Promises Promises




As Derek escorted to his truck, he kept a tight hold on her hand, afraid that if he let go he would be losing his life line. He glanced over to Penelope and noticed that she had started to chew the inside of her lower lip, her tell that she was in deep thoughts. He knew that if he didn't stop that train of thought now, Penelope would reason and rationalize all that had just happened as just a fluke. A little smirk crossed his lips as he knew what he would do. As he helped her into the truck he could not resist one more firm 'pat' on her splendid ass.

As Penelope was being led/drugged out to Derek's truck, the endorphin high she had been on as Derek had spanked and then kissed her was starting to wane. Reality was starting to creep back into her head. As much as she had dreamed about a time like this, she felt like this was happening in a response to her choosing to go undercover. Maybe Derek only said those things in a sense of panic…What if? POP! "Derek Morgan….if you lay one more hand on my ass, I swear I will….HMPHHH!"

Knowing that if she started talking now things could change, Derek did the only thing that popped into his head. He leaned in and covered his lips with hers. This was not a gentle kiss, this was a shut up and enjoy what you feel with me kiss. Sensing shock and a lack of response Morgan pulled back just enough to move his lips to where he was sucking on just her lower lip. Gently tugging at the lip, begging for entrance into her warm mouth, Derek placed his hand on her cheek and caressed it as he continued to ask for entrance.

Garcia was speechless, literally, because Derek had chose that moment to kiss her. She was pushed back into the seat at first due to the sheer force of the kiss. This wasn't some sweet kiss, this was a 'this man wants this woman' kiss. Shocked, Garcia was slow to respond, until she felt Morgan start to pull away. Panic flew across her mind as she thought he was taking her shock as a denial, until she realized that he only pulled back enough to reposition himself. He was now sucking on her lower lip, and she had every intention on making him work for this kiss, until she felt his large, warm hand, gently caress her cheek and push the few loose tendrils of hair behind her . This simple act touched her, and she let all the doubts that had been flooding her mind go and just opened up and let Derek ravish her mouth. This continued until the need of oxygen made them separate. "WOW!" Garcia said as she laid her head back against the headrest and closed her eyes.

Derek was slowly losing control of his self here in this public parking garage. As he broke off the kiss he couldn't help but smile as he heard his usually over descriptive princess reduced to one word. Derek shut her door and walked over to his. He had to readjust his crotch as the pressure as his very hard erection was making it very uncomfortable to walk, and even more difficult to sit and drive. He had to tell himself that he needed to slow it down. As he climbed into the truck, he saw that Garcia had her eyes closed and a grin plastered on her face. He started driving towards his place, it was closer and he wanted to make sure that he was on his turf. He knew that as much as he wanted this, it was not going to be easy.

Penelope had heard the phrase 'kissed senseless' before but she had assumed that this was just an exaggeration, but as she sat here in Derek's truck, she knew that it was a truth. She had never been kissed with such passion and yet so much tenderness. She had always thought that to be kissed it had to be one or the other, but now she knew that it could be so much more. More. That one word brought reality back again. She sat up in the seat and noticed that they were heading to Derek's house. She knew that he had detected her change in mindset when he reached over and intertwined his fingers and hers, creating a tight weave, a bond. "Derek….I think that…"

"Baby girl…..not now…." Derek squeezed her hand and turned into his driveway. He walked around and opened her door, helping her slide out of the truck. He had to tamp down his testosterone as he caught a glimpse of her upper thighs as her skirt slid up as she slid down.

Penelope saw a flicker of something she thought might be desire in Derek's eyes as her skirt had rode up a little high, exposing her thighs. She knew that she must have imagined what she saw, lord knows those thighs were not something most men lust after. She tugged her skirt down and when she looked up she noticed that Derek was no longer in front of her, but instead opening the door to his house. "And you thought he desired this….."She murmured to herself as she walked up the sidewalk and towards the door. She saw that Derek was being the gentleman, as he stood in the doorway, holding the door open for her to enter. As she entered the living room area, she tossed her pocketbook on the end table and mentally prepared herself for what was to happen. She straightened her top, tugged her skirt down and squared her shoulders. She had every intention to talk…and she meant talk to Derek about what was transpiring between them. She may not be a profiler but she knew that sometimes people can mistake emotions when there is a dangerous situation. She knew that she was not his type. His fear of losing his "best friend", had clouded his judgement. He was just resorting back to his alpha-male, cave man mode. Once things had calmed down, he would want his "best friend" back at his side and his thin svelte girls in his bed. She was deep in her own thoughts when she heard Derek clear his throat.

Derek had went into the kitchen when he got in and started some water to boil for some hot tea. He knew that Penelope loved hot tea and how it soothed her sometimes. As he set the pot on the eye of the stove, he realized just how much he knew about her. He never realized just how much of her life he knew about, her likes and dislikes. But he also knew her opinion of herself. It was time for someone to help her see what she truly is, beautiful, loving and absolutely wonderful. Derek knew he had an uphill battle, but he was ready to fight. As he walked into the living room he could tell she was mentally psyching herself up to talk to him. Well, he was not going to give up as easy as he did the last time they tried to talk about them. The last time ended up with them fighting, her turning down his invitation on a date and her getting shot. He had almost lost her once, not again. He would move heaven and earth if he had to to get her to see just how much she meant to him. As his eyes skimmed down the back of her, the desire to grab that round ass and pull it against him flared back into his blood.


Garcia turned around quickly, ready to clear the air, and go back to way things were before. But one look in those dark brown eyes shook her to the core. She saw lust and desire…for her. But that made no since in her mind, she was not what got Derek hot. "Derek….listen….I think….." Garcia stammered as she saw Derek take one step towards her. 'Damn! I hate profilers!' Garcia thought to herself as she realized that there was no hiding her thoughts from him.

