, whilst Brax took Charlie out.

"I'll get it," Ruby laughed, "You two can talk."

Brax grinned as he watched Ruby walk past before he gazed at Charlie once again, "So, are these to get in my good books, or Zoe's?" Charlie questioned, gesturing to the flowers.

Just as she asked, their two year-old daughter ran down the stairs and bounded toward her father, with Kibbles running after her, trying to keep up.

"DADDY!" She squealed, jumping into his arms as he bent down to her level.

"Hello monkey," Brax grinned as he kissed her cheek.

"LELLOW!" Zoe screamed again, moving to grab the flowers from Charlie.

"Oh no you don't," Brax shook his head as he pulled Zoe away from her mother. It didn't take long for him to feel guilty as Zoe's eyes clouded with tears, "Baby, no," he sighed, "None of this." Brax told her, pinching her bottom lip lightly as it started to tremble. Zoe looked away from him as a tear rolled down her cheek, "Where's daddy's kiss, huh?" Brax asked.

"He no get one," Zoe shook her head as she wiped her eyes with her hands.

"Bub, stop it, you're breaking daddy's heart," Brax sighed as she strolled into the kitchen and sat her down on the counter, "I got you this, well, it's more for Kibbles."

Zoe's eyes lit up as Brax pulled a mechanical toy mouse out of his pocket, he smiled as he turned to face Charlie who discretely handed him a single flower from the bunch he had given her, "And that's for my baby girl," he added, placing the flower in Zoe's lap, "Does daddy get a kiss now?"

Zoe nodded as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his lips before nuzzling her head into his chest.

Brax smiled lightly as Matt and Ruby joined them in the kitchen, "We better get going," he turned to face Charlie as he spoke. She nodded lightly and moved to say goodbye to Zoe,

"Night, bub, be a good girl for Matt, okay?"

"Uh-huh," Zoe nodded, "Mamma, you looks nice."

Charlie grinned at her daughter, "Thank you, honey," she planted a quick kiss on the top of her head before she walked over to Matt, "If she misbehaves or you can't handle-"

"Of course I can handle her, Charlie, she's a little angel." Matt chuckled.

Charlie rolled her eyes, "For everyone but me, she is."

"Okay, let's go," Brax spoke up as he approached the group, "Do you want a lift to the city, Rubes?" Brax asked, knowing full-well what kind of Friday night she had planned with her friends.

Ruby batted her eyelids and grinned a sweet smile, "Yes, please."

Charlie giggled at her daughter.

"Thanks again for this, Matt," Brax smiled at him.

"No problem, now you get off and enjoy yourself."

"We will," Brax turned to Charlie and raised his eyebrows suggestively, she giggled before linking her arm with his as they made their way outside to his car.


"This place is so beautiful... but expensive." Charlie's eyes widened as she looked at her menu.

"Will you just stop complaining and choose what you want?"

"Brax, this is too much. When I agreed to this date, I told you not to choose an expensive place."

"Well, I don't always have to listen to you, do I?" Brax winked as a mischievous grin graced his face.

"Our monkey definitely gets her cheekiness from you," Charlie chuckled as she reached across the table for his hand, "Thank you for this."

"We're not even halfway through the date, yet."

"I know," she nodded, "But still, I can tell it's going to be a pretty special night."

"Can you?" Brax asked, raising an eyebrow as he narrowed his eyes, eyeing Charlie suspiciously.

"Uh-huh," Charlie grinned, her grin turning into a shy smile as Brax raised her hand to his mouth and placed a soft kiss across her knuckles, he flashed her the Braxton signature grin before letting her hand go as they both decided what they wanted to eat.


"I'm stuffed," Charlie groaned as she walked out of the restaurant, trailing behind Brax, "And cold," she pouted, shivering a little.

"Here," Brax took his jacket off, before handing it to Charlie, which she eagerly slipped into, "Jeez, you've changed, before you'd never accept it."

"Well, I'm now aware that you would not take no for an answer."

Brax chuckled, "Damn straight, it's a little funny how you never manage to bring a jacket though, eh?"

"Maybe I just like your ones, they always smell good," Charlie grinned and Brax laughed at her comment.

As they walked through the car park, Charlie's hand twitched nervously as she wondered whether or not she should make the move. Finally deciding that she should, she reached out and entwined her fingers with Brax's. She was unable to evade the large grin that spread across her face as he responded, squeezing her hand, he pulled her closer to him as they continued their walk back to his car.


Charlie and Brax walked into Charlie's house late that night, both with matching grins upon their faces.

