Hey readers, this is my newest fanfic, it's going to be a shortish one and probably won't exceed more than 20 chapters in total, hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 1.

Charlie Buckton had her heart broken again and again by Darryl Braxton, but this time he well and truly ripped it out of her chest, threw it at the wall before stomping all over it, he had left Summer Bay, without so much as a goodbye, it had been 2 years, 3 months, 5 days and 4 hours since he walked out of her life.

Charlie smiled down at her daughter as she pushed the pram into the diner, Zoe Buckton, Charlie was completely in awe with how much love she had for her little bundle of joy, she was 15 months old now and getting more and more beautiful as each day of her life passed.

Charlie couldn't fight the sadness that overcame her as she looked into her daughters big green eyes, they were an exact copy of Brax's. They reminded Charlie of Brax every minute of her life, not that she was likely to forget anyway. She knew the reason he left, it was because of Casey, but if she ever saw him again, she knew in her heart that she'd never be able to forgive him.

"How's the gorgeous girl?" Roo asked as Charlie entered the diner, she stopped walking and smiled down at Zoe before looking back up at Roo,

"She's great thanks, getting more and more gorgeous each day." Charlie cooed as she gently stroked her daughter's cheek before ordering her food and sitting down.

"Oh she's just such a cutie." Bianca cooed down at Zoe as she came over and sat down beside Charlie, followed by Ruby.

"She most certainly is." Charlie grinned before unbuckling the pram and lifting her daughter into her arms, no matter how old she was, or how many times anybody saw her each day, each greeting was always extravagant and exciting for her, she was a very popular little girl.

"Where's my little sister? Hmmm." Ruby cooed before lifting her out of Charlie's arms and cradling her as she began to giggle.

"Hey babe." Came Matt's voice, Charlie looked up at him and smiled, he was gorgeous, jet black hair and deep brown eyes.

"Hey you." Charlie replied, he sat on the other side of Charlie, giving her a quick kiss as he did so.

Charlie smiled as she relaxed into his arms, they had been dating for 3 and a half months now, it had taken her a while to get back on her feet after Brax left, she was hurting and heartbroken, she met Matt about 5 months after having Zoe and things quickly developed from there.

She had trouble trying to see him as more than a friend at first, but of course, Bianca and Ruby were on hand to tell her that she needed to move on, Brax wasn't coming back and she had found somebody great to have a relationship with, Matt was a lovely guy, who, unlike many, didn't run a mile when he found out she had two children.

"Don't be hogging her, hand over my godchild." Bianca told Ruby sternly before lifting Zoe into her arms who simply giggled at all the attention she was getting.

"Mamma." She called, lifting her arms out in Charlie's direction, she laughed and poked her tongue out at Bianca before settling her little girl in her lap, she grinned as she looked up at Matt before placing her tiny hand on his knee, she had grown to like him very much.

Charlie smiled as Matt placed a small kiss on her lips, to the eyes of an observer who didn't know Charlie, her life would seem perfect, a loving boyfriend, two beautiful little girls, but when you peeled away the surface, she was a broken woman, hiding all the hurt and upset that one particular man had caused her, all those years ago.

Brax sighed heavily as he gently ran his finger along the photograph of Charlie he kept in his bedside drawer, it was a photo of him and her on Charlie's birthday a few years ago, he sighed again, wishing, hoping, praying that he could go back to that moment, but he knew he couldn't.

He hoped she had moved on, he hoped she was happy, he loved her and each day his love for her got stronger, it had been 2 years, 3 months, 5 days and 6 hours since he had left Summer Bay, without a word, or even a whisper.

The reason he left, well that was simple in his opinion, Casey had gone to prison for setting fire to an enemies headquarters, he got 2 years inside, Bianca and Liam got married, and Heath wasn't coping. Both Braxton brothers needed a change of scenery, and yes, Brax loved Charlie more than anything on this world, but he was turning into a horrible person after Casey left, and it was killing their relationship bit by bit, and that's why he left, he didn't want to hurt her any more than he already had to, or had done. He knew Jake would be on the warpath after Casey's stupidity, he decided to leave without a goodbye to make it look like he didn't care about Charlie so Jake couldn't hurt her, so he wouldn't hurt her, little did he know how much his decision would hurt himself.

A tear slid down his cheek as he remembered all the voicemail messages and texts her got from Charlie, one he particular remembered as clear as day, the one that broke his heart the most.

'Brax, baby please, I'm so sorry, I don't know what I've done bu-bu' Her voice cracked as she burst into tears, his heart broke over and over again as he heard her sniffling, trying to regain her voice as she left the voicemail message, 'Please Brax, I need you, please, can you just call me, or text me, just anything, to let me know you're okay, I love you so much and I don't know what I've done but surely I don't deserve this, please.'

He shook his head, trying to shake away the memories as he thought about when they stopped, the last phone call he ever received from her, the last time he saw her name flash on that screen was on the 3rd February, he never forgot that day, and he never would.

Brax sighed before wiping away the tears that fell and placed the photo back in the draw, closing it tightly behind him, along with his memories, he groaned before standing up and picking up his keys, ready to face life.

I know it was short but I hope you enjoyed, please review and let me know if I should continue with this or not. Sam (: