A/N: I just LOVE to write about L/J. I also know people like me don't like to read Author's notes so If I don't have any, It's because I don't want to screw up your reading. Okay? Cool.

~.The Tale of a Pureblood.~

James Godric Potter, the KING of pranks and class rebel, sat on his chair in Charms, putting his feet on the desk. His messy, black hair fell into his eyes, resting his hands behind his head; and his legs were so long that they almost dangled over. Remus Lupin, his light-brown headed friend leaned over and whispered, "That's not polite, James." Sirius Black, a real lady's man just laughed to himself.

"That never stopped him before, Moony!" Remus nodded, also in a way kind of disgusted with his attitude. Meanwhile, Peter Pettigrew, who was a James Potter Wannabe/fan, tried to do the same but he ended up falling backwards onto his butt. James shook his head at this, being annoyed at how he always tried to copy him.

"Mr Potter, what makes you think you can disturb my class with that behavior?!" Flitwick exclaimed, a bit outraged. James shrugged, ignoring his words.

"Did you know that I'm 3 feet taller than you, Professor?" James asked, the glint in his eye just screaming, "I Dare you to give me detention."

"Mr. Potter, you must improve this behavior or you will never graduate!" Flitwick warned, his tiny little face turning red. James just laughed, putting down his feet.

"I can do what I please. Besides, I'm good enough in Charms to pass with this "ridiculous behavior" and it WILL continue!" James drawled, causing the girls to swoon over his sexy, breathy voice. Flitwick walked away, shaking with fury. He had to deal with Potter many times, but this year, he had gotten worse than ever.

As soon as the class finished, James sauntered out the door to meet his friends, ignoring the girls that crossed his path as usual. He was getting tired of the usual annoying bubbly blondes that got in the way, and most times, he wanted to just pull every strand of their atrociously dyed hair out. Unfortunately, that'd make him have a bad reputation, and that was what he lived for.

"I can't BELIEVE you this morning, Prongs! You better start shaping up, the teachers aren't going to let you go all the time!" Remus said, glaring at him. James just grinned at him.

"I can handle it, Moony. I mean, after all, I'm a Pureblood. I was BORN to have perfect grades. If my marks were being jeopardized, then I would shape up, but they're not! Relax!" James said, not understanding why his friend always seemed to cut him down. "Right Padfoot and Wormtail? You believe I can do it!" James asked, wanting some support.

"Of course, Prongs!" squeaked Peter, always eager to please James.

"You took it too far today, James. I can't believe someone like you—" Sirius started, but a girl with long, wavy red hair and sharp green eyes cut in.

"'Could do such a horrible thing as that! That was disgusting!" she spat, throwing him a dark look.

"Oh, for crying out loud! Lily, will you PLEASE stay out of my business? You're like an annoying BEE in the back of my head that keeps buzzing and buzzing constantly!" James shouted, massaging his temples.

"Oh, I feel so loved." Lily said, rolling her eyes. Eyeing her, Sirius grinned, placing an arm around her shoulders.

"Hey, girl. How have you been?" asked Sirius, giving her a look that he thought was sexy. Lily shuddered, plucking his arm off of her.

"Sorry, I only date my SPECIES!" she retorted.

"If you even date. I mean, you could swing the other way for all we know!" Peter said knowingly, always seeming to hate and like the same people James did and didn't. Lily had gotten used to ignoring him, though, since arguing with him would only make him cry and make her feel bad.

"James, I could help you! I'm sorry if I came off rudely, but I loathed the way you acted earlier." Lily explained, weakly smiling.

"You DID come off rude. And I don't NEED help from a Muggle! I ALSO am not open for suggestions on my behavior!" James yelled, storming away from them. The rest of them shook their heads at their friend, except Peter, who was giving him a thumbs up behind his back. Sirius sighed, debating on whether to follow him or not.

"What do we do NOW?!" Padfoor moaned, shoving Peter away. Remus shrugged, knowing that his friends expected one of his cryptic one-liners he always had for them when they were lost. Glancing around, he found one for the situation, saying:

"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup."