I heard a faint beeping of a monitor next to me, the scraping of chair legs on the floor next to the bed and then rustle of clothes against the crappy plastic covered chair and then felt a warm hand on my hand. I groggily opened my eyes and blinked until they focused. They ended up focusing on the person beside me. Aaron Hotchner let a sigh of relief out.

"Hi" I said weakly

"Hey Spence" replied Hotch

"What's the damage?" I asked, unable to look at anything but Aaron.

"Broken left leg, broken right arm, gunshot wound to the right shoulder, multiple bruises and a concussion." He recited from memory. I closed my eyes, nodded a little and then my voice sounded almost inaudible, "They didn't give me any narcotics, right?" Aaron nodded and I let out a breath I was holding.

"I made sure they didn't because I knew you wouldn't want them and you were unconscious."

"Thank you," I said as I opened my eyes and paused a beat, "How long have I been out anyway?"

Hotch glanced at his watch, "Three days." I think I gawked, "Really?" the older agent nodded. "Did you catch him?" Another nod from the oldest agent.

Hey Everyone! I have been really busy with school and life and all that fun stuff. So here is my first Criminal Minds Fanfiction. I want any and all criticism. GOOD AND BAD! All of it! dont think you are offending me if you send bad criticism, i appreciate it all. I'll try to update this as frequently as my life allows. :D

oh and all my titles for the chapters are in Latin this one is

euigilans meaning waking up

i am using google translator, dont hate me if its wrong