MCD: A request from kakashixangela~! I just thought of this pretty kewl idea so ja~ Oh, and I'll be doing a Germany/Kag soon, but I can't remember who requested that, for all of my InuTalia fans out there~ well, here we go~!


"Chase Young and master Monk Guan were once the best of friends. But Hannibal found a way to come between them. He knew Chase Young's weakness was his-"


Dojo gave a girly scream and was pushed forward, toward the young monks, as a shock wave of energy blasted through the temple. The young warriors covered their faces and waited until the sudden energy surge passed.

"What in tarnation was that?" Clay asked, pulling his hat down from his head to scratch at the blond locks. Raimundo stood up and growled, punching his hand, ready for battle.

"I dunno, but it obviously can't be good." the Brazilian announced. Omi stood up from his spot on the floor, frowning.

"Raimundo is most certainly correct. We must go to the source and find the end of this!" he shouted and raced out the door without a second thought. Kimiko stood up and the remaining four shared a look.

"I'm guessing "get to the bottom of this" is what he meant." Kimiko shrugged.


"Look! It is Chase Young fighti- WAAAAH~!" Omi shouted as Dojo swerved. The other monks yelled and hung on for dear life as the over-sized dragon made a serpentine through the air.

"We have to get out of here as fast as we can!" the airborne dragon shouted, but Clay grabbed the beast's large, green, feather-shaped hair and pulled them back as if it were the reins on a cattle. Dojo whined at the pain and skidded to a stop on the ground about a hundred feet away from the fighting duo in the grassy field. Amidst tall green trees, Dojo shrunk and paid no attention to the warriors' shouts of indignation.

"Gotta get out of here, gotta get out of- GACK!" he muttered feverishly as he slithered away, only to have his tail grabbed firmly and dragged back to the group awaiting information.

"Gotcha! Now, what are you actin' so weird about, gecko?" Raimundo questioned Dojo, holding him up to his face by the tail. The small reptile squirmed uncomfortably.

"H-hey! I'm not acting weird! You're pro-probably just imagining th-things, yeah-" he tried to answer, but Raimundo would have none of it. He shook Dojo back and forth, making him wail, until he started shouting.

"OKAY OKAY! I'll tell you why I don't wanna go out there!" Dojo begged, clasping his scaly hands together. "Just put me down!"

"Deal." the warrior of the wind agreed and simply dropped the dragon onto the grassy ground with an "oomph", via the reptile.

Dojo sighed and sat upright, taking a moment to dust himself off before glaring at the warrior-in-training.

"If you EVER do that AGAIN, I will PERSONALLY make you scrub the entire temple!" the small dragon warned. Raimundo rolled his eyes and Kimiko smacked him.

"Now, if you'll just follow me," Dojo said, moving out of the small forest and slithering behind a rock. He perched himself on it and motioned the four to follow him. "You'll see why I didn't want to come here." he grumbled under his breath and the four Xiaolin warriors walked over to him, ducking down so as not to be noticed by the fighting duo out in the middle of the field.

"Grahhh!" Chase Young shouted in frustration, swinging his fist back as far as he could before launching it at his opponent. It surprised the monks, however, that such a collected fighter would mouth his anger during a battle.

All was for naught, it seemed for Chase, though. As his fist was a hair's breath away from the mysterious figure, they vanished, and reappeared behind and above the Heylin warrior. The person brought it's foot down on the unsuspecting villain's back and forced him into the ground face-first with a shocked cry.

"Sitting dog!" they faintly heard from their position a about a hundred feet away. It was too far to determine the gender because the voice was too quiet, but it impressed them nonetheless that this person could land such a hit on the infamous man.

"Butter me up and call me a biscuit, but I think this person is better than Chase!" Clay muttered in awe, clapping his hat to his chest in respect. Omi's mouth hung open as he watched.

Surprisingly, instead of beating the grounded Chase further, the figure jumped backwards to avoid falling on him and simply stood there, watching, as Chase jumped up in a fit of rage.

"How dare you!" he shouted, running towards the figure at an impossible speed. He suddenly jumped into the air and was right above the person clad in a vague green changshan with white pants.

"Descending crane!" he shouted, posing in midair, before swing his foot down, probably to crack down on the person's rice-hat-adorned head, but the figure moved too quickly.

