Me: This a new story, yippie, I hope everyone will like it!
Buttercup: They Better!
Butch: I hope you didn't write anything that I'll regret signing a contract of being in this story til it finishes Me: Yup, he'll regret it :)
Butch: Oh no Me: Oh yes Brick: Does it go for the rest of us too.
Me: Yup!
Bubbles: Uh Oh...
Boomer: This is going to be a long story.
Blossom: Wait what is it going to be about?
Me: You'll see :D Plus they will be 15 years old in this story! (^.^)
Oh yea I don't own the PPGs or RRBs!
Bubble's P.O.V.
I woke up this morning with a very weird dream. I got out of bed and picked out my baby blue shirt that says 'iSeeU' with a blue and a black skirt. Then I went to the bathroom to shower and change.
When I got out I went to Blossom's room. I knocked twice and went in.
"Morning Bubs" Blossom had a hot pink tank top that said 'Born to spy' on it with blossom pink shorts.
"Good Morning to you too."
"Did you need anything?"
"Kinda, I had this weird dream I wanna share with you." Then we heard a knock and saw Buttercup. She wore a Black long-sleeved shirt that said in green bold lettering 'Watch Out 4 Me' and navy green jeans.
"You weren't gonna tell me too." Buttercup said pretending to feel hurt.
"Shut up and sit down" I said while giggling a bit.
"Okay" We all sat down.
"In the dream it looked like we were on a mission with a three other boys. One had jet black hair, another was a red head, the last was blond. We were dressed in black and were behind an old building. We were also watching a bunch of people that looked to be stealing something. We soon started running towards the bad guys." I stopped for a moment.
"What happened next?" Buttercup asked
"I don't know, I woke up. Plus it felt so real like maybe a vision"
"If you say so, we should keep this in mind, okay Bubbles?"
"Let's go we'll be late for school" Buttercup started for the door.
"Bye dad" I yelled out closing the door behind me.
Blossom's P.O.V.
We got to school and I started to go to one of my classes. Me and my sisters were born with advance brains. I'm just guessing cause we all are 15 years old and taking all senior classes, so we're graduating this year. Weird right?
When I arrived to my class the intercom went off.
"Mrs. King, may I have Blossom Utonium" The principal called.
"Yes you may"
"Thank you"
"Blossom you can go" Mrs. King motioned her hands towards the door. I nodded and went.
When I arrived I saw my two sisters, a lady, three boys. One had red hair like me, another had jet black like Buttercup, and the last one was blond like Bubbles. It sounds like the boys from Bubbles dream, no it can't be.
"Blossom, have a seat" The principal commanded. I took a seat.
"Blossom, Buttercup, Bubbles, I would like you to meet the principal of Tref Side Academy, (TSA) Mrs. Rivers"
"Hello" We said in unison.
"These three are her students same age as you girls, Brick" the red head waved "Butch" the jet black hair guy waved too "And Boomer" the blond one waved."They all brothers just like how you three are sisters."
"I would like to say I'm amazed that you three are in 12th grade but are only 15 years old. I would like to give you three scholarships to attend TSA that is why I came in person." Mrs. Rivers smiled kindly. "Do you accept my offer?"
"But we will be graduating this year" I said to make sure she knew this.
"I am aware of that but TSA is for very advanced students, so if you went you will be a normal 15 year old in 10th grade well kind of."
I looked at my sisters they had excited faces. I guess that's a yes.
"We accept the scholarship"
"Good, you will live in dorms," she gave us each a packet "the packets have information about the school and tickets for the plane. You all will leave to the academy in 3 days. You got that?" Before we could reply "Brick spoke.
"Mrs. Rivers, you forgot us."
"Oh yes, Blossom, Brick is your partner, Bubbles, Boomer is yours and Buttercup, yours is Butch. They will be staying over at your house. They will explain a bit more and remember you can't turn back, now, nor never, so todoloo" and there she left.
"Well you may go home since you do not attend this school anymore. I hope for the best of you six." The principal waved goodbye. We went our separate ways except our partners followed us. I went to my looker and packed up my stuff.
"Why are you following me?" I asked a bit annoyed but kept calm.
"You're my partner"
"Well, can you tell me about the school, if you can?" He looked around for some reason and shook his head no.
"I'll tell you when we get to your house and my brothers are there" He crossed his hands.
"Okay" I pulled out my phone and text Bubbles.
"Hi Bloss, r u outside yet?"
"I'm going now, r u?"
"Yea, we're waiting for you"
I was finally outside when I saw Bubbles, Boomer, Buttercup getting angry, and Butch pulling Buttercup's hair.
"Brick, can you kindly tell your brother to stop pulling my sister's hair" He sighed.
"BUTCH STOP PULLING THE GIRL'S HAIR!" he yelled and Butch put his hand down immediately.
"Can we go to your house now?" I heard Boomer ask.
"Why not?" Buttercup said more than asking.
We started walking and my house wasn't far so we got there less than 10 minutes.
"DAD, WE'RE HOME!" Buttercup yelled. We saw our father and stared down at the boys actually glaring at them.
"Brick, its agent Utonium." Butch whispered to Brick.
"I can see that you dip-shot"
"What do you mean by agent?" Bubbles asked. I was curious too.
"Yes, why is it, Dad?" I stared at my dad.
"Sit down, and I'm guessing you three are my daughter's partners, Brick, Butch, and Boomer."
"How did you know?" Bubbles asked.
"I'll explain a little, I used to attend TSA. When I graduated I became a spy.I was known as one of the best, like these boys have known who I am. So you three were born with my brains and have special talents that's it for now, I need to attend a business trip. Be careful of what will happen later. Goodbye" Dad left and me and my sisters speechless.
"Well that explains part of it" Butch exclaimed.
"What do you mean?" Bubbles asked.
"He means that you are now going to attend a spy school and now you have no way of turning back." Brick explained.
"Wait, why can't we just turn back?" I asked a bit afraid to know more.
"Cause you know too much and there will be people after you, you will be safer at TSA" We nodded at Boomer's statement.
"But-" Bubbles was cut off by Butch.
"No more questions, I'm hungry!"
"I'll go cook some lunch right now" Bubbles went to the kitchen.
"I'll help" Boomer got up and followed.
"Now, I'm gonna sleep in your room" Butch said and was suggesting to Buttercup. He started walking up the stairs.
"What!" Buttercup went and followed Butch.
"Okay" I said feeling weird.
"And then there was two" Brick stated.
"You know that only makes it weirder."
"What is it like at TSA?" He shrugged but answered.
"You can't go out of the school grounds."
"So you don't see things outside the school grounds much?"
"Yup" I got up and took his hand.
"What are you doing?" He asked looking at my hand and blushing a bit.
"I wanna show you around before we're stuck in that school" I smiled and he smiled back.
"Bubbles, I'm going out for a bit!" I yelled to Bubbles.
What do you think about this new story of mines? Do you think it's in a good start? Well please review! :)