Okay I'm sorry I apologise in advance I have two stories in the part that need finishing and an exam to study for and what am I doing posting this - I know I'm bad.

But see it gets the stupid idea out of my head and kind of well, I thought the story with Willow and the boys would end the future part of this verse. But then I watched the Real Ghostbusters and the GG episode with the Poe people and I couldn't help it, they just merged together with the stories I had written about Dean Forester being taken under various hunters wings because of his resemblance to Sam and him building a family in that world.

A family that, considering I technically mentioned in passing that Samifer crucified the poor boy with a nail gun (I'm not writing it all out because I tried once and it got icky even for me) during the apocalypse would include Chuck seeing how he probably would have a had prophet's eye view of the whole thing.

So even though there is actually no real point to this tale apart from cringy giggles, here is the first half

"And this is the town square," Lorelai said as she made a sweeping gesture towards the gazebo. "Where I understand from your agent that you may wish to arrange some activities?"

"No, not really," the obviously anxious man replied with a quick shake of his head.

"He just means him personally," the more officious of his companions explained as the other, more awkward, woman that accompanied them took in the town. "But trust me; the rest of the people staying will be taking part in the organised activities."

"This is a bad, bad, bad idea," the man mumbled.

"I'm sorry?" Lorelai said as he grabbed the woman's arm.

"I told you that this is a very bad idea. That town in New Hampshire and it has a great graveyard. You can pretend it is the one in Kansas," he told the woman. "Go back to the Lucifer stuff, or find a field in Wisconsin for the Leviathans?"

"Carver, don't be like that it will be a great selling point for the side series," she replied.

"Side series? There are only three books?" he said as the short blonde woman grabbed his arm.

"Is that…is that the…a diner?" she said pointing in the direction of Luke's, before letting go and breaking into a run.

"Becky, Becky!" he yelled as he started to follow her as she burst into the place.

"It is…well smaller than I thought," Becky said as her friends joined her.

"Well it's a small town," the small man said taking her arm to guide her out of the place.

"What do you want?" Luke asked the couple now standing in the doorway whose exit was now blocked by Lorelai and the woman in the smart business suit handling the clip board.

"Oh, I get it," the woman said. "This would be perfect! And you with the cap, if we could get him too."

"Get me for what?" a confused Luke asked.

"No! I said I'd come and look, but no," the small man asked before turning to the other member of his group. "Please Becky, it will only cause trouble. Pick another town."

The blonde woman bit her lip for a moment. "I guess we could."

"Carver, I know you do this every time we do a convention. This town would be perfect and we could…." The business woman said.

"If we are doing it here then we are not LARPing that story," Becky said firmly. "I won't write it."

"Oh thank god," the little man mumbled as Lorelai looked over at her confused husband.

"Well fine, but if the conventioneers find this place don't blame me if they don't feel short changed," she said taking notes. "I know I am going to be."

"Why are you doing this?" he asked. "This is a bad time to do this."

"A bad time? Carver, we need this. You aren't spinning out the same stories you used to," the business woman said. "If you want the cash to start rolling in then it is either this or stop censoring things."

"Censoring things?" he asked.

"If we have one more one of the boys on the verge of a mental breakdown tale or being thrown back in time for no point…I can't sell those, Carver."

He took a deep breath. "I hate it when you call me that."

"If it makes you act a little more professional I will call what I need to," She retorted.

His shoulders slumped. "I…I…I need a drink."

"It's only 10 am," Lorelai said.

"He can have coffee," the woman said pointing to one of the tables.

"What the hell was that?" Luke asked his wife as the three people got comfortable.

"I have no idea?" Lorelai replied. "But play nice, if I land them I book out the whole of the Inn for four nights in November."

"Four nights in November?" Luke asked as he poured three cups.

"Yes and if they come I think we can bring a bucket load of cash into the town too. Plus into the bargain they are going to drive Taylor nuts. They are into role playing and not the icky kind too."

"Role playing?"

"They are into some weird book thing and their games will need settings," Lorelai explained. "Carver there is the author and Sera; she's his publisher and agent, while Becky…well Becky is a fan who runs a lot of these things."

Luke looked over at the nervous guy who presently buried his head in his hands as he seemed to be oblivious to the small woman nervously apologising as she stroked his back.

"You sure they are clients and not escaped mental patients?" Luke asked as the woman Lorelai said was named Sera joined them.

"I'm sorry he does this a lot," she said to Lorelai. "It isn't anything against your establishment it is great and it will suit our needs perfectly. He's a bit hard to wrangle, but get Chuck or 'Carver' when he is writing and he is a genius. As for Becky and how she acted when she met you, she just likes everything to be perfect for everyone. She is kind of our torchbearer."

"That is fine," Lorelai said.

"But your town would be so right if I can get them to agree and you guys are willing to let us 'play' it could be our biggest convention yet!" Sera said to Luke as she picked up the coffee cups and re-joined her companions.

"I'm not going to play," Luke firmly told his wife.

"Maybe we can lease your image to them?" Lorelai replied jokingly as she watched Sera calm down the nervous couple who seemed to be arguing with her about the merits of Stars Hollow.