"Coral's boomerang!" the voice shouted, louder this time -definitely a female-, and grabbed Chase's foot. She planted her feet firmly on the ground and swung Chase around by his foot, waiting until she decided he had gained enough momentum, and sent him spinning through the air like a boomerang. Chase, however, landed sideways on the trunk of a tree, scowling for a split second before spring-boarding off of the poor plant.

"Frog's tongue!" he declared and roughly grabbed the woman's hand, still in the air from throwing him. He latched onto her tightly, making sure there was no escape for her. He landed sideways on his feet and used the leftover inertia to swing her over his shoulder, intending on slamming her on her back into the ground, but it appeared she had other plans.

"Youkai's trickery." she said quietly and his eyes widened as she landed, crouching on the ground, and grasped his hand just as tightly. She threw him over her head and he flew, slamming his back into a nearby boulder. He fell to the ground and slumped at the base of the boulder, groaning his discomfort.

The woman slowly stood from her crouching position and glanced over to where they were standing. They all stared in shocked awe, minus one suspicious reptile. She raised her hand to her mouth and whistled, beckoning them to her.

"Wha- wuh, what was that!?" Omi shouted, running up the woman eagerly. She smiled at him, and although he couldn't see the upper half of his face because of the rice hat, her smile made him blush. Abruptly a hand chopped on his big head and he fell to the ground, eyes swirling.

"I'm sorry, ma'am; Omi here can get pretty excited and he doesn't pay attention. Mind your manners, dummy!" Kimiko hissed in his ear. The woman laughed and it played on the breeze like bells.

"I don't mind, young Xiaolin warriors. Curiosity is a natural part of youth, especially to those who wish to become stronger, like you, young Omi." she giggled and he kicked his toe into the ground bashfully. Clay and Rai shared a look and rolled their eyes.

"Aaanyway, what is a pretty little lady like you doin' out here all alone, fighting someone like Chase?" Raimundo changed the subject before Omi started to brag. Kimiko shot him a look but said nothing.

"Well, if you must know, I have some unfinished business with Young-san over here." Her tone turned sad and she added, "I'd rather not get into it, as it is rather depressing business." Raimundo closed his mouth and nodded. She froze for a moment and inclined her hat to the four, although they could still not see her eyes, it was clear they had her attention.

"Wait a minute, if you're the Xiaolin warriors, which I'm positive you are, judging by your garb, does that mean that Dojo is here?" she asked and the group of warriors blinked at each other, confused. What business would this woman have with someone like Dojo?

Clay felt his hat vibrate on his head and he sighed in exasperation. Lifting his hat up, he grabbed the serpent-like dragon before he could slither away. Dojo yelped and tried to scramble out of the earth warrior's hand, but all in vain. Clay presented the shaking dragon to the woman.

"H-h-hey, K-kags!" Dojo laughed nervously, scratching behind his large green ears. "Long t-time no s-see!"

"Kags" frowned and glared so hard at the small dragon that he could feel it through her hat. He shuddered. Aw crud.

"Dojo-" she paused and sighed in exasperation. "Just a sec," She said, confusing the small group.

Kags abruptly flipped backwards and into the air, spinning then righting herself to land gracefully on Chase's back. He groaned at the new weight and collapsed in the spot where he had been crawling, sneaking up on her. Kagome sighed sadly and pinched the bridge of her nose. Chase gathered enough energy to glare up at her from the corner of his eyes.

"You never did have much patience, Chase." Kags reprimanded him and he scowled. Kagome lifted her hand up and in a small flash of pink, a piece of paper appeared. She took it between her index and middle finger, then gently leaned down and stuck it to his forehead. Chase's eyes rolled upward and he went limp, sleeping deeply.

The four Xiaolin warriors stared at her with wide eyes, surprised at the current events. Kagome looked up at them after she had stepped off of Chase and sighed. Dojo, however, looked almost bored, examining his claws.

"Kagome, looks like you have some explaining to do." The dragon hummed and Kagome rolled her eyes and her head. Fool.

"Fine. But you do too, Dojo." She countered and picked up Chase's limp body, carefully sliding him onto her back as if he were a backpack. She let his arms slide over her shoulders and pulled his legs around her waist by the thighs, making it look like she was giving him a piggy-back ride. The Xiaolin warriors stared at her and she huffed impatiently.

