Hey guys! I know this update is really overdue... and I'm sorry for that. But here you go, another chapter! I saw the trailer and new OP and figured I better get it out before the second season starts of on the second of July! And it looks like we might actually get to see some couples form! I'm so pumped! Alright, enough fangirling, here's chapter… uh like 15? I honestly have lost count. Enjoy!


"Ahh!" Chinatsu yelled turning around quickly. "Toshinou Kyoko! I'll kill you!" Chinatsu yelled when she figured out who it was.

"Aww, you wouldn't do that to me Chinatsu-Chan!" Kyoko said waving the suggestion of death away.

"Wanna bet..." Chinatsu said under her breath.

"What was that Chinatsu-Chan?"

"Oh nothing."

"Oh okay! So where's your girly friend? Hmm?" Kyoko asked looking around for Yui.

"Why do you care?" Chinatsu said turning around, somewhat angrily.

"Cause she's my best friend!" Kyoko said happily and loudly.

"You've never… done anything with Yui right?" Chinatsu asked, her voice a bit shaken.

"Uh!" Kyoko was caught off guard by the question. "Nope, she's all new, just for you." Kyoko stuck her thumb up and smiled at Chinatsu.

"Brand new?" Chinatsu asked.

"Yup! She's never even had a boyfriend, let alone a girlfriend. You're her first Chinatsu-Chan! Congrats!"

"Oh... okay!" Chinatsu smiled widely.

"Awww you're so cute!" Kyoko said glomping her.

"Get off of me!" Chinatsu said between breathes. "I'm spoken for!"

Kyoko just laughed and continued.


"Yes, two tickets please." A certain dark haired girl said handing some money to a woman behind a glass window. "Thank you." Yui said taking the tickets from a lady in the booth.

The dark haired girl was making her way back to Chinatsu when someone bumped into her, causing her to drop the tickets on the ground. "Jerks..." Yui said under her breath. She squatted down to pick them up when two more tickets fluttered down in front of her face. She picked them up along with hers, intending to give them to the person who dropped them. When she got to her feet she looked and about 5 feet away from her she saw Ayano punching a guy wearing a white t-shirt and baggy black pants who was much bigger than her in the face.

"Touch me again and see what happens!" Ayano yelled giving the guy a shove away.

"Ayano?" Yui said extending her hand out that was holding the tickets she had dropped.

"Yui-san." Ayano said with slight surprise. "Thank you." she said taking the tickets. "That guys a real jerk." Ayano said as the two girls walked towards where Chinatsu and Kyoko were.

"Yeah." Agreed Yui with a small laugh. "I thought you and Kyoko were supposed to be studying? Is she with you?"

"Uhh... were gunna... see a movie instead..." Ayano said blushing furiously. "We already tried studying."

"Yeah? And how did that go?" Asked Yui, giggling into her fist.

"It was definitely interesting." Ayano said holding her head in her hands and blushing wildly.

The two girls made their way through the crowed to see Kyoko glomping a struggling Chinatsu.

"Yui-senpai!" Chinatsu yelled, getting away from Kyoko and running into her girlfriends arms. "Don't leave me along ever again!" The pink haired girl snuggled her face into Yui's chest, causing Yui's face to turn a bit red.

Petting her girlfriend's head, Yui looked over to Kyoko. "I think I found your… date?" She through a quick glance at Ayano.

"Date!" Ayano yelled, her face beet red.

"Yeah" Kyoko said to Yui. "Thanks for finding her, she likes to get herself into trouble just so I have a reason to show up around her. It's quite pathetic actually." She smiled her goofy smile at a still blushing Ayano.

"Date?" Ayano asked again.

"Come on sweetie." Kyoko said taking Ayano's arm in hers and parading them to the theater. "Bye Yui!" Kyouko called as she marched a struggling Ayano away. "Bye Chinatsu-Chan!" Kyoko waved and blew a kiss to the pink haired girl.

Chinatsu scowled at the back of Kyoko's head. Yui smiled at her and gave a slight laugh. "Calm down." She said in her mature sounding voice as she stroked the top of Chinatsu's head. "Ready to go see the movie?"

"Yes!" Chinatsu said happily, taking Yui's hand in hers. The two girls made their way into a small dark theater and found that it was completely empty. "No one's here."Chinatsu said quietly. Something tightened in her stomach, giving her a sudden lust. "Yui-senpai…"

"Yeah?" Yui said looking down at her girlfriends face. "What is i-" Before Yui could even realize what was happening, she found herself pushed up against a wall with Chinatsu's hand holding her tight up against it. Chinatsu's blue eyes looked deep into Yui's chocolate brown ones. "Uhhh" was all Yui could say before Chinatsu's lips were on here's. Chinatsu couldn't help but feel Yui's lips form a smile while being pushed up against her own. The pink haired girl released Yui from her grip and allowed her hands to travel up her neck some. The dark haired girl just moved her hands so they rested nicely on her girlfriend's hips.

All of a sudden Chinatsu was hit in the back of the head. "Ouch!" she yelled, breaking the kiss.

"Get a room!" Said a familiar blonde.

Chinatsu was about to launch a full on attack at Kyoko just as she felt a warm hand grasp her shoulder and she melted like butter under a heating lamp. "Go sit." Yui instructed. Giving one last glare at Kyoko Chinatsu went down to find two seats for her and her girlfriend, not that it was going to be too hard.

"Why are you even here?" asked Yui to Kyoko.

"Same reason you're here." The blonde said happily.

"What do you-" just then Ayano walked in and thrusted a huge bucket of popcorn into Kyoko.

"Thank you!" Kyoko said, with her goofy smile still plastered on her face.

"Yeah, well next time bring your own money!" The purple haired girl said slightly agitated.

"So that means there will be a next time!"

"What? No, no that's not what I-"

"Hey Yui! Look Ayano wants to go on another date with me after this one!"

"Shut up!" Ayano grabbed the bucket of popcorn from Kyoko and slammed it down over the blonde girl's head.

XXXAt the Ikeda houseXXX

"Stop bleeding!" Chizuru yelled at her twin sister.

"I can't help it!" Chitose yelled. "Can't you feel it?"

"No! Where are the tissues?"

"I don't know! I can't find them!"

"Well hurry up and find them! You're getting blood all over dinner!"

XXXBack at the theaterXXX

"Hey, fighting isn't gunna solve anything." Yui said coolly trying to calm Ayano down.

Kyoko lifted the bucket from her head and smiled. "Fighting? Who's fighting? This is just how Ayano-Chan flirts."

With that said Ayano just walked away and sat down in one of the seats, steaming and blushing furiously.

"Good work Romeo…" Yui said blankly at Kyoko.

"Aww she'll get over it as soon as we start making out." Once more Kyoko's grin came back.

"I'm sure.." Yui said leaving it at that and walking down the aisle to her girlfriend who had been watching the whole thing unfold and was laughing into her hands.


Alright, so that had quite a bit of AyanoxKyoko… but hey! Everybody loves them so why not work with it! You'll be sure to see more ChinatsuxYui in the next chapter as we see how the rest of the date unfolds.

In other new: It's coming! Super soon! Who else is pumped! I know I am! Have you heard the new theme song? I'm amazing! I love it!

Leave me a review? Please? They make me super happy! Oh yes! And I know I still have to write the AkanexTomoko thing. But here's another little thing I want to do! So just let me know if you want to know what went on with Kyoko and Ayano during "studying." Alright, I'm done! Bye! Review!