A/N: Yo peoples! Happy Valentine's Day! Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day, haha...but I DIDN'T *pouts and groans* Anyway, this is a three-shot story of an Inazuma Eleven Valentine's Day Special I made for everyone! Inspired by a picture my little LITTLE sister made. Oh gosh, the picture made me laugh XD

Disclaimer: Level-5 said that I can't own Inazuma Eleven because I WILL add yaoi and pairings to it D:

Major Pairings: Still thinking about it!

Minor Pairings: Still thinking about it!

Story starts in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...NOW!

Have you ever felt like that you were in the zone? That feeling that you know that you'll make it and win the game? Well, that was what a certain boy who wore glasses felt like as he held on to his video game controller tightly.

Yes, he was on the final level. He passed through all the obstacles, survived all trials and reached his final destination. Now, just now, is the perfect time to win and bring home the cup.

The boy imagined it. Him, the weak player of the team who never made it to the FFI and the name giver of all techniques, winning something HUGE. All will bow down to him and be named as 'The Champion'. Even those two forwards will be jealous.

He smiled and he slowly motioned the joystick to the castle in wherein he will enter. He was almost there, almost there...and then, right when he was about to jump up to move to the next block, he pressed the A button and-


And...his avatar splashed to the ground. The end.

"Megane,your friend named Endou Mamoru is calling you over the phone!" his mother called out to him.

But wait, why was Megane calm? That was not right, right? Usually, when he loses a game, he would bawl and cry. But, he isn't crying, walking over to his phone and he answered Endou.

"Hello?" Megane asked CALMLY.

"Hey Megane, do you know where Gouenji is? I've been looking for him all morning."

"Sorry, I don't." Megane answered.

"Oh, okay. Bye." Endou said, and he hung up.

Megane handed the phone back to his mother, "Here Okaa-san."

The mother watched as his son walked back to his room. Wow, and that call was not so important. Megane's mother decided to go talk to one of her friends so she dialed the number. The moment that her friend picked up the phone, the mom screamed like a maniac, why? Because of one...little...scream...heard...from his son's room.


Now I know that you're wondering what happened to Gouenji, right? Well, the last time Endou heard from him, he was at home with his little sister, babysitter and father. It was a peaceful night for the Gouenjis, but not for the son. Oh no, because he remembered that the next day was Valentine's Day, one of the days where he wished he won't be alive in.


"C'mon Shuuya-san, you can't just turn down on wearing the tuxedo that your father bought for you." Fuku-san said to the son of the Gouenji family. But Gouenji just pouted and looked away.

"Fuku-san, every time I go to some crazy Valentine's Day party, I ruin it!" Gouenji said.

"That's because you DON'T like all of the girls that your father told you to go with as your date for Valentine's. You always turn them down." Fuku-san explained.

"Yeah, like that girl last year..." Gouenji remembered.

"Hey, try to be nice to them for once. It doesn't hurt to love, right?" Fuku-san asked.

"Yeah, yeah...fine, I'll wear it."

"Great! Now go to sleep. You have a big day ahead of you tomorrow."

Gouenji headed for his room and he lied down on his bed. He knew he would have a bad day tomorrow, and that's because he always ruins it...because of he doesn't love, doesn't care and he notices that he tends to be clumsy during that day.

"ARGH! I HATE VALENTINE'S DAY!" Gouenji cursed, throwing the pillow to the floor.

He decided to sleep for the rest of the night. Although, for him, he was unaware of the events that will happen to him, unaware of the consequences that will come when no one celebrates Valentine's Day, unaware of the curse of Valentine's Day...

The next day...

"ONII-CHAN!~" Yuuka yelled as she knocked on her brothers door, "It's time for breakfast and oh, Happy Valentine's Day!"

"Yeah, yeah...I'll be there in a minute..." Gouenji said.

"Okay!" Yuuka answered, running off to the kitchen.

Gouenji groaned as he got out of bed, scratching his back for it was itchy. He washed his face and when he looked at the mirror...well, you know what happens next.


In the kitchen...

"Otou-san, did you hear that girly scream?" Yuuka asked her father.

"I dunno, probably coming from the neighbors." Katsuya said, turning the page of his newspaper.

Back in the bathroom...

"Wh-what the?" Gouenji asked to himself as he stared at his face in the mirror...well, more of his body.

Gouenji saw that he was wearing a tunic-like outfit that reminded him a lot of Aphrodi, a bow and arrows complete with a case for it, a heart on his right cheek and worse, WINGS! Yes, ANGEL WINGS! Gouenji was SO CLOSE to looking like an angel, just be like Aphrodi and you're complete.

"I'm...I'm dead?" he asked to himself.

"No, you're actually a cupid." a voice explained.

Gouenji flinched when he saw a figure form in the mirror. He saw a beautiful blonde-haired woman with orange-like eyes, a white dress and a lot of banglets in her wrists. Gosh, it was like seeing a genderbended Aphrodi...no, like seeing Aphrodi.

"Hello there Gouenji Shuuya, my name is Aphrodite and I am the goddess of love!~" Aphrodite said in a sing-song voice.

Gouenji's eyes twitched. For him, it was an awkward day, or worse. He went on to his knees and asked her a question, the question he has always wanted to ask.

"What...what do you mean?"

Aphrodite giggled, "Silly boy! You see, I keep hearing you curse all about Valentine's Day, the day that I love the most!~ So I decided to let the curse of Valentine's Day come upon you."

"Th-the curse?" Gouenji asked.

"Yes, you have to serve as a cupid for the day and pair TEN different people. I don't care who, just pair people."

"But...what will happen if I don't succeed?"

"Well...you have to work as my cupid...FOREVER!" Aphrodite laughed at the thought, she knew he wouldn't like it.

"But, I have a family!" Gouenji protested.

"Well you have to learn how to live without them. Now then, I have to go and watch love grow in this town and in the world! Ta ta~and see you!~"

Before Gouenji could go ask her another question, she disappeared from the mirror and left Gouenji standing in his bathroom.

"A...day of being cupid?" Gouenji said to himself, "Looks like I should start my business and get out of here before my family sees me."

Gouenji ran to the window of his room and gulped. He wasn't afraid of heights and he didn't like it either...but...he wasn't fond of jumping of a ten foot building while wearing something from the Greek times.

"Well, here goes nothing..." he mumbled as jumped off the building.

And before he could say "HELP!", he felt his wings flap an started flying around town.

A/N: I know, bad chapter...and I'm not good with humor T^T Well, that is all for now! I hope everyone liked it and um...could you guys give me suggestions for couples? There are many that I can't choose from. Hope you review peoples! And..Happy Valentine's Day!