"Well? Which direction is the temple?"


Kagome sipped her tea calmly as Master Fung sighed.

"Yes, that was most wise of you, Kagome. I'm glad that you've gained batter control of your powers. But…" he trailed, looking to the slumbering body of Chase Young, Heylin warrior, asleep on a bamboo mat against the wall, "…Did you really have to bring him in here?" Kagome gave the barest hint of a smile.

"I apologize for my unexpected arrival, and his, Master Fung. But I assure you, he will not be here for long." She bowed to him as she apologized, but he held up a hand, motioning for her to stop.

"It is no problem, my friend. I was just surprised that you would still wish to be in his presence." He commented. She snorted in an unladylike manner and he raised a thin eyebrow in question.

"Fung-kun, he is still a person, despite his choices in life. He might not be on your side, but he still has a heart, even if it is only half human." She said. He showed a small smile, but it puzzled him how tolerant she could be. He often wondered what happened those days that she had been gone.

Someone yelped and the door to their private room slid open, revealing four Xiaolin warriors. Master Fung raised an eyebrow again, unimpressed at his pupils. Kagome refrained from snickering as Omi jumped up and babbled, trying to proclaim his innocence, when he had probably been the first one to try and peek.


"Kagome, how do you know Master Fung and Chase Young? And why would you trust him so much as to let him come onto the property with that sticky on his forehead?" Omi asked her, sitting Indian-style across from her. Kagome smiled at his outburst, and set her tea down. She motioned for the other monks to listen.

"I think I'll tell you a story." She said cryptically and subconsciously, they all leaned in to hear.

"Long ago, there was a young girl who was the plaything of destiny. She had been given many special gifts; a special, rare power that made her a valuable ally; the power to travel through time with the help of an odd portal; and a group of the greatest friends that anyone could ever ask for. But, in reconciliation, she was also put through many trials; she lost her chance to get an education at a rather young age; she watched hundreds, probably thousands, die, and had to fight heart-wrenching battles; she was betrayed, time and time again, by the one that she loved most. That, however, is a tale for another time.

"However, one day, the portal she used to travel through time sent her to a completely different place and era. She ended up in a land so foreign to her, she could not even speak the language, let alone make friends in this strange land. By pure luck, she stumbled upon a group of three great warriors. Xiaolin warriors to be exact- their names were Master Dashi, warrior Chase, and warrior Guan." The monks' eyes lit up in recognition and she smiled bitterly. "They were the kindest warriors she had ever known. They took her in, taught her the language, made friends with her, and she became like a part of their family, since she was unable to return to the group of friends she had made. In return, she helped them out in whatever way she could; she did household duties for them while they were off collecting powerful items called Shen Gong Wu; she helped heal their wounds with her special powers; she even fought parts of their battles with them.

"She loved living with these kind warriors, but she loved living with one of them particular; she had taken a fancy to the one called Chase. As time passed, she found herself more and more in love with him, and although she knew he liked her back at least a little bit, she never acted upon it. She did this because she was afraid of getting her heart broken again, as she had with one of her other friends: again, that is a tale for another time.

"But as that time passed, she had not realized that he loved her just as much, if not more than she loved him. But instead of worrying over this love, he acted the opposite that she had. He became very jealous of the other warrior, who he thought she paid more attention to. He thought that she was becoming very infatuated with Guan instead of himself, and he grew bitterly jealous. Not to mention the fact that he had already been straying to the side of Heylin under temptation of incredible power.

"Chase wanted to be more powerful than Guan, not only to become the Xiaolin Dragon, but also to impress the woman that had so suddenly come into his life. He wanted her to be impressed with his power, and he thought that she would love him for that. He didn't know that she already loved him. He was so wrong." Kagome shook her head and took a moment to steady herself, for she was shaking slightly.

"She was shocked when she found out that he had left her side to join the Heylin. She blamed herself and refused to fight against him, although he kept beckoning her to come to him, kept calling for her. One day she became so distressed by this confounded love that she ran away from all of it and back to the spot where she had appeared in this world. She ran to a water well and cast herself into it, disappearing, obviously thought to be dead. The Heylin, Chase, blamed the Xiaolin, Guan, and their rivalry grew in tension.

