Brittany's POV

I was sitting on my tailgate wrapping my wrist tightly. My best friend kept looking at me with a worried expression on her face.

"Rach I'm fine I promise" She sighed but nodded. I looked out over the dusty track as a couple of riders did a few more laps. Sitting in my black motocross pants and black tank I could feel the heat and my hair was sticking to the back of my neck. I pulled it up into a bun as a rider came to a stop in front of my truck. The helmet covered the face and muffled the voice but they sat comfortably and seemed sure of themselves on their bike though I'd never seen them before.

"Nasty sprain" they said before kicking their bike into gear and riding off.

"Do you know who that was?" Rachel asked me; at a loss for words I simply shook my head.

Locking my trailer I climb into the cab of my truck Rachel sliding in next to me before heading to the hotel to shower and change. It's a nice hotel my sponsors at least gave me that and there's this nice party for the riders down stairs tonight. We shower and get ready as Rachel contemplates which dress to wear. She looks stunning in anything but that doesn't stop her from fussing for over an hour. I settle for a light blue halter dress tight to the waist and then loose down my thighs. I looked hot and I knew it. I was inwardly congratulating myself when Rachel smirked over at me.

"What bitch"

"You are going to break so many hearts tonight"

"Well if they didn't all have dicks then…"

Rachel just laughed the best part about have a best friend who is also gay. I scoff when I take a look at what Rachel has on.


"Yeah I'm gonna be breaking hearts have you seen your self?"

She smiles picks up the black clutch that goes with her black dress and stands by the door waiting for me to put my heels on.

We head down to the ballroom to find a mix of people. They said it was a formal event but most of the guys were still in just jeans most had managed at least to put a dress shirt on but I saw a couple in just polo shirts. I saw a couple of heads turn and glances up and down both mine and Rachel's body some sneered at me for being out of place. I rolled my eyes at all the looks looped my arm through Rachel's and headed off to the open bar.

We were minding our own business when Rachel gasped next to me.

"Her" was all she said. I looked over my shoulder to see who she was looking at and smiled my friend was smitten and the girl and she was coming our way.

"Hello, I don't believe we're met before I'm your sponsor"

I smiled warmly, "So nice to finally meet you, I'm Brittany"
"I know who you are, I'm Quinn" She said to me but she was looking at Rachel.

"This is my best friend Rachel" I said patting Rachel on the shoulder.

My usually over talkative best friend sat there saying nothing. I nudged her again but still got nothing for it.

"Well hi best friend I'm Quinn"

"Y..Y..yeah hi.i.i I'm nice to umm… meet you"

I saw Quinn smirk and Rachel blush furiously.

"Well it was nice meeting you two"

"Yeah weird but nice" I said

"Weird how so?"

"Just talking to you on the phone this isn't what I was expecting I guess"

She smirked, "Yeah I haven't talked to you it's been sorta my business partner"

I quirked an eyebrow but she had already turned away. I turned to Rachel and started laughing.

"Shut up okay" I smirked but nodded.

We sat for another couple of minutes just taking in the scene around us. I took at look across the room and that's when I saw her. She looked a couple inches shorter than me but compensated with black stilettos. She had black slacks on and a blood red blouse on with the top buttons undone her long dark hair was lose slightly wavy and oh so sexy. She gathered it up and pulled it over her left shoulder and I think I would have fallen if I had been standing. As if sensing eyes on her she turned to look and our eyes caught for a moment. She smiled turned back to the man she was talking to then headed our way. I could hear Rachel snickering next to me I shot her a glare before turning my eyes back to the woman making a slow approach to us.

"Hi, you a rider?"

I nodded not trusting my voice. Before anything more could be said Quinn came back up.

"San there you are I've been looking every where for you"

"Well you found me" The woman said turning to glance at Quinn before looking back at me.

"Well I'm Santana and you are…?"

"Brittany, Brittany Peirce"

She smiled warmly grabbed Quinn's hand and joined us at the bar. There was silence after we ordered our drinks none of us knowing how to break it.

Rachel finally did, "Well this has been lovely but you" pointing at me, "Have a race tomorrow and since your sponsor is sitting right here we should probably make sure they know you take your job seriously"

I nodded took another sip of my drink and stood. Both woman next to us stood as well Quinn stretching out her hand, "It was lovely meeting you both" she shook both our hands and left. Rachel turned to leave as well mumbling something.

"It was very nice to meet you" I said shyly looking at my shoes. Her hand clasped mine and pulled me forward slightly, "The pleasure is all mine" She whispered in my ear and then like that she was gone.

I was stunned with the encounter to say the least and I fell into bed with out a word to Rachel.

I woke with a start the next morning a good three hours before I needed to be up but I knew I wasn't going to be able to get back to sleep even if I wanted to. I rolled out of bed left a note for Rachel and made my way to the track. It was empty or so I thought and I got my bike ready testing my wrist before straddling my bike and pulling my helmet over my head. I had just kicked my bike into gear when another ride went by me. I recognized the bike and the uniform of the person who talked to me yesterday and I set off after them determined to figure out who they were.

We had gone 4 laps by the time they finally stopped and I pulled up next to them resting my forearms on my handlebars.

"You're good"

They laughed and it sounded amazing even with the helmet on.

"You're not too bad your self"

I smiled taking my helmet off.

They turned away before loosening the strap on their helmet and I held my breath in anticipation. My heart nearly stopped when a curtain of long black silky hair tumbled out.

"Hey Brittany" Santana smiled and I almost fell of my bike.

"You… you ride"

She laughed again this time with out a muffle from the helmet, "Not professionally that's what I sponsor people to do but I like to ride"

"You're a sponsor?"

"I'm not just any sponsor, I'm you're sponsor"

I'm sure I looked ridiculous with shock and she chuckled again.

"Your voice is even prettier in person"

I clasped my hand over my mouth at my own lack of mental filter.

"Thank you, you're a lot prettier in person"

I just died she thinks I'm pretty my life is complete.

I knew my cheeks were red but I hoped that it was covered from the exertion of riding. As a smirk played at her lips though, I knew I was mistaken. She continued to just look at me and I was becoming self-conscious in my uniform I knew I didn't look that great sweaty and dirty and not using any of my curves to my advantage.

"So… how long have you been riding?"

"Years I like to do it for fun it's a stress relief for me after work and I never wanted to do anything with it professionally but I wanted to be a part of it you know?"

I nodded though I wasn't really sure I understood I mean motocross was my life it had always had been I mean there was dance but that was more like a hobby. She smiled warmly at me,

"You wanna go for a couple more laps?"

I grinned and pulled on my helmet. She followed and we started round the track. We were going for the third when it happened. I guess I'm lucky really that she was looking out for me but I still wish it had been me.

Around the second turn I became aware of another bike on the track and didn't think anything about it. I was closing in on Santana. I was just about to pass her when suddenly she slammed on her brake and there was a grotesque grinding and clashing sound as bike hit bike. I skidded to a stop and suddenly there were twenty people on the track. Pulling the mess apart there were two people a guy I didn't really know but I knew he raced and had always been hard on me and San lying there motionless. Her visor was cracked and I could see blood that I didn't know where it was from.

Suddenly to guy was up screaming about how San had gotten in his way that I didn't deserve to be on the track but I didn't care because San was still just lying there and still hadn't moved.

I dropped my bike to the ground, pulled my helmet off and sprinted over to her. I wanted to hold her but a medic told me not to move her she might have hurt her back or neck.

I sat on the dirt and cried.

Santana's POV

I had seen him coming right for her. I knew him not personally but I knew of him. Kyle I think his name was. Guy who really hated how good Britt was.

I wasn't really sure what happened after that it's a little fuzzy. I knew I'd hit the ground hard but nothing else came until.

I frowned who would be crying? There were other noises too, talking and shouting but the crying caught my attention. I struggled to get my eyes open but it was bright and they closed voluntarily. The crying stopped and there was a person now saying my name.

"San, oh my god, San please, please open your eyes"

"Bright" I mumbled.

Suddenly a shadow covered my face and I cracked my eye open.

"Hi" She smiled through her tears

"Hi" I tried looking around but my head was strapped down, "What happened?"

"You tried to be a god damn hero again" I flinched at the tone but that hurt more so I stayed still and took the verbal lashing.

"God damn it San I swear you try to kill yourself every week mom and dad are going to kill you"

Quinn walked up next to the backboard I was strapped to and while she had been giving me a verbal lashing I saw her eyes were red.

"They wouldn't kill me dad loves me too much for that"

She huffed then glanced at my hand, which was clasped firmly in Brittany's. I smiled and squeezed enjoying the blush that followed and when she tried to pull away I held on tighter. Her smiled grew at the action. I felt my self being lifted slowly into the ambulance but Britt kept her hand firmly clasped in mine. With out hesitation she climbed in next to me stroking my hair with her free hand. It was a simple ride compared to some of the ones I'd been on no rushing to make sure I would go into a coma or getting blood into me.

"You almost look at home here" Britt said pushing my hair off my face.

I smirked, "Yeah I was the daredevil child"

She smiled but it was whipped away quickly.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing really I just… I just got so freaked out… and it should be me and…"

She had started crying again at some point and I gripped her hand tighter to get her attention.

"Britt I don't have to race tomorrow but you do I was happy to take the hit for you, plus you're too pretty to be in a hospital gown"

She laughed, "I'm sure you'll make the gown look fabulous"

We had reached the hospital by then and my dad met us at the entrance with a stern look trying to be over powered by a smile.


"Yes daddy?"

He sighed running his hand through his hair before giving my free hand a squeeze.

"Mom is pissed" Quinn announced as she came through the door followed by my mother

"Oh my god" I heard Britt breath next to me but my mom didn't even giver her a second look as she came storming over to me and my dad.

"Are you trying to kill yourself" I saw Britt smirk and I tried to hold mine is as well my mother and Quinn were two peas in a pod when it came to some of my extracurricular activities.

I sighed, "Mom this wasn't even as bad as the time I went cliff diving I'm fine just a little beat up"

"Don't bring up the time you went cliff diving we actually thought you died that time"

"Exactly this time I'm still fully functioning"

"God San" the anger was gone from her voice and I could see her start to break.

"I'm sorry mom"

"You are twenty-three I should don't have to worry so much anymore"

"Mom I can take care of myself okay, I'll be fine"

She planted a kiss to my forehead sighing as she did so.

"Baby girl you need to be more carful what even happened?"

"That was my fault" Britt spoke up

My mom turned to look at me then at her, "And you are?"

"I'm Brittany San's my sponsor and we were out doing a couple laps when a guy that isn't to fond of me tried to shove me off and San got in the way"

I could see my mom's face changing as Britt talked and I could feel the blush creeping up on my face my mom turned to look at me a smirk clearly playing on her lips.

She leaned down to my ear, "Like father like daughter"

My face turned even redder at the comment.

"Well Brittany it's nice to meet you I've heard so much about you"

That was the end of the conversation for me as the pain meds they put me on finally kicked in and I was taken to a room to have the damage checked out.