It took a while to convince Jack that he couldn't come with them, he argued and whined the entire ride home. But finally by some miracle, they were able to drop him off right in front of Sylvia's house.

"I'm telling Grandma where you are going!" He stormed angrily towards the door.

"No need!" Emma called after.

At that moment Sylvia Noble herself can bursting through the front door, "You! You!" She screeched, "Get out now! Go away! What if Donna comes home and sees you! What the-" She stopped short, "You're not The Doctor."

"Actually Gramms, he is." Emma sighed and gave her grandmother a fleeting hug, "His face just changed is all, but same, well almost the same man, same TARDIS, same everything, except his face."

"And how exactly do you know this!?"

"I've been traveling with him, I was right. Mum was stolen, and we're gonna find her."

Sylvia stared from The Doctor to Emma, clearly torn. Tears began to spill onto her cheeks. After what seemed like hours, but was actually only a minute she finally sighed, "And you think you can find y daughter?"

"Yes ma'am." The Doctor said.

"I wasn't asking you! Emma?"

"I really do."

"Then there is no stopping you."

"But that's not fair!" Jack interrupted. "Can't I go to?"

"Hardly!" Sylvia glared at him, "You skipped school didn't you? That's where you've been? Go inside and do your homework!"

"Don't worry, I have a bad habit of showing up again," The Doctor whispered to him, "like a bad penny."

"So who is she?" Emma asked the second they were alone again.

"Who is who?" The Doctor was clearly avoiding the question, refusing to look up from the controls he was fidgeting with.

"You know who. The girl! When you talked about her, you acted like you'd seen a ghost or something!"

"Seen a … ghost?"

"Yes, a ghost! A ghost! It's a figure of speech space man! It means-"

"I know what it means!" The Doctor interrupted, "Seen a … ghost… a … GHOST!"

"Oh no!" Emma began to back up, "I know that face, that's your 'I-have-an-idea-and-it-probably-won't-turn-out-the-way-we-expect-it-to-but-it'll-all-work-out-in-the-end' look, I'm getting out of here before you do something stupid!" She turned for her room, but before she could even take a step The Doctor bolted past her in the direction of the library as fast as his long legs could carry him.

Rolling her eyes Emma darted after, but by the time she caught up The Doctor was already there, tearing through a box labeled 'Prydonian Chapter'. Pictures were flying everywhere until he came across the one he'd been looking for and the movement stopped, as he sat down to study it.

Emma knew The Doctor might be a while, and that he'd need quiet to study whatever it was he was looking at, so she contented herself in looking at other photos while waiting. There was one labeled Ushas that depicted a girl excitedly holding a rat up by its tail. In the next picture labeled Ushas & Drax a boy with wild looking eyes was clearly trying to set the rat on fire, and Ushas was carefully trying to protect it. 'Ushas' Emma laughed to herself, 'Queen of the rats!' The last picture she looked at had to young boys in it, one of the named was crossed off, but the other read Koschei Mekail. One of the boys stood straight, his hair cut short and a stern expression masked his otherwise adorable looking face, the other boy, had his arm thrown carelessly around the shorter one, and huge mischievous smile spread across his face. Confused, Emma wondered why she didn't remember any of these people, she was after all supposed to know everything The Doctor knew.

"I've got it!" The Doctor smiled wildly, waving the picture in his hand. "Here!"

Emma studied the picture. Somehow it was different, less posed then the other. Someone had apparently taken a picture of a bunch of students, eleven to be exact, spread out across a classroom just minding their own business. There were two boys near the front, writing furiously, perhaps grading papers. In the very back corner stood another boy, he seemed to have noticed the camera and was frowning at it. A girl with bright blue hair was leaning in laughing at something the handsome boy next to her said, obviously those two were dating. Close to them was a frail looking girl, barely visible over the journal she was writing in. And smack dab in the middle were the four kids from the earlier pictures, Drax sat entranced by the fire, over which Ushas seemed to be brewing some chemical mixture. Next to her sat the mischievous boy, who although he was handing a beaker full of chemicals to Ushas had his attention fully fixed on the stern adorable one who sat reading a short distance away.

"Do you remember how I described the girl?"


"Well then, of these students, who do you think would regenerate into such a character?"

Emma studied the picture a second more before replying, "I can narrow it down to three. First, the frail looking girl, she looks kinda different from the others, like she doesn't exactly fit in. That might set someone off, make them turn into a crazy person. Second, keeping in mind that Time Lords can change gender in regenerations, the mischievous looking boy, he just seems the type," at that The Doctor chuckled a bit, "And third, that girl with the blue hair, I know she doesn't look like she'd have the sort of psycho murderer personality you described, but people change, maybe something traumatic happened to her or something."

"I thought it might be the 'frail looking girl' too, although she always seemed so strong to me. Her name was Ghost. I don't think it was her though, she couldn't have… still I moved on."

Ghost. Suddenly a stream of memories assaulted Emma. This poor girl Ghost went through so much. Constantly being berated and spit at because of who she was. Being forced into classes she hardly understood. Living so far from home, and trying so hard to be diplomatic all the time, even though she couldn't speak. And her only friends were a girl obsessed with chemicals and rats, an insane boy, and another boy who was so scared emotionally and physically that it was a wonder he was still alive. Poor, poor Ghost.

"The second one, well that's Koschei Mekail. He's definitely out. No questions asked."


"I said no questions asked. And as for the third… that's gotta be our gal!"

"Who is she?"

"That was Millennia, she umm… I lost her and her boyfriend Rallon on one of my first outings in the TARDIS. The celestial toymaker-"

"Say no more. That I know about."

"Exactly! She shouldn't have been able to regenerate! She was gone for good. So the question is how? And I'm willing to bet my sonic screwdriver that whatever brought her back has something to do with our very own Donna Noble!"

"But how do you know?" Emma asked.

"Call it a huntch."

AN: I do apologize for taking so long to update, hence the two updates so close together. I have an endless list of excuses for taking so long which I won't bother you with. ANYWHO, there was some shamelss allusion in this particular chapter to another BEAUTIFUL fanfiction, "When We Were Young" by Sharadethia as a sort of thank you for her editing in earlier chapters, and her all around fabulousness.

Will update soon, enjoy!