My name is Junie B. Jones. The B stands for Beatrice, except I don't like Beatrice, I like B and that's all!

Yep, I still go by that greeting.

As I look back on my first grade journals, I realize a lot has changed in the past eight years.

I guess I could start by saying I'm going to be a Freshman in a couple days. Scary right?

Another thing that has changed is that May Farrell (yes, poopy scooper May, know-it-all May) has become MY best friend. How did this happen? Let's just say, when you're the only one who showed up to her birthday party (Mom made me go), you'll find that we have a lot in common.

May is now an aspiring actress who's main goal is to be on broadway in New York City. Which, is quite possible because she can sing and act. She also ditched her tattletale ways, but in it's place, is getting revenge. But one thing that has never changed is the fact that she is still a show off, but she only shows it through her acting skills. Of course, through all of this I she was still my friend through all of Elementary and Middle School. All of my other friends either moved away (Like my boyfriend from 7th grade, Herb) or we just stopped talking and never interacted again.

Another thing that has changed (or something I never realized) about me, is that I'm gifted in volleyball. When I was in 5th grade, mom (forcibly) signed me up for a summer camp, and for the first few days I was bored, until some girls invited me to play volleyball (which i called bolleyball at the time) with them. And I guess you could figure what happened after that.

Oh yeah, I forgot about my two old friends.

Lucille? We haven't been friends for eight years. Why? The bitch (Yes, I whole heartily mean that) ditched me for two twins because their names rhymed. Stupid right?

That Grace? Unfortunately, just as we started to talk again, she moved to Texas. And unlike Herb, she has yet to make a Facebook.

Mmm... Now that I think about it, not much has really changed. I still have my two parents, grandparents, my little brother and my dog Tickle (who is somehow still alive).

But hey, high school is starting soon. I'll have to wait and see.

AN: Yep. I was bored and got the idea. Don't judge. -.-

I got the idea after reading a book to my cousin and I read some poorly executed or unfinished stories. So.. yeah.

I am going to fix some grammar issues in the future.