Lavi, a tall man about 19, stood in the lobby of the police station. Komui walked towards him carrying a file. Komui shook his head tiredly. "You know, you and Kanda really finish these things too fast. This time we're going to give you a cold case. It'll keep you busy a while."

Back in the apartment, Kanda was fidgeting. He was supposed to be meditating, but he felt like there was going to be a very interesting case. He was anxious, under his hard outer shell he was soft and caring, so he really wanted to solve as many as he could of the cases.

Lavi and Kanda are detectives, they live in a 2 bedroom, 2 bath, apartment in London. Kanda was originally from Japan, and Lavi...well Lavi didn't talk about it. The had went to Black Order High School together, and after some begging, Kanda consented to being a detective with Lavi.

Lavi was a bit scatter-brained, and he infinately enjoyed annoying Kanda. Kanda responded to the annoyances rather harshly though, he would threaten him with his sword-Mugen- under Lavi's chin.

"Yuu!" Lavi called in a sing-song voice. "Look what I got! A new case!"

"Don't call me that! I'll kill you someday!" The anger faded a few seconds later. "What's the case?"

"This is what they gave me." Lavi tossed the thin file to Kanda, which he caught and began to flip through. "You got us a cold case? How long is this gonna take?"

"Just read it! It seems interesting Yuu. Look at the kid, maybe he'd be hot enough to get at now that he's older." Lavi had a tone of seduction in his voice, something that Kanda found impossible to like.

"Don't say that! The kid's an orphan and...lost his foster father too." Kanda read the file quickly. He summed it up in his head.

Allen Walker, orphaned when he was very young because of a disfigured left arm, adopted by a Mana Walker, a traveling clown. Mana Walker, worked with the famous NOAH circus, died in a hotel fire 10 years ago, supposedly the boy watched, then disappeared from the scene unscathed. Allen was 7 when this happened. Tyki Mikk, the lion tamer of the circus had known them both, and wanted to know if Allen was safe. the case had been open for 10 years, but the trail was cold from the beginning.

"If we're gonna do this, then you better run this through that program of yours." Kanda sighed, he was truly very interested by the case.

Lavi's program was called 'Innocence' it could make a near-accurate picture of a picture, to age them several years. Then it would run the picture and name through every data-base available. It was lightning fast too, to the happiness of Kanda.

Lavi typed in the name, and then aged Allen's old picture out of the newspaper, an advertisement for the NOAH circus. He raised his eyebrow and then motioned for Kanda to come over.

"Doesn't he look pretty hot?" Lavi questioned with glee.

Kanda just grunted in reply, although he had to agree, the boy was very handsome. This Allen Walker had silver eyes he could drown in, and his childish smile seemed to warm his heart. In mere seconds, three pieces of data flashed up on the screen.

The first was from eight years ago, a mention of the name Allen Walker. He was in an article about a Mardi Gras parade in New Orleans, he had been a clown rolling on a ball. He had done acrobatics and was one of the favorites from everyone who watched.

The second was 2 1/2 years old, where a boy named Allen Walker had robbed a bank. He had went to jail for it and was killed in a gang fight.

The third was a month old, a picture of an Allen Walker in a cap and gown, for a high school graduation. His hair was white now, but didn't seem dyed, and he had a tattoo of an inverted star above his left eye. The tattoo cut down through his eye and went off in a fancy way to the left under the eye. He looked freaked out in the picture, trying to fend off the camera. The picture looked like Allen, just different. It was him though, you could see the resemblence.

"So who posted this?"

"A girl named Lenalee Lee, 18, very pretty. She posted it to facebook a few weeks ago. She lives in California, still hasn't left town from what I see of her facebook."

"That's where we start, we have to talk to her.

((Next chapter coming soon! Review please!))