Kurt and Blaine are both still at Dalton.

Rachel Barbara Berry is "single"

Andrea Monet Cohen: Finally!

-Giselle "Just Giselle", Wes "Silky Smooth" Montgomery, Matt "Semi-Sweet" Rutherford, and 22 others like this

Finn "The Man" Hudson: Don't be like that, Rach!

Giselle "Just Giselle": She can be like whatever she likes, Hudson!

Andrea Monet Cohen: Just for the record, I was TOTALLY against you from the get-go. But did she listen? NO!

Rachel Barbara Berry: We weren't exactly back on speaking terms at the time…

Andrea Monet Cohen: It's okay; I forgive you :D

Rachel Barbara Berry: Gee, thanks… haha :D

Noah "Puckersaurus" Puckerman: If you need a shoulder to cry on, I have two, and they both have your name on them ;)

-Sam "I Am" Evans, Artie "Wheels" Abrams, and Santana "Loca" Lopez like this

Sam "I Am" Evans: You totally STOLE my line!

-Noah "Puckersaurus" Puckerman and Santana "Loca" Lopez like this

Finn "The Man" Hudson: You should listen to me, not St. Douche.

Rachel Barbara Berry: Jess has been nothing but brutally honest with me since we have reconciled. He has given me absolutely no reason to NOT believe him.

-Andrea Monet Cohen, Giselle "Just Giselle", Jesse "Why, Yes, You Are Being Judged" Saint James and Puck "Puckersaurus" Puckerman like this

Finn "The Man" Hudson is so sick of over dramatic Drama Queens!

-Quinn "Prom Queen" Fabray, Mercedes "Chocolate Thunder" Jones, Dave "Top Guy" Karofsky, and Azimio "Get Out Of My Face" Adams like this

Kurt "Fashionista" Hummel: I KNOW you aren't talking about who I think you're talking about.

-Santana "Loca" Lopez, Artie "Wheels" Abrams, Noah "Puckersaurus" Puckerman, Sam "I Am" Evans, Wes "Silky Smooth" Montgomery, and 16 other like this

Noah "Puckersaurus" Puckerman: Dude, you fucked up. So don't you DARE go blaming my fellow hot Jew.

Mike "Ninja" Chang: You are SO lucky it's a 3-day weekend and has time to try and convince us to NOT mess you up.

-Noah "Puckersaurus" Puckerman, Sam "I Am" Evans, and 5 others like this

Santana "Loca" Lopez: I better not run into you before Tuesday.

-Noah "Puckersaurus" Puckerman and Sam "I Am" Evans like this

Wes "Silky Smooth" Montgomery -Rachel Barbara Berry: You coming up to Dalton this weekend?

Kurt "Fashionista" Hummel: She doesn't get a say, she is.

-Blaine "Warbler" Anderson likes this

Blaine "Warbler" Anderson: Yes, we are kidnapping you

-Kurt "Fashionista" Hummel, Wes "Silky Smooth" Montgomery, David "Look Ma" Thompson and 6 others like this

Kurt "Fashionista" Hummel: Picking you up in 1 hour,

Rachel Barbara Berry: Okay…

-Blaine "Warbler" Anderson and Kurt "Fashionista" Hummel like this

Wes "Silky Smooth" Montgomery: I'll be sure to have a venti soy latte waiting for you :D

-Rachel Barbara Berry, Kurt "Fashionista" Hummel, Blaine "Warbler" Anderson, and 7 others like this

Sebastian "The Crab" Smythe can't wait for this weekend to get started!

-Blaine "Warbler" Anderson, Rachel Barbara Berry, and 7 others like this

Blaine "Warbler" Anderson: It's gonna be off the hizzel!

Rachel Barbara Berry, Wes "Silky Smooth" Montgomery, and 6 others like this

Kurt "Fashionista" Hummel: While I still don't like you, I'm forced to agree. Leaving Dalton now to pick-up my girl Rachel Barbara Berry.

Rachel Barbara Berry is spending the weekend with Wes "Silky Smooth" Montgomery, Kurt "Fashionista" Hummel, Blaine "Warbler" Anderson, and the rest of my Warblers at Dalton. This'll be the best weekend in a LONG time. So excited!