A look of alarm soon crossed their faces when Zoe ran out of the living room in her pyjamas and over to the pair of them, "Mamma... Daddy." She muttered, hugging one of Charlie's legs, and one of Brax's.

"Sweetheart, what are you still doing up?" Charlie asked as she lifted Zoe into her arms.

"She refused to go to bed without her mummy or daddy kissing her goodnight," Matt laughed lightly as he joined the young family in the hallway.

"Monkey, it's late, you should have gone to bed." Brax chuckled as Zoe poked her tongue out at him.

"Well, I'm gonna head off now. Goodnight," Matt announced.

"Thanks so much for tonight, Matt," Charlie smiled at him.

"No problem at all, see you around."

"Yeah," Charlie smiled, giving him a kiss on the cheek, she turned to face Brax.

"I should probably head off too." He mumbled.

"No... no- you no," Zoe shook her head.

"Why don't you stay for a bit?" Charlie flashed Brax a cheeky grin.

"Alright," Brax shrugged, Zoe squealed in excitement at his words, "I don't know what you're getting excited about, gorgeous. You're going to bed."

"No." Zoe shook her head.

"Yes," Brax nodded, "Come on," he chuckled as he stepped forward, extending his arms toward her.

"Goodnight, princess." Charlie laughed, kissing her cheek before placing her in her father's arms.


"She managed to get off to sleep pretty quickly," Brax informed Charlie as he joined her in the kitchen.

Charlie smiled over at him, "That was quick," Brax nodded, "Can you pass me the sugar?"

Charlie watched as he stepped away from the counter and picked up the jar of sugar before passing it to her. She felt an undeniable sensation of electricity jolt through her as his hands brushed hers. Refusing to take the sugar from him, she hoped he knew what she wanted.

A grin spread across Brax's face as he realised what was happening, he placed the sugar down on the counter before grabbing Charlie's hands and pulling her body into his, his lips planting passionate, needy kisses on hers.

Charlie let a squeal pass her lips as Brax placed his large hands on her hips and lifted her onto the breakfast bar, their kiss only growing all the more passionate, both of them desperate to taste the other.

Brax groaned and tore his lips away from Charlie's at the sound of Zoe crying from upstairs, "I knew it was too good to be true," he muttered, glancing down at Charlie. She bit her lip as she gazed up at him, her hands still entangled in his hair, a rosy glow spreading across her cheeks, "You know, you're really cute when you blush?"

Charlie bowed her head at his words, trying to disguise her now crimson cheeks. She sighed as Brax placed his hand under her chin and tilted her head back so he gazed into her eyes. Instead of saying anything, he leaned closer and placed a soft kiss on her lips, which Charlie soon intensified.

They broke apart again when Zoe started shouting for her father, "Gosh Buckton, stop hogging me, mini Buckton needs some attention too."

Charlie rolled her eyes at his cheekiness, "Oh sorry, I keep forgetting how popular you are."

Brax laughed lightly and kissed her lips before walking out of the kitchen and upstairs to see what was wrong with his daughter.

Charlie remained seated on the kitchen bench, swinging her legs excitedly and grinning like a Cheshire cat, purely exhilarated by the kiss they had just shared, her heart racing as she thought of what they were going to do when Brax returned.


Brax quietly opened the door and dawdled into Zoe's room to see her curled up in a ball, crying as she clutched onto the giraffe soft toy Brax had given to her as a gift almost a year ago.

"Baby, what's wrong?" he asked softly, moving closer to her bed.

"B-bad d-d-dweam," Zoe sobbed as she held her toy closer to her.

"Hey, none of that okay, no more tears. It was just a dream okay, you're alright." Brax sighed as he kicked off his shoes and lifted up her duvet, "You gonna make room for daddy?" Zoe nodded as she made room for him in the bed.

"You too big," she giggled as Brax struggled to fit into the bed.

"Well, this bed is only made for little princesses like you, hm?" Brax grinned at his daughter as he lifted her onto him so he could lie in the bed, "Now, we're all sorted."

"I no tired," Zoe shook her head before laying her head on Brax's chest and yawning.

Brax laughed, "Sure you're not, you do pick your moments though bub, mummy and daddy were having some alone time," Brax rolled his eyes.

"Tell me a stowie."

"What story?"

"Make one, mamma does that."

Brax groaned, he hadn't anticipated it would take this long to get Zoe back to sleep, she was usually an easy sleeper, for him anyway, "Okay," Brax sighed, thinking from the top of his head, "There once was a little mouse..."