"But the woman was not dead, she was still very much alive. She was living on her side of the portal once more, with the friends that believed her to have abandoned her. She was accepted once more into their lives, but she never stopped thinking about the world and the man she left behind. As time passed, she defeated her archenemy and, by some wicked magic of a falsely sacred object, gained immortality, when all she wanted was peace, even if it was in the afterlife.

"So she set off for her own time period. She lived there for a number of years, but she was tired of living like nothing exciting had ever happened. So one day, she ran out in her impulsiveness to the very well that allowed her to travel through time, and jumped in without another thought. By chance, she was transported centuries back into time to the other world that she had left behind, the one full of the Heylin and Xiaolin.

"When she found out that most of the people she had known had passed, she wept, but cheered when she heard of warrior Guan's and warrior Chase's living. She was contradicted, of course; she simply couldn't choose which friend she should greet and which she should shun. She didn't like this idea, but fortunately- or rather, unfortunately- the Heylin Chase found her before she could decide. He begged her and demanded things of her, but she did not respond. She was too afraid to get involved.

"One night, though, he took her to his dark mansion and lavished her with gorgeous gifts of beautiful animals, jewelries, clothing of unimaginable worth, and he even offered his life to her: he wanted them to marry, so that he may never lose her again, in all his immortal life. But she refused. She had made her decision. The man she had once known was long gone, and although her heart still ached for him, she could not come to terms with his Heylin ways. He became furious. She, against her better judgment, barely struggled against things he did to her… things she'd rather not repeat.

"She fled from him and ran to Guan, who welcomed her with open arms, despite her impurity and shameful deeds. He took care of her and protected her from the hands of the one she had loved. He became her best friend and her greatest ally. After a while, though, she found herself to be homesick, and with his farewells, cast herself into the well again, returning to her own time, since the past she had once visited was now cut off from her.

"There she lived for many years, moving from place to place so that no one would notice her unaging self, and became the defender of the common people. She cured them of their diseases, protected then against beasts from years past, and worked miracles that they praised her for. But every few decades, she would reappear to the world of the Heylin and Xiaolin, just to make sure everything was passing pleasantly and peacefully. She, despite her often disappearances, was still good friends with warrior Guan.

"And even now, despite her better judgment, she still loves Chase, but it is not as profound as before. But it is hopeless- he's grown so very bitter and spiteful because of her rejection. They are great enemies. She can't help but feel that even though he hates her, he might still have some feelings of affection for her. But from the battle they had just last week, she's losing sight of hope- fast. She still wanders around to this day.

"Also, for as to why she knows Master Fung, she has made friends with all of the Xiaolin Masters over the past few centuries. It is her way of carrying on the tradition she set for herself all those years ago."

Kagome finished and took a sip of her tea. Everything was dead silent before Clay whistled in awe, leaning back. Omi's small eyes widened with realization and he jumped up, pointing at her.

"But that must mean that you are the person in the story-!" his eyes widened to an unimaginable size and he grabbed his cheeks, staring at her as if she were his idol.

"Wow! PLEEAASSEE tell us the other stories! The ones that you said were for another time! I-"

Chase suddenly pushed off from his spot where he leaned against the wall, just outside of the door to Kagome and the monks' room. He stared at the floor, arms crossed over his chest, and walked away, thinking deeply.

Kagome turned her head ever so slightly as she heard him leave. She sighed silently until she was caught up to Omi's rapid talking, and she smiled slightly.


"Repulse the monkey!" Chase shouted as he trained. He stopped Kagome's attack midair, but instead of falling, she simply flipped backwards a few times and landed elegantly on her toes, as if she hadn't just been attacked at all. Chase frowned at this.

"Deceive the monkey." She said. In a puff of smoke, he was suddenly surrounded by many different Kagomes. He looked around, remembering-

Kagome in her original school-girl-green out fit, tattered like it was when she first came; a young Kagome, wearing a small yellow sundress, so adorable he wanted to steal it away; Kagome in her changshan and white pants, possibly the one that had done this; and the one that ripped his heart out, Kagome in his old blue training shirt. It made him die a little on the inside.

"Daughter of the dog." She exclaimed from all sides, her clones saying it as well. His eyes went wide as all of their hands clasped each others' and they started to glow with magic. Another puff of smoke and he coughed, waving it away from his face. When he looked through the smoke, though, he nearly fainted.