Over the next three days when the three of them came into the diner, Luke left them alone as the publisher talked to the nervous pair who kept quite quiet although the awkward blonde woman kept glaring at him in something that could be described as a peak of anger.

"How is the deal going?" he asked his wife and step daughter as they came in on her morning break one morning as the three strangers seemed to be engaged in an animated conversation.

"Fine, Sera is wearing Mr Edlund down, just needs time she says that is why they've stayed on," Lorelai replied. "But he is freaking people out though. Comes down to breakfast in his robe for starters, but at least he's wearing underwear."

"Writers, huh?" Luke sagely stated

"Me and Jess aren't like this guy," Rory protested defensively having been regaled over the past few days about Mr Edlund's exploits in the Inn.

"That reminds me, you sure it is okay if we hitch a ride tonight? What with the car being in the shop and you know what your grandparents think about my pickup" Luke said casually asked Rory. "I can get the boys after soccer practice."

"Should be fine," Rory said as 'Carver' got to the counter to ask for a cup of coffee.

"Hello Carver," Lorelai said politely, causing the man to groan.

"It's Chuck, just Chuck," he replied. "Please call me that."

"Okay, hello Chuck," Rory said.

"Oh you two haven't met," Lorelai said with a smile. "This is my daughter, Rory."

Chuck made a nervous little noise as Rory put out a hand for him to take.

"She's a writer too," Lorelai said. "But more features and nonfiction."

"Really," Chuck said distractedly as he turned round to see Becky giving him and the group at the counter a look that could kill.

He quickly turned round again to face Rory. "That is nice."

"I enjoy it," Rory said. "I believe you write what fantasy books?"

He swallowed. "Not fantasy."

"But you aren't you supposed to be playing Dungeons and Dragon type games if you guys come here?" Luke asked.

"Sort of, but not," he replied to the confused group.

They stood there hesitantly for a moment not sure what to say as an awkward silence descended on the group.

"So Chuck," Rory started to say. "What got you into writing, was it something you always wanted to do. Because it was for me. Though, I didn't end up covering the topics I thought I was going to back then."

Chuck took a flask out his back pocket, fiddling with the cap before getting the message from Luke's disapproving stare. He shoved it back in his jeans "I just wanted to eat and the stories wouldn't leave me alone so putting them down on the page was the only thing I could do."

"Oh well isn't that Edgar Allan Poe of you," Lorelai said with a smile as Chuck turned round to check on Becky's reaction to him taking so long only to be greeted by another somewhat angry face staring back at him through the glass.

"Oh no," Chuck mumbled as he straightened. He swallowed his fear as he watched for a moment before taking off at high speed.

"CHUCK SHURLEY! YOU GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" Dean Forester screamed as he threw open the door to the diner and proceeded to vault over the counter and passed a very confused Luke to follow the small man.

"What the hell?" Luke exclaimed as a commotion at the back of his place of work seemed to escalate.

Chuck was throwing cans at Dean in a futile attempt to hold him off for a few seconds longer.

"It wasn't my idea. I'm trying to talk them out of it," Chuck was saying as he threw more and more produce and canned goods in Dean's direction, which he was easily deflecting.

"You were told not here, not Nebraska and not South Dakota," Dean was saying as he got closer and closer to the smaller man. Finally, pinning him up against the shelving.

"You shouldn't try and hurt me."

"Long time since they were watching your back Chuck," Forester said with some menace. "And even if they were I don't care."

"Doesn't stop them or him thinking it is damn funny to keep putting it all in my head does it?" Chuck said causing Dean to hoist him further off his feet.

"Please, don't kill me," Chuck begged.

"Dean, what the fuck are you doing to that guy in my diner?" Luke asked.

"Luke, this isn't your business," Dean said as he focused his glare on Chuck.

"Hi Dean," a small voice said causing Dean to grab hold of Chuck while spinning round, so holding the small man as if he was a talisman to ward off evil.

"Becky?" Dean said holding on tightly to Chuck.

"I told them no, I told them somewhere else," Chuck explained to the large man who was holding him hostage. "I've been trying, I swear I have but they won't listen and I even tried to get them to throw me out of the damn Inn."

"I didn't mean to…Sera really likes this town," Becky said with a hopeful but uncomfortable grin on her face.

"Can someone explain to me what the hell is going on?" Luke as the crowd in his storeroom seemed to grow to include Lorelai, Rory and Chuck's agent as well as others from Stars Hollow.

"I didn't start this," Chuck protested.

"Uncle Chuck?" Willow said as she fought her way through the crowd to the store room.

Becky bent down to look the little girl in the eye, "Oh, hello you."

"Becky!" Dean snapped dropping Chuck to pull his daughter towards him.

"I…." Becky started to say before Chuck cut her off by pulling her into a cautious hug as Dean explained to his child that she was supposed to stay with her Grandmother across the street.

"You and me are going to have a talk," Dean said to Chuck as he picked the little girl up as he made his way to the exit.

"Do we have to?" Chuck asked.

"Can someone tell me what is going on?" Luke asked as Dean brushed past him.

"Oh this is bad isn't it?" Becky said to Chuck somewhat despondently.

"I told you it was never going to be good if he found out," Chuck replied as they all looked confused at him.