Charlie sat on the couch, her feet up on the table in front of her as she drank a glass of wine, waiting for Brax to come back down the stairs. She glanced up and grinned as he plodded into the living room, "Hey, was she okay?"

Brax nodded, "Bad dream, that's all." Charlie began giggling as Brax sat down beside her, "What?" he frowned.

"A mouse?" Charlie raised her eyebrow inquisitively.

"Oh shush you, it got her to sleep, didn't it?"

"Yeah, I wonder why," Charlie commented cheekily, she giggled as Brax tickled her.

"Cheeky," Brax laughed as he leaned closer to her, smiling as Charlie leaned forward so her lips could meet his, "Mm, where were we?" Brax muttered, running his hands up and down Charlie's sides as he deepened the kiss.

"Not yet," Charlie placed her hand on his chest and pushed him back, before she leaned forward and placed her wine glass on the table, then picked up a photo album with Zoe's name on the front of it, "I wanted to show you this," Charlie handed it to Brax and let him flick through the photos as she spoke, "It's not the best album I've got, but it's yours. I know how much you always wanted kids, so I promised myself that because Zoe was your first, I'd keep a separate album for you, just in case you ever came back."

"Thank you, Charlie, it means a lot."

Charlie smiled at his gratitude, "I have things that I need to show you, like her first lock of hair and everything, but I think that could wait until tomorrow."

"I'm really sorry for missing all of this, Charlie. I hate myself for it." Brax sighed as he closed the album and placed it on the table.

"It's okay," Charlie smiled, "You've got a lifetime to make it up to us."

"It's always been one step forward, two steps back for us."

"Yeah," Charlie nodded, "But hopefully this time, we'll get two steps forward," she winked.

"And how do you suggest we do that?" Brax asked as he arched his eyebrow.

"Well..." Charlie trailed off as she moved closer to him on the couch before straddling his waist as she kissed him slowly and passionately whilst she unbuttoned his shirt.

Brax pulled away from the kiss and grinned at the look of confusion on Charlie's face, "I thought Sergeant Charlie Buckton didn't rush into things?" he asked cheekily.

"And I never thought I'd see the day Darryl Braxton declines sex when it's being offered to him on a plate?" Charlie retorted, equally as cheeky.

Brax laughed at her comment, "Touché Buckton, touché." Charlie grinned at him, "Things change- coppers still turn me on though," he told her matter-of-factly before gripping her hips as he roughly pulled her body into his again.

"Is that so?" Charlie tried not to get distracted by the trail of sensual kisses Brax was leaving on her neck, she felt him nod against her skin, "So, does Brax have a little bit of a thing for Constable Watson then?"

"Nah, she's not my type," Brax shook his head, Charlie grinned, instantly thinking he was referring to her, "I was thinking more like Inspector Joyce."

Charlie's eyes widened at his words, "BRAX!" she cried, slapping his chest as she leaned back.

"You know I'm only joking, you're the only copper for me," he winked before kissing her lips again.

Charlie smiled against his lips, once again letting it become more passionate as she slid his shirt off his shoulders and threw it aside.

She froze as she heard it land in something; she dragged her lips from Brax's to see it had landed in Ruby's takeaway from earlier.

"Aw, Charlie," Brax groaned, "That's my sexy, pulling shirt you've just lobbed into that Chinese takeout."

"You have a pulling shirt?" Charlie asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Just for you, baby," Brax winked.

"You look better with it off anyway," Charlie whispered, biting his earlobe before she left a trail of kisses along his jaw-line.

"I love you so much, Charlie." Brax told her honestly.

Charlie leaned back and frowned, "You tell me this right when we're about to get down and dirty?"

"Well it could be all sweet and romantic?" Brax tried not to laugh at his own words.

"Trust me," Charlie leaned forward, whispering in his ear, "The things I want to do to you are far from sweet."

She leaned back to gauge his reaction and grinned, it was exactly as she had hoped. His eyes widened as his jaw dropped slightly.

Charlie stood up and held her hands out to him as she bit her lip seductively, "We better get started then," Brax muttered, grabbing Charlie's hands, he stood to his feet before wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close to him again, he slowly moved his head towards hers and the couple became locked in another passionate kiss as they made their way up the stairs and toward Charlie's bedroom.


This story is sort of nearing its climax, so I hope you enjoy these next few updates.

By the way- I'm sorry for the time jump in the middle of the chapter, I hate doing that, but otherwise the chapter would have been really short!