Thor feels the bitter wind rush past him, biting at his flesh as he speeds over vast expanses of green land, blue water, grey buildings. The colours blur together as Mjolnir carries him further, faster until Thor sees his destination.

He lands with the ease of practise, not even the slightest stumble as his feet hit the ground.

Thor spots him immediately.

He trudges through mud and tall blades of grass, wet and soft from recent rainfall, crossing the field to where his brother sits, comfortably leaning against an old oak tree.

When he reaches Loki's side, he bends down to join him, sitting back against the tree with his legs outstretched in front of him.

Loki's eyes are closed, though Thor knows he is not asleep. The moonlight spills over his pale form, highlighting the sharp angles of his face, soft and relaxed as they only ever are in repose. He is quite beautiful.

"Brother, I – "

"Hush, Thor," Loki says, "I know."

Loki opens his eyes and together they stare out at the open meadow. In the distance a herd of sheep are grazing. An owl hoots, crickets hum, and the grass sways with the wind.

Loki lays his head on Thor's shoulder.

"I love you, brother." Thor murmurs against Loki's hair, pressing a soft kiss against raven locks.

"And I, you, Thor.