A huge fucking dog stood in front of him, snarling. It was white with red, demonic eyes and had a purple crescent moon on its' forehead. He would've laughed at the poofy ears and tail if he hadn't been scared out of his mind for his opponent's well being.

Chase sighed and held the wooden stick out to his side, parallel to him, and let it drop with a tapping sound that only reminded him of defeat.

"I give up, Kagome. You have once again outsmarted me." He uttered the words he'd always promised he would change around. A sense of failure washed over him and his stared at the ground in shame.

He heard the dog snort and a final poof of smoke covered the courtyard, spreading out like a mist. A silhouetted figure appeared and he stared at it. Kagome flicked her wrist and the smoke dissipated, leaving her in his line of sight. He very nearly heaved his chest with relief at the sight of her without any defects from the powerful form, but he held himself high, despite his defeat.

Kagome walked toward him and stopped when she was next to him. She glanced to the sutra she'd changed from his forehead to his neck. It circled around the important body part, sealing his powers for his and her stay at the temple, just in case. She gently touched the sacred paper seal and felt him wince the tiniest bit. She didn't smile. Kagome traced the sutra around his neck, stopping when she couldn't move around, and went back, making sure it was secure.

Distractedly, she graced her finger down to the hollow of his neck and then out, down to his chest, where she placed her hand. Still as firm and muscular as it had been before. She almost smiled. Kagome sighed and patted his chest softly. He watched her but did not dare move. She lost her slightly cheery thought and removed her hand from him, placing it in the other sleeve of her changshan behind her and walked away, stopping halfway in the sliding door of the temple. She turned her head to glance at him. He stared at the ground now, looking defeated and unhappy. She closed her eyes and slid the door shut behind her. Maybe she was wrong about him.

Chase heard the door click closed behind him and shuddered, the feel of her touch on his body igniting long dormant urges and feelings within him. The spots where she had touched him tingled with the energy that emanated from her hand and he shivered at the raw feel of it. He glared at the ground and cursed himself. His fists clenched tighter.


"Hey, Kags?" he felt himself twitch a minuscule at the informality. "What was your life like back in your era?" Raimundo asked curiously. Chase himself blinked as he heard the question. He'd never thought of that.

"Hahaha!" she laughed, her rice hat lifting up slightly. They didn't know what was so funny. "Rai," she chuckled, setting her tea down. Why did it seem she always had a cup of it? "This is my era!" the Xiaolin monks gaped at her in surprise. Chase even snapped open his eyes from his spot over by the far wall where he was supposed to be focusing. What? How did that work?

"But how is that possible?" Omi asked, tilting his dome-like head sideways in curiosity. Kagome smiled and patted his head.

"Well, I am about five hundred years old, give or take a few decades." she said, making them all fall over in shock. "But, technically, I was only born a few decades ago."

"Care to explain how that works out, Miss Kagome?" Clay asked, scratching his head, making his hat move. Kagome smiled and waved her hand dismissively at him.

"Please, just call me Kagome. Miss Kagome makes me feel as old as I am." She giggled and Clay blushed pink, nodding.

"Well, do you remember the story I told you last week?" eager nods. "Remember the parts about the portal that allow me to travel through time?" more positive nods. "That is how I'm this old."

"You see, I stayed in the era five hundred years ago- not in this place, but back in my old home- after I was made immortal by the jewel, the object that I had been working so hard to get rid of. I was born in the 20th century, but when I was fifteen was the first day I used the portal." She said, surprising them all. "Then I went back in time and back to my time and all that jazz, but like the story, I was thrown into this world for almost a year. If that was that long ago, and I was fifteen, just imagine how old I would really be if I had stayed here for all of those years?" she huffed.

"I can't even do that math. I was stuck between three worlds, you see? In one I was fifteen, in one I was negative four-hundred-and-some odd number, and in this one… ugh, my head hurts." She laughed. "But since the first day I used the well, it's been 500 years, if I accumulate all the years of all the different time periods." She finished cryptically. Omi, who had been standing, now swayed on the spot with swirly eyes.

"Oww. My head is most puzzled at your maths." He groaned and Kagome giggled.

"So am I, Omi, so am I."

Chase rolled his eyes. Stupid monks.

