Chapter 15 Epilogue

Harry and Ginny were so much in love. Her ring was exquisite, and they couldn't wait to be married. Molly was in wedding-planning heaven, and agreed to have the wedding at the burrow in two months.

As promised, Ron was to be best man, and a close friend of Ginny's, also a Mediwitch, was to be her maid-of-honour. It took three weeks for Ginny and her mother to agree on a wedding gown, but it was totally fabulous. The flowers, the decorations, the band, everything was planned down to the last detail.

About one hundred guests were invited. Friends, co-workers, Weasley relatives, Ministry officials, former teachers; you name it, they were invited.

Everything was perfect, even the weather couldn't have been better. All the planning, all the searching for the best-of-the-best proved to be well worth the effort. The wedding was one for the books.

Mister and Mrs. Potter honeymooned at an exclusive Muggle resort in Bermuda. Two perfect weeks in the sun, on the beach, swimming, snorkelling, eating fabulous foods, dancing, just being together. And being in love. All too soon, it was time to return to reality.

Harry and Ginny built a town house not far from the Burrow. It was very big, on purpose, with room for all the Weasley families. A new family tradition was started, with Molly's approval. Sunday dinners at the Potters, hosted by Molly herself.

The years passed by quickly, too quickly it seemed to them. There were children, red-haired and green eyed, running all over the place. Not just Potters, but many Weasley children as well. Ginny did have lots of brothers.

On this day, Ginny and Harry were standing on platform 9¾, seeing their youngest child heading off to Hogwarts. They had tears in their eyes as they bid her goodbye. As the train pulled out of the station, Harry wrapped his arms around his wife and whispered into her ear, "I love you."

"Now and forever," she whispered back.

Story End.