Gwen was freezing cold that day when she hung out in the garage with Kevin and Ben. Sure, they all weren't having that bad a time but it seriously felt icy out. After she took a gander at the wall-mounted thermometer and found that it was just above 30 degrees Fahrenheit, the redheaded, green-eyed young woman decided that enough was enough.

Kevin might be okay to work on that car after pulling his hoodie off, she thought to herself. Same for Ben. She looked at the pair of chairs near her own folding, metal one, whereupon lie a magazine she'd brought along to read should her boys find themselves dealing with the mission of tuning up a vehicle. Now whose is who's . . . ? she pondered inwardly, looking to find that both Kevin's and Ben's hoodie had been tossed haphazardly onto a single chair.

They were both designed with decals from the same show that Kevin and Ben often liked to watch on Friday nights. She figured for sure she'd chosen Kevin's to pull over her head once she felt how big it was on her. It seemed like it'd fit a broad-shouldered guy, a tall-ish guy. It was Kevin's alright.

For a week straight she continued to wear this hoodie. It wasn't her fault that a cold front had moved into Bellwood. Besides, Kevin hadn't complained to her about her arguable theft, nor had he asked for her to give it back anytime soon. This suited her just fine really, because aside from feeling warm and cozy, the hoodie also smelled amazing. How she hadn't noticed this out before, she had no idea.

It was a random thought at first. It had come to her during math class. This hoodie smells familiar . . . I mean, it's kind of like . . . an old spice of a scent; a strange but intriguing scent; Strange I hadn't noticed it on Kevin before. At least I have now.

It wasn't until the Sunday that came at the end of the week of her times with the nicked, awesome scented hoodie that Gwen found herself sitting within the garage again. Kevin had already met her there some time ago and was already working on some car someone had left there for a spark plug change. When Ben finally arrived, he did a double-take as his eyes fell on his cousin.

"You!" he exclaimed, pointing at her somewhat dramatically with the finger on his left hand; his right hand was snuggly held around a smoothie. "We really ought to run into each other more at school."

"Ben, what are you talking about?" Gwen replied blankly, thoroughly nonplussed by his strange way of . . . was it greeting her? She wasn't sure.

"My hoodie – you're wearing my hoodie," he exclaimed with a sigh. "I've been looking for it all week."

A slight heated feeling tingling in her cheeks, Gwen quietly stood and pulled the hoodie up and over her head, messing up her hair in the process. As soon as she did so, she half-heartedly folded it and stormed up to Ben. Ben who maybe was a little more broad-shouldered than she'd noticed before; Ben who was a little bit taller than she'd maybe given him credit for being previously.

"Here," she said, pushing the pullover into his hands. "Look, if you don't want your stuff stolen, then – then –"

". . . then?" Ben repeated back, pulling the hoodie over his own head.

"Then stop smelling so strangely . . . nice!" Gwen hissed at him, before shaking her head in a miffed sort of way and marching matter-of-factly from the garage altogether.