But at least he knew something about her now, which he'd never have been able to ask because of his pride…


Kagome helped clean the grounds of the temple with the monks. She hummed while she worked, smiling, and it brightened the young warriors' moods about cleaning. Chase sat on the top step of the temple, meditating. Every so often, though, one of his golden eyes would peek open and his gaze would be attracted to the small miko.

A sudden wind blew harshly and Kagome frowned, reaching up to grab her rice hat-

"Oh no!" she gasped as it flew out of her grasp and landed a few feet away. The monks turned to see what was the matter and so did the Heylin warrior-

And their jaws dropped.

"Dangit," Kagome mumbled, her silky, blue-tinted raven hair tumbling down her shoulders in delicate waves and slight curls, shining intensely from the light of the sun. Her clear sapphire eyes, now revealed to them, shone with even the slightest hint of annoyance. Her cute, button nose crinkled and she pouted, walking over to the spot where her hat had been blown to. When she grabbed it and looked back up, holding it to her chest, she blinked innocently at the monks' reactions.

Clay stared unabashedly at her, flushing pink, frozen as he stared at her. Raimundo's eyes had gone wide and his jaw literally dropped to the ground in shock, his mouth open as wide as a doorway. Omi was staring at her, open-mouthed, his eyes unusually wide and sparkling. Kimiko blinked rapidly, wondering what type of cosmetics she used to get such a beautiful pale complexion…

Chase stared at her from his spot at the temple steps, his heart giving a painful lurch at the sight of her. How long had it been since he had seen those sparkling, wide windows to her soul? When was the last time he had tapped her nise playfully or touched her cheek tenderly, the one to comfort her? How long had it been since he last longed to kiss those rosy lips of hers-?

'Stop it!' he thought and forcefully turned away from her. He needed to rid himself of these thoughts! He was a proud Heylin warrior of great status, wealth, and power. He had a reputation to uphold!

And yet, when greeted by his past, he had so easily been enraptured by the enigma that was Kagome Higurashi.

Oh how the mighty have fallen.

He suppressed a growl as the one called Raimundo tried suavely to make passes at her while the cueball spoke in awe of her beauty, the young female bombarded her with questions about 'cosmetics', whatever they were, and the big earth oaf just looked to the ground shyly.


Master Fung gave a visible twitch as Kagome walked into his room, minus one large rice hat, the monks trailing after her like lost puppies. She smiled in apology and slight disgust as she saw that she had interrupted Dojo's "Master Fung toe-nail clipping time." The sides of his mouth twitched up in a small smile.

"Ah, so I see you have chosen to reveal yourself?" he murmured and she snorted.

"More like an unwilling appearance, but it is nice to be able to see everyone's faces when I talk to them now." She giggled and he smiled softly, shooing the pouting dragon away from his feet. He stood up and walked towards her, tucking his hands into his long sleeves.

"I must say, you look most beautiful without it. Just as lovely as the first time I saw you like this." A splash of red stood out against his pale skin and Kagome laughed, pecking the Master's cheek sweetly.

"Don't tell me that you still have a crush on me, Master Fung?" she asked playfully and he looked away, the heat on his face becoming more profound. "Such a long time! What were you- fifteen the first time you saw me without my hat?" she laughed and he closed his eyes, smiling. He still enjoyed the sound.

However, the sound of the monks' shrieks of surprise and their thumps to the floor, accompanied by the sound of glass shattering and low growling in the hallway, were definitely not on his list of enjoyed sounds.


Kagome breathed softly as Chase sat next to her, watching her meditate.

After a few minutes and she could still feel his gaze on her face, her eyes fluttered open to look fondly at the scenery in front of her. This place had such beautiful land- a small, winding river, foreign trees that complimented the landscape, the light sound of animals tittering and tweeting in the background…

"Yes, Chase?" she murmured. He averted his eyes to the same scene she looked to.

"…Why is it that you were so sad and disappointed that I changed?"

Kagome snapped her head to look at him, her eyes narrowing dangerously.

"Chase,-" she said in a warning tone, letting him know that he was treading on delicate waters.

"Kagome." He cut her off, countering her with a haughty stare, his chin held high. They were locked in a staring match, neither backing down for a few moments. As if he hadn't known what he was doing! Kagome seriously underestimated him now.

