heres chapter seven.


"You have bought a condom haven't you?" Elektra asked.

"Listen, I don't care if I get you pregnant and if I do, don't expect me to play daddy." The big bloke said.

"Not that...It's just well, this has happened to me before and... I caught some "illness" of the bloke.", Elektra lied.

"You're bluffing!"

"Fine, fine. If you really want H.I.V. Be. My. Guest."

"You're still bluffing."

"Only one way to find out...

The bloke pulled way from her and climbed over the gate. Wimp. The others followed him like magnets. Elektra let out a relieved sigh. "What the hell are you doing here?", she asked me. "What the hell are you doing here?", I shot back, although I already knew, seeing the cardboard memorial of David Perkins on the floor earlier. "I'm getting outta here.", Elektra said, climbing over the wall. After taking one last look at the memorial, I went too, deliberately walking in a different direction to Elektra.


I was playing tetris on my phone, as it's the only thing I feel like doing when I don't feel like doing anything. The doorbell rang and I heard Gina telling me I was on front door duty from the kitchen. I sighed, got up and opened the front door and slammed it back seeing it was Charlie. "Elektra wait! I need to explain!" I sighed, opened the door again to see him with a desperate look on his face. "What? this better be good!"

"Can we talk outside? Please?" I stepped outside, shutting the door behind me.

"You know that bloke that called me a p_k the other day?"

"What the bandanna guy that almost raped me?"


"Long story, you carry on."

"That blokes the leader of a new gang; MUCH bigger than the cobras. He's got people from all over the country an' everything. They're planning on rioting London. Not like the one in the summer, way bigger. It's like a new Al Qaeda or summat'.

"And you were gonna join them?"

"No! I only did it cos they were gonna hurt ya. They thought that I fancied you after we broke up and then they came up to me saying that if I didn't join 'em theyd hurt ya."

"Well I've still got the right to hate you! You broke up with me cos you were embaressed with me."

"Actually, th- thats not why I broke up with you."


"I-I'm not really... I'm not into girls anymore. I... like boys." He had a tear running down his cheek now. I may look bad and tough - that's probably cos I am but sometimes, SOMETIMES, I can be a bit of a softie. And realising that Charlie whent through all this just for me made we want to hug him. And I did. Bad timing too, becuase Liam of all people was standing by the the ELM TREE HOUSE sign. He came up to us. "I hope you two are really happy.", He said, putting on a sarcastic smile. Charlie went up to him. "It's alright, you can 'ave 'er. Not my type anyway.", He said, walking away. I smiled. Liam had a confused look on his face.

"What the 'ell is he on about?"

"He's gay and he only had a fight with you cos he was protecting me. And apart from this sentence I'm not talking to you.", I said, slamming the door in his face. Gosh, I love doing that. I ran up the stairs and went to my room. I didn't care that I left my phone on the sofa and Tyler was gonna use up all my credit, I didn't care about my history essay that was due in tommorow - not that ever did, and most of all I didn't care that someone would let Liam in and he'd be under the same roof as me. Ok, maybe I did.

"Elektra! I'm sorry. I can't belive I'm about to say this but I'll do anything to get you back.", Liam pleaded, rapidly knocking on my door.

I opened the door. "Anything?"


God, Elektra can be such a bitch. Correction, she is a bitch. Why the hell did I say I'll do anything? Carmen comes up to me and tiptoes as she puts my girl's blonde wig on. Her dress that I'm wearing is quite uncomfortable and tight and Elektra's bra was just plain irritating. Frank, Rick, Tyler Johnny, Mike and Jack can't help snigger. The music starts and I pick up the microphone and start mumbling the words to Britney Spears Hit Me Baby One More Time. Don't worry Liam, It'll all be over soon and besides, what goes on now will stay within these four walls. Wrong. Elektra gets out her phone and starts taking pictures. She is gonna put them on facebook But it's worth it cos we'll be together again.

Just to let you guys know, this is the LAST chapter so I hope you enjoyed it.