Sins of the Father

Arthur/Morgana, Mordred, Merlin, Uther, Morgause, Gaius, Kilgharrah, Alvarr, Leon, Gwiane, Gwen, Balinor, minor OC's
Consensual incest, consentual sex between minors, age gap flirting, main character death, angst, Merlin's tears…cliffhanger? Sequal foreshadowing.

Disclaimer: In the beginning there are lines taken from the actual episodes of Sins of the Father. I do not own them, the characters or the original plot line for this episode. However, I thought Arthur had more balls and would totally overthrow Uther if he was pissed enough.
Spoilers:There will be spoilers for all three seasons (even if I haven't seen the last few episodes of s3), you may even find hints of other Camelot literature while you read.

Author's Note:Gratitude's are on the original mast post at my livejournal, if you would like to read them. This was written for last year's paperlegends bigbang on livejournal, and it was a magical experience.

Spoilers for the fic

Ages: Because I changed them around a few times and it's always nice to have a time frame. In the flashback (eight years prior to the episodeSins of the Father) Arthur is 13, going on 14 and Morgana has literally just turned 16; In present Arthur is 21, while Morgana is 24 and Mordred is eight; After the three year time skip, Arthur is 24, Morgana is 26 (going on 27) and Mordred is 11.

Spell Translations: I use a few in a concentrated area. At the end of the chapter there will be a key for the spells used and their translations to keep from going back and forth from here to your place. I know they suck, don't judge me. Sé holt æt foranniht – the forest at dusk; Háligreft forsuwung ofer ús – a veil of silence; Ábégan ælfolc sendan – put my enemy to death; Ábýg – swerve; Sníðung – cut; Byreas – strong wind; Þóþer sylfum bælfýr – sphere of sacrificial fire; Ymbseten beféh se drýicge – surround the witch with vines; Handseax áræmem ofsticende híe – dagger elevate, stab her to death; Ic ábannan eormengrund þrówung déofol écnes – I summon the Earth to take this evil for eternity

This is an Arthur/Morgana fic. They are siblings. You have been warned. However, any and all lemony things that happen, happen before they know they're related. You've still been warned.

This is a completed fic. It's done. You don't have to beg me for updates: they will come.

There are some sins that cannot be forgiven; these sins of the father.