Finally, the little miko sighed and turned back to the scenery, fingering the rim of the rice hat that had lain by her side as she meditated, now in her lap. She took a moment to compose herself under Chase's scrutinizing stare before opening her delicate lips.

"The man that I hated with all of my life- the arch enemy that I had to defeat, and eventually gained my immortality because of him-… I never told you his story, did I?" she murmured sourly. He blinked at her, surprised.

"…No, no you had not…" he trailed, not quite sure what he had to do with this- besides the fact that Chase wanted to pound his face in until he was an unrecognizable pulp.

Kagome sighed once more and rubbed her temples with her fingers and continued.

"He did the same thing that you did, Chase." She explained coldly. He blinked at her, waiting for her to go on. "Unlike you, he was bad from the beginning, and killed and murdered and every terrible act imaginable. One day he was fatally injured. That is where the differences end." She glanced at him, an unnatural serious expression pasted to her face.

"He was helped out by a priestess- my incarnation, to be exact- and fell in love, or lust, with her, whichever sounds better. Probably both. He longed for her, but when he found out that she loved someone other than him, he sacrificed his body, mind, and soul to youkai- the demons of my world- and became stronger. He eventually killed her and her lover out of jealousy and rage, unable to control himself because of his new powers.

"When I found out what you had done because of your foolish emotions and decision, I was sad, disappointed, angry, at myself and you: I was an entire mess of emotions because I knew that history was repeating itself. I hated myself for causing it and I hated you for actually believing…" she shook her head, her tone turning bitter and remorseful.

Chase gripped his armored legs and growled low, an animalistic sound that reminded Kagome too much of a half-demon for her liking.

"Foolish?" he hissed, glaring at the ground in front of him. She winced at his tone. "You were sad, disappointed, angry!?" he snapped furiously. He turned to her, glaring at her with full force.

"Just imagine how I felt!" he shouted at her, rising to take a knee. "I highly doubt that you knew what I felt! You rejected me when I sacrificed everything for you! My life, my beliefs, my humanity!" he shouted at the woman. "Do you have any clue how much I loved you!? So much that I even turned myself into a beast of the opposite side so that you might look upon me as something more than a friend!" Kagome flinched as the words pierced her very heart. Tears silently slipped down her cheeks and she closed her eyes, her thick black lashes glistening with the salty liquid.

"Inuyasha." She whispered and clenched the area of the changshan above her heart, as if trying to grasp her heart and stop the suffering. But the final blow came with his departing words.

"Bah, despicable girl!" he shouted, shooting to his feet. "Even after all of my sacrifices, my crushed feelings, my destroyed life- you still think about him! And in my presence!" he laughed bitterly, throwing his head back and facing the heavens.

"Ungrateful woman." He finally hissed and stormed off. Kagome's will broke and she sobbed, biting her lip so hard that the coppery taste of blood invaded her senses.

Kagome move the rice hat back onto her head as rain started to fall, slowly at first, but slowly escalating until it was pouring and she was soaked to the bone. The sound of the animals in the forest had been replaced with the gloomy sound of far-off thunder. The calm waters of the brook were disturbed with the pounding of the rain. The bright green trees were shaking with the wind and the weight of the water in their branches.

Kagome sobbed and wept, tear tracks still clearly visible through the rain. Had she really acted like that when she confronted Inuyasha about Kikyo? Had she really been so awful? So cruel, so icy-hearted? Kagome could only wonder how her friends still thought of highly of her after she acted like that- always agreeing with her, placing the blame on Inuyasha and his two-faced ways, when all he had been doing was loving?

Kagome stayed there for a while later, her mood rapidly declining with the pounding rain that soaked her and chilled her so thoroughly. When she finally got up and returned to the temple grounds, the monks greeted her with worried expressions and caring and kindness. She smiled fakely from under her rice hat, emptily reassuring them that she would be okay and that she was fine with her sopping wet clothes.

She excused herself early and walked to her room, breaking into a fresh set of tears when she passed Chase's temporary room and found that he wasn't there.


MCD: Whoo! So much longer than I expected it to be- and there's a second part coming! I got so into this~ I'm so proud of myself~ Hopefully the second part will up soon! Again, kudos to kakashixangela for the inspiration! *pops streamers everywhere*