I own nothing…

So peeps!

I posted a drabble over the weekend. (I forgot that fanfic hates being posted on a weekend (*sigh*)

Anywho… Gotye's- Somebody I Used to Know screamed *NEED MORE FIC!*

And so this has been sitting under my skin.


Please R/R/E!

Thank you for your time.


Gotye: Somebody I Used to Know

WARNING: Masturbation (Yes, in my twisted castle in the sky- Reid masturbates)(heh heh)

Genre: Pre-slash

Rating: M

Character(s): Reid/Morgan

Reid's eyes close against the heated spray of the shower, droplets clinging to the ends of his hair as steam swirls around his head.

He continues to work the tip of his cock, hand slick with soap, suds forming as he pumps his fist up and down.

He bites his lips, trying to hold back the choked moans trying to spill. Images float past his closed lids, things he shouldn't want- mocha skin and washboard abs, gentle caresses, soft eyes.

"More…" Reid whispers- The water sounds thunderous as it splashes off the tiled wall of the hotel.

His chest rises and falls, he scrapes the blunt of his nails across his nipples. His skin's flushed as he lets out a high whine, putting pressure on the glans of his cock.

His mind's fuzzy, as he steps closer to the edge…his stomach flutters with impossible heat.

"Morgan…" Reid can't help that a cry escapes his mouth; his mind muzzy with arousal.

"You alright in there Kid?"

Reid barely registers the deep growl of a voice; the draft as the bathroom door opens.

Reid presses his hand to the glass- head bowed; trying to steady himself under the intense pleasure.

Flicking his thumb over the head one more time- he comes. Cum splatters against the glass door- chased down the drain with suds and water.

"Morgan…" He pants, body trembling as he tries to steady himself against the shower wall.

He focuses enough to see the silhouette through the shower's glass door. His heart runs cold.

Morgan stands there, stock still- mouth a shocked "o"- trying to make sense of what he's witnessed.