-Kurt "Fashionista" Hummel, Blaine "Warbler" Anderson, Wes "Silky Smooth" Montgomery, and 12 others like this

Santana "Loca" Lopez: Don't do anything I wouldn't do ;)

-Noah "Puckersaurus" Puckerman and Kurt "Fashionista" Hummel like this

Finn "The Man" Hudson: I feel like I'm missing something…

-Wes "Silky Smooth" Montgomery, Kurt "Fashionista" Hummel, and Sebastian "The Crab" Smythe like this

Jesse "Why, Yes, You Are Being Judged" Saint James: Have fun, Rach ;)

-Wes "Silky Smooth" Montgomery likes this

Finn "The Man" Hudson: What's going on!

-Santana "Loca" Lopez and Kurt "Fashionista" Hummel like this

Santana "Loca" Lopez: Rea's gonna get it on with Wes Warbler ;)

-Kurt "Fashionista" Hummel, Blaine "Warbler" Anderson, and Noah "Puckersaurus" Puckerman like this

Noah "Puckersaurus" Puckerman: We WILL be talking later Wes "Silky Smooth" Montgomery.

-Santana "Loca" Lopez likes this

Finn "The Man" Hudson: RACHEL, WE NEED TO TALK!

Rachel Barbara Berry: There's nothing for US to talk about. There is NO us; YOU made sure of that!

-Wes "Silky Smooth" Montgomery and Sam "I Am" Evans like this

Blaine "Warbler" Anderson the plan is in action. I wish Kurt "Fashionista" Hummel luck on this ridiculous—albeit, evitable—endeavor/scheme.

-Kurt "Fashionista" Hummel, David "Look Ma" Thompson, Nick "Baby Face" Duval, and 5 others like this

Kurt "Fashionista" Hummel: Thank you :D And it is not ridiculous. It is TOTALLY necessary!

Santana "Loca" Lopez: You were scheming without me? I'm offended! You better let me in on it

Kurt "Fashionista" Hummel: I'll text you.

Santana "Loca" Lopez: Ooo, Santana likey ;) Keep me posted.

-Kurt "Fashionista" Hummel and Blaine "Warbler" Anderson like this

Blaine "Warbler" Anderson: Sadly, I am being FORCED to do along with this…

Kurt "Fashionista" Hummel: You think it should happen, too!

Blaine "Warbler" Anderson: Yes, but I don't want to FORCE it to happen.

-Wes "Silky Smooth" Montgomery likes this

Kurt "Fashionista" Hummel: How did he find out!

Wes "Silky Smooth" Montgomery: Blaine "Warbler" Anderson told me. And I know a certain munchkin who will not be very happy about it.

Rachel Barbara Berry is going to KILL Kurt "Fashionista" Hummel when I get my hands on him!

-Wes "Silky Smooth" Montgomery and Sebastian "The Crab" Smythe like this

Sebastian "The Crab" Smythe: I'll help

Kurt "Fashionista" Hummel: I would have gotten away with it had Blaine "Warbler" Anderson kept his mouth shut!

Blaine "Warbler" Anderson: I told you I would tell them if it seemed like you were getting desperate.

Kurt "Fashionista" Hummel: I was doing just fine, thank you!

Blaine "Warbler" Anderson: You tried to lock them in the only closet in Dalton we DON'T have the key to!

Kurt "Fashionista" Hummel: They would have THANKED me!

-Santana "Loca" Lopez likes this

Quinn "Prom Queen" Fabray can't wait to see Finn "The Man" Hudson tonight. So excited that Fuinn is back together 3

-Finn "The Man" Hudson, Mercedes "Chocolate Thunder" Jones, and Lauren "Hott One" Zizes like this

Mercedes "Chocolate Thunder" Jones: Yay! I'm so happy for you guys!

Brittany "Not Britney" S. Pierce: Does Rachel know? Because I don't think she'll be very happy since it hasn't been a full day since she and Finn broke up.

Finn "The Man" Hudson: She's off at Dalton hooking up with one of the Warblers. I don't think she'll ACTUALLY care.

