konamiXkatya23: Hello everyone! I've had a really long writer's blockā€¦ and then, I thought of this. Please enjoy my crappy first chapter of this story! Don't forget to review!

Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail or any of it's characters! I only own my plot and story!

Northern Lights

Chapter one

The Resort

The train made its way through the dark. It was a cold, starless, and gloomy evening. A strong wind picked up, and snow blew in the direction of the train. Beautiful designs of frost covered every window. The light from the inside was so warm and inviting, that anyone, no... Anything would rather be in there, than freezing outside like a wild animal.

A blonde girl peered out of the first-class cabin. For some time she watched the light cast shadows in the dark. The girl saw small snow-covered bushes flicker by. Then, she got tired.

The girl leaned back, and plugged her headphones into her player. She closed her eyes and imagined what lies ahead of her.

POV Lucy

Only thirty minutes left. After that, I get off the train, and find the nice old man, who's been waiting to pick me up.

Why? Why am I here? It's not because of my dad's stupid business plan, or his headstrong attitude. Not because I wanted to get away from it all... Or was it?

That's right... It was my own choice to come here; I decided that spending winter vacation away from him could be best for me.

But... I don't feel like I'm strong enough. I need some support, someone to help me make it out alive, someone's shoulder to cry on... Why did my father approve my decision so quickly? Why did he send me away in an instant, without even saying goodbye?

Not that I cared.

Not that it mattered.


The train pulled up to the station and Lucy quickly jolted awake. She was excited, but also sick with anxiety. Her suitcase was pretty big, but it's better safe than sorry. She didn't know what to expect in northern Alaska.

It was a good thing that the train station was indoors; otherwise she'd freeze to death in seconds. Her light coat offered little protection from the wind and snow. It never snowed where she lived, and the temperature during winter rarely went below freezing.

An old man stood close to the entrance. His clothes were very warm; however his cheeks were still slightly frostbitten. He wasn't smiling and his face was rough, however his eyes were kind and that warmed Lucy's heart.

"Oh," he exhaled. "I was worried that you've gotten lost. You're Lucy Heartfilia, right?"

"Yes," Lucy mumbled out, surprised by the man's direct approach. "And you're Makarov. You're going to take me to the Fairy Tail Resort," she grinned.

"Yes ma'am," the man chuckled. He scooped up Lucy's suitcase and was about to walk out of the station, when he looked Lucy over.

The blonde was dressed in skinny jeans, with a warm sweater and a brown jacket. The only thing that pleased him was the wool socks on her feet and the warm winter boots, covering her legs half-way up her shins.

"Sweets, let me tell you this... You'll need to buy something warmer from our store. At night, the temperature can fall down to -30'C. We've had some serious cases of frostbite here..." the man handed his small coat to the girl as he quickly ran outside and started his truck.

Lucy shrugged. Her credit card felt very valuable in her purse after all the trouble she went through to get it.

After riding for some time down a bumpy road, the resort came into view. Makarov quickly explained everything to Lucy. The main building was the hotel and the lobby for all of the short-time visitors. To the right, there was a dorm for the girls, and to the left there was the boys' dorm. The dining hall was placed in a large tall building, as well as the infirmary, the pool, some shops, and the director's office.

The rules were simple: stay out of trouble and lights out by 12 a.m.

"Thanks Makarov, I really appreciate it," Lucy smiled as the man pulled up to the girls' dorm.

"No big," he shrugged. "Your director's name is Mirajane. She'll be waiting for you inside."

Lucy grabbed her baggage and sprinted towards the entrance. Her stomach was full of butterflies. She was finally here!

The main room was huge. Large wooden tables stood by the side, while a fire crackled in the large fireplace by two big recliners. The inside of the dorm was made from wood, but you could clearly see that there was nothing shaggy and old about it.

A girl with loose silver hair sat at one of the tables.

"Hello!" she called out. The tall girl stood up and walked towards Lucy. She left the cup of hot chocolate she's been drinking on the table.

"Welcome to our resort! We're so glad to have you! I'm sorry, but it's really late today, so I'll just show you to your room. There'll be a handbook in there for you, as well as some welcoming treats!" the silver haired girl said while leading Lucy to the elevator.

"This is too sudden! I feel like I'm getting rushed" the blonde thought in confusion. The director, Mirajane looked like she was in a hurry.

After a few minutes, Lucy entered her room. A short blue haired girl greeted her, as the director quickly sprinted off somewhere else.

"Hello! My name is Levi. I guess we're going to be roommates from now on! I'm really excited! Please make yourself at home!" the girl squealed.

"Oh... That sounds great... I'm sorry; I'm very tired today... I don't have any energy at all... I've been running around too much today..." Lucy complained, without caring about what Levi would think of her.

"Coming here must be tough. I heard that you came from some southern part of the USA... Here, I'll help you unpack, and you can go right to bed," Levy offered. The blond girl smiled in agreement.

For the next hour, the two girls stuffed Lucy's clothes into cabinets, Levy moved her clothes to one side of the shelf, so Lucy could have the other, and they talked. The blonde got to know her roommate. Levy was a kind, smart girl who did mountain skiing at the resort.

The blue haired girl also loved books. She loved everything about them: reading them, writing them, discussing them, writing reviews-Lucy could relate to a lot of these things. Levy's eyes shone when she talked about her hobby.

When they were done, the blonde quickly changed and collapsed into her bed. She was half-asleep when somebody burst into the room. Although Lucy didn't understand what was going on, after exchanging a few words with Levy, and after the blue haired girl shook her head sleepily, the loud scarlet haired girl quietly closed the door and walked away. There was a scuffle downstairs, but all that Lucy understood from what the scarlet haired girl said was "lights" and "today". Without letting it bother her, she drifted off to sleep.

The next day she woke up at ten when Levy's alarm clock went off. As they walked down the stairs, Lucy spotted a couple of trophies on display. Most of them were for first or second place for snowboarding and had the name Natsu or Erza on them. A few were for skiing and ice hockey.

"Strange names," the blonde thought as she skipped down the stairs. Levy let her friend borrow her extra coat so they could walk to the dining hall in pjs and coats.

The soft snow crunched under their feet. It was a clear winter morning, and the temperature was barely below freezing, but just enough to keep the snow from melting.

The girls threw snowballs at each other as they walked towards the big building. As soon as they came closer, a delicious smell filled their noses.

Pancakes, waffles, scrambled eggs, and bacon were served for breakfast that day. Lucy filled her plate in the buffet and sat down next to the blue haired girl. More people gathered at this table, and Lucy saw the gorgeous red-haired girl again. All of the girls talked amongst themselves, and Lucy felt bored and out of place.

Suddenly, a bunch of boys sprinted through the entrance. They greeted the girls and ran towards the buffet. They filled their plates to the top, and sat down at the tables. A guy with a strange tattoo over his eye came up to the red-haired girl and kissed her on the forehead. One rosy haired boy strode towards Lucy's table.

"So you're the new girl everyone's talking about?" he quickly asked her while munching on a strip of bacon.

"Yeah. I guess so," Lucy replied, unsure of how to react.

"Have you chosen your activity yet?" the boy asked her again.

"No..." Lucy mumbled. "I'm thinking of doing mountain skiing or ice skating. But I'm not really sure yet..."

The boy thought something over for a second, and then he looked at Lucy. He leaned closer, and his dark eyes shone with fiery excitement.

"Have you considered snowboarding?"

konamiXkatya23: And that's the first chapter. I'm really grateful to any of you who've taken their time to read this story! Please review! I swear that this story will get better and more exciting!