Derek knew what Garcia was thinking. He knew she thought that she was not good enough, small enough or hot enough for him. But he had every intention on changing her mind, starting tonight. Taking one step towards her, he watched her read the intent, the desire and lust in his eyes. "Baby girl, don't think." He said as he took another step towards her and he watched her retreat back.

Garcia was caught off guard by Derek's step towards her ,but she had every intention of standing her ground. It wasn't until he called her his baby girl that she heard the same emotions in his voice that were in his eyes. When he took the next step towards her, she took one step back, not in fear of Derek. She saw the look on his face, the predatory gleam in his eyes, and she was his prey. That kind of primal desire sparked a fire within her. Now she countered each of his steps forward with one of hers backwards, self preservation was her only hope. She didn't intend on being another notch on the Morgan bedpost. She would not let him win. She took one more step back and felt the heel of her shoes hit the wall. She was trapped with the ever increasingly delicious Derek in front and the wall behind her. But…oh the feelings that just his stare were creating in her, the quickening of her pulse, the heat in chest, the hardening of her nipples, were creating one heck of an internal battle.

Derek sensed the internal struggle within Penelope, but he knew that he had to make her his. If there was even the slightest inclination from Penelope that she did not want things to proceed then he would have stopped, but as stood two steps before her he noticed her increased heart rate and breathing and the most clear evidence was her nipples, straining through her thin bra and blouse. 'Slow down hoss!' Derek told himself. He had to take this slowly, he was in no hurry. As he leaned in to kiss her he felt her take in a deep breath.

"Derek….Maybe we should thin…" Penelope was stopped by Derek gently brushing his lips across hers. Sparks radiated from her lips at this simple touch.

Derek placed his hands on each side of her head, effectively trapping her in this place. He leaned back a little, keeping his face only a few inches from her. "I KNOW what you are thinking." He whispered as he gently brushed his lips over hers again. "So pump those brakes on those thoughts." Again he brushed over her lips again.

Those three light kisses had Penelope on the edge, but she wanted him to see what she saw. "MMMMM! God….Derek! You make this so difficult. Look.." But once again she was cut off by his lips on hers, this time not just brushing over her lips but gently sucking on her top lip. But, she was not going to be deterred, even though there was now a warmth spreading between her legs. With a light pressure she pushed his back and tried to emphasize her point. "Derek….." Penelope pointed her fingers down her body, wanting him to see what she was getting at. "LOOK!" She yelled with frustration. Tears filled her eyes as she pushed him back, giving him the chance to really see her.

Derek growled at her . OK, gentle was not working, time for a new, more direct approach. Derek grabbed her right hand and placed it on the zipper of his pants. He kept it held there as he leaned back into her face and spoke with a steel tone in voice, making sure she knew this was not him playing. "NO….You look and you FEEL! Look in my eyes….can you not see the desire?"

"I see." She answered.

"And FEEL!" Derek ground his large erection into her hand. "Can you not feel what you do to me?"

Penelope nodded her head. "But…"

"NO! There is not but….you….Penelope Garcia….do this to me? God woman, you make me so hard I hurt. How can you ever doubt that you are not what I like…my type?" He said as he raised his eyebrows, knowing that using her exact words would get her attention. "Let me tell you MY TYPE!" Morgan let go of her hand. An idea flashed through his head and he knew what he would do next. He stepped back and leaned forward a little. "Better yet, let me show you my type."

Penelope knew she must be dreaming, to have felt the proof of his desire for her….her, not anyone else….her. She was startled as he raised his voice, emphasizing the words she had repeated over and over to herself in her own head. When Morgan stepped away, she thought he was giving up, but that changed when one moment she was standing against the wall and the next moment she was slung over Morgan's shoulder. She couldn't help but kick and beat against his back, fearful that he might drop her. "Derek….put…me…down….You could…hurt your back….I am not light….." SMACK! "OWWWW!"

"Don't make me continue what we started at the office. I will not tolerate you talking about yourself like that." Derek said as he entered the dark room and threw her down. Penelope landed with a soft gasp as she reached around and realized that she was on a bed. It wasn't until he turned on the lamp that she realized that this was his room, his bed, his domain. Garcia scooted up to the top of the bed. She watched as Derek removed his shoes at the end of the bed, then started crawling up the bed. She squealed as Derek wrapped his hands around her ankles, pulling her back down into the middle of the bed. He stopped when he had pulled her to where he was on his knees, between her open knees. This action also made her skirt ride up high on her thighs and pulled her shirt loose from the waist of the skirt. The position Derek was in gave him a wonderful view of what treasures he had yet to unearth. Derek licked his lips and looked back up at Penelope's eyes. He could see the sight flush in her cheeks, the slight embarrassment in what he saw, but that was about to change. "DAMN! Woman….you look good enough to eat." Derek said as he leaned forward to cover her body with his and claim those pouty lips with his own.

Penelope was embarrassed as she knew that Derek could easily see up her skirt. But that fled quickly as she felt Derek lay completely over her, his prominent erection pressing into the juncture of her legs, increasing the fire that was building within her. As Derek pressed his lips firmly against hers, he slowly ground his tightly bound throbbing erection into her. She let out a gasp and a low moan as her body responded. Derek lifted his lips off her to whisper, "And before tonight is over, I believe I will." Garcia's body shivered in anticipation of what he was alluding to, knowing that before this night was over, she would be having her own taste of chocolate.


Please review! This is making me nervous writing this type of encounter for the first time.