10Category: Percy Jackson & the Olympians
Rating: M
Couples: hints of Official Couples.
Warnings: AU, Blood (read: torture)
Chapter: 11
Copyright: Characters & places © By Rick Riordan, Plot & OC´s © by me
Several days after I returned to Camp with Nico and Thalia an Iris-message came from Olympus. Including an invitation for one of those Olympian parties. I guess it was a thank-you from Zeus for saving Athena and Ares.
Later that evening the entire camp emptied to Olympus, which I have to tell you counted over a hundred half-bloods by now, so you can imagine the huge group of teenagers suddenly standing in front of the Empire State Building.
The next few hours were a blur of speeches, dances and music. There were some things I remembered: Annabeth dancing with me in a way unbefitting the daughter of Athena, Clarisse once more thanking me for saving her dad. But there were some things I knew no one would forget: the complete explosion of cheers and whooping and stuff when about halfway the party the doors opened to admit the two War-gods. My arms were emptier faster than a glass of Peanut butter around Tyson.
Annabeth and several of her sisters hung around their mother's neck, laughing so loudly I heard them even over the music. And Ares revealed a side I never imagined he'd have. Despite several new scars littering his face, he managed to look downright fatherly as his children surrounded him.
Both of them were swallowed up by the masses, disappearing among the other gods and Half-bloods. Imagine my surprise when both suddenly appeared beside me.
"Could we talk to you somewhere privately?" Sure, they phrased it like a question, but I felt the underlying order. They lead me from the general party to one of the far-away gardens where the music was decidedly more silent.
"We must thank you, son of Poseidon." Athena said, her grey eyes piercing into mine. Yeesh, you'd expect that something like what she went through would actually take her down for a while, but no such thing…
"Apollo – among others – told us what you went through to save us." Ares spoke up. He looked a lot less comfortable with having to thank me than his sister did. "And the many opportunities Gaia gave you to abandon us."
"Yeah… Well, I promised Clarisse and Annabeth I'd bring you back." I pointed out.
"Even if you'd die trying." Athena actually smiled then. "Perhaps you are different from your father. But I do suggest you do not waver in your loyalty. Because Hero of Olympus or not, I will be more than willing to 'forget' that you saved me."
"I already told you: I have no intention of doing so." I countered, getting fed up with her 'You're a son of Poseidon, you are not trustworthy'-thing.
"Mortals can waver." Ares interfered. "I guess I better stop that…"
"Feud?" Athena supplied helpfully.
"Yes, that which I have with you." He didn't look happy about it.
"We both have to make sacrifices, brother." Athena shooed me away. "Now off with you, there's a party in your honor going on, you know."
I thought it better not to argue.