Hey guys! So this is the edited version of the original Love Starts When You Open A Book. I still loved the first chapter so the changes are pretty minimal, I fixed the grammar mistakes and my spelling. Oh and guess what? No more bold underlining for no reason! *Claps* Sorry, I'm just really happy, but if you see anything wrong or still think I'm still kinda ehh lemme know so I can fix it.




I was sitting behind the book store counter brushing my best friend hair with a soft needle brush, I was covering for my brother, he was going to be out for a least two weeks, it was a Saturday and normally I would be at the mall carrying my best friend's bags around, and loaning him 50$ for the cutest pair of shoes ever...I defiantly have to thank my brother later.

"Sasuke! I'm so bored!" My friends complaining brought my out of my thoughts.

"Well, what do you want me to do Haku?" I said handing the brush to Haku.

"I don't know, ugh! No one else can cover?" Haku said putting the bush down.

"Evidently not" I said.

"Don't use big words on me mister!" Haku said pouting.

"Ok, ok no pouting" I said a smile on my lips.

"Whatever…I'm tired" Haku said.

"Why don't you take a nap in the back?" I suggested.

"Hmm, good idea, g'night" Haku said.

"Wait a minute…I thought it was the afternoon" I said with mock confusion.

"You know what I meant" Haku said sticking his tongue out at me before closing the door to the back room.

I guess this would be a good time to introduce myself, I'm Sasuke Uchiha, my oh so lovely best friend is Haku, he lives with me, his mom and dad died when he was seven, and I'm an orphan, you see my parents died in a car crash when I was seven and Itachi, my brother, was twelve, as soon as Itachi turned eighteen he moved both of us out, but not without a fight! I remember I wouldn't go without Haku, and it took a whole week of strike to get what I wanted, but I got it.

I even remember the first thing haku said to me, he walked right up to me and said 'you have the same eyes as me' and I did, we shared the same sad, and lonely eyes and from those eyes we became best friends. You see…Haku is one of those once-in-a-lifetime-kind of person; he has long hair that goes to about his shoulder blades, pretty dark brown eyes, pale skin, and a small frame a little muscled but not heavily, he's short for his age…but really I'm not one to talk, and a smile that would warm the coldest of hearts.

My older brother Itachi is older than me by five years, he the normal older brother, annoying and funny, he goes in my room without asking, reads my journal then laughs at me, calls me a brat, he has a boyfriend Kisame, but I always call him Sharky, oh and Itachi just loves to use my favorite tee-shirts to clean up Sharky and his messes, one of the reasons I go to the mall every Saturday, Itachi has shoulder length black hair, pale skin, deep pools of black for eyes, but they always held warmth even when he's mad, he has muscle, hell he went to the karate championships, and won you have to be strong to do that, and no matter what he does he is always overprotective. Sharky is really cool, I liked him even before he started dating Itachi, he has died blue hair that spikes up, for some reason light blue skin; I never asked why it was that way; three gill tattoos on either side of his neck, and sharp ass teeth!


I had on crazy night last night, who was that guy I slept with? Oh who cares he was just another lay anyway, I haven't been I a real relationship since…well ever, it's just been a three step thing for me. Step 1: Find a Target, Step 2: Fuck Said Target, Step 3: Leave Before They Wake Up; simple as that, now I need to find a brand new target. My name is Naruto Uzumaki, I am twenty years old, and I just want to fuck anything hot, sexy, cute, ect… I have one best friend, his name is Zabuza Momochi he's real cool, but he's like six years older than me, he has black hair that spikes up, he's very muscular even more than me, he's kinda pale and normally wears bandages around the lower part of his face, he's a lot like me to tell you the truth he evem uses the same three step thing, and I know it seems cold what we do, but men have needs, I have lots of friends but other than Zabuza I'm trying to get into their pants speaking of Zabuza I'm going to go see him right now, he has this part time gig at some coffee shop, and his shift is almost over. I hear the bell ring as I enter the shop.

"Hey Naruto!" a voice yelled.

I turn to see the voice belonged to Zabuza. "Hey Zabuza" I greeted.

"So how was your night?" he asked.

"Fucking awesome….literally" I said with a toothy grin and wink.

"Nice, hot?" he asked.

"I can't remember" I said.

"Wow, you better start remembering, one day you're going to start repeating" Zabuza said smirking.

"Whatever" I said rolling my eyes. "What are we doing today buddy?" I asked smiling.

"Well I need a book, so let's go to that book store around the corner" Zabuza said, before heading out the glass door.

"Why do you need a book?" I asked following him out the door.

"Unlike you, I can't live off porn" Zabuza said in a-matter-of-fact voice.

"Screw you" I said crossing my arms.

He just laughed at me; the rest of our small trip was in silence. Once we rounded the corner I saw a small building as Zabuza and I walked in I saw a beautiful raven hair boy sitting on the counter, he looked like he was lost in his own world. Right then and there I knew I wanted him as my next target. The raven had short hair that spiked up and bowed upwards, if my eyes weren't deceiving me he had some deep curves, creamy pale skin, and plump pink lips that gave him a pouty look. He looked perfect…and I was going to have him.


Tada! So what cha guys think? *Grins sheepishly* I feel like I'm back to my first chapter of my first story! I'm so nervous and excited to see everyone's reactions. For those of you who told me to rewrite it from the start (Chapter 1 reviews on the original) I am really sorry I didn't listen...I have no idea what made me think you didn't have any idea what you were talking about and to just ignore what you said. Also thank you all who supported me in rewriting this