Quinn "Prom Queen" Fabray: She was just a minor inconvenience to us getting back together anyway.

-Finn "The Man" Hudson likes this

Santana "Loca" Lopez: You are I are gonna have a conversation Fabray…

Brittany "Not Britney" S. Pierce, Tina (Cohen-) Chang, and Kurt "Fashionista" Hummel like this

Santana "Loca" Lopez is soooo excited for girls' night with Brittany "Not Britney" S. Pierce tonight! We have so much catching up to do

-Brittany "Not Britney" S. Pierce, Rachel Barbara Berry, and Tina (Cohen-) Chang like this

Brittany "Not Britney" S. Pierce: I wish Rachel Barbara Berry and Tina (Cohen) Chang could be there.

-Rachel Barbara Berry, Santana "Loca" Lopez, and Tina (Cohen-) Chang like this

Rachel Barbara Berry: Maybe we could do that next week-end.

Santana "Loca" Lopez: Sounds like a plan. Have fun getting your Warbler on, Rach

Tina (Cohen-) Chang: Or getting ON a Warbler ;)

-Santana "Loca" Lopez, Brittany "Not Britney" S. Pierce, Kurt "Fashionista" Hummel, Wes "Silky Smooth" Montgomery, and Blaine "Warbler" Anderson like this

Rachel Barbara Berry: Kurt told you?

-Kurt "Fashionista" Hummel, Blaine "Warbler" Anderson, and Santana "Loca" Lopez like this

Sam "I Am" Evans Sci-Fi marathon with Artie "Wheels" Abrams, Mike "Ninja" Chang, Noah "Puckersaurus" Puckerman, and Matt "Semi-Sweet" Rutherford. Stoked :D

-Noah "Puckersaurus" Puckerman, Artie "Wheels" Abrams, Mike "Ninja" Chang, and Matt "Semi-Sweet" Rutherford like this

Finn "The Man" Hudson: Why wasn't I invited?

Noah "Puckersaurus" Puckerman: 'Cause you're on my list.

-Sam "I Am" Evans, Artie "Wheels" Abrams, Mike "Ninja" Chang, and Matt "Semi-Sweet" Rutherford like this

Finn "The Man" Hudson: I didn't do ANYTHING!

Noah "Puckersaurus" Puckerman: Yeah, we'll have a little "chat" about what you DIDN'T do.

-Sam "I Am" Evans, Mike "Ninja" Chang, Artie "Wheels" Abrams, and Matt "Semi-Sweet" Rutherford like this

Rachel Barbara Berry: NOAH! Violence is never the answer!

Santana "Loca" Lopez: It is when it comes to the person who hurt his fellow hot Jew.

Noah "Puckersaurus" Puckerman, Mike "Ninja" Chang, Sam "I Am" Evans, and 18 others like this

Rachel Barbara Berry why am I always the last to know?

Kurt "Fashionista" Hummel: Because you're usually the focus

Quinn "Prom Queen" Fabray: Because you can't keep your mouth shut.

Blaine "Warbler" Anderson: Because you would have killed Kurt by now :D

-Rachel Barbara Berry, Tina (Cohen-) Chang, and Santana "Loca" Lopez like this

Rachel Barbara Berry thinks that Wes "Silky Smooth" Montgomery is too sexy for his shirt ;)

-Wes "Silky Smooth" Montgomery and 9 others like this

Rachel Barbara Berry: Wes, I will ruin you…

Santana "Loca" Lopez: Ooo, kinky ;)

-Noah "Puckersaurus" Puckerman and Wes "Silky Smooth" Montgomery like this

Blaine "Warbler" Anderson: I told you it wasn't a good idea, Wes "Silky Smooth" Montgomery. But everyone seems to be ignore my insight today…

-Kurt "Fashionista" Hummel, Wes "Silky Smooth" Montgomery, and 7 others like this

Wes "Silky Smooth" Montgomery: You never denied it ;)

-Santana "Loca" Lopez, Kurt "Fashionista" Hummel, and 19 others like this

Kurt "Fashionista" Hummel: Awww, she's blushing :D

-Noah "Puckersaurus" Puckerman, Tina (Cohen-) Chang, and 19 others like this