So I decided to write a full story for "Percy's Admittance". It'll be a shorter story than my other one: Graecus Hollywood Arts, but I think it'll be fun!

P.S. I do not own PJO. All credit goes to the genius Rick Riordan.

I'm In Love with my Best Friend:

Chapter One:



"Annabeth! Wake up! You'll be late for school!"

I groaned and rolled over, glaring in the direction of my door and my morning-person of a step-mother. One glance at my clock told me that it was only 6:02 in the morning. I didn't have to be ready until 7:00.

Then I remembered what day it was. Immediately, the morning fog disappeared and I hurried to get ready. My mind went into autopilot. Shower. Hair. Teeth. Breakfast. Backpack. Door. I had timed it perfectly, and the moment I stepped out the front door, calling a goodbye to my parents over my shoulder, a dark brown old Chevy pulled onto the sidewalk. The passenger side door opened, and Piper came out. I headed forward and waved to the group of teens in the bed. Then I turned back to Piper.

"Wassup?" Piper gave me a wave, and jabbed her thumb in the direction of the cabin door. "Your turn for the seat."

I nodded, "Hey, Pipes! I'm doing great! Know why?"

Piper sighed and shrugged, "Honestly, you've never told me what happens today. The only person who seems to know is the tight-lipped driver."

I grinned and glanced over my shoulder at the familiar mob of black hair. I never would tell him this, but I thought he was kinda handsome. It would swell up his already enormous ego. "Aw, c'mon Percy!" I gave him my signature big-pleading-gray-eyes-look. "Have a heart and tell 'em…"

Percy laughed and gestured for me to get in. I scowled at him. After knowing me since we were five, Percy was the only person I knew who had built up immunity to my puppy dog faces. Instead, he winked at Piper and me and asked, "Are you two going to stand there gossiping? I'm not sure I want to sit here until my truck grows roots?"

I laughed and climbed in, and Piper got in the bed. Leo opened the back window and grinned, "Seriously Fish Boy, what's so special about today?"

Percy laughed at the nickname and started the ignition. We were always trying to come up with the best nicknames for each other. Percy was captain of the swim team and—to a lesser extent—the basketball team. Most of his nicknames had to do with marine life. At the moment, I held the title for Best-Nickname-For-Percy-Jackson. But if anyone besides me dared to call him Seaweed Brain, he punched them in the gut. (I figured that he let me because he knew that I punched back.) So our friends kept trying to find a better one, even though they were having a lot of trouble.

Instead of popping the emergency brake, Percy reached down into his backpack and pulled out a small pine-colored box. My favorite color.

"Happy birthday, Annabeth." Grinning, he held the box out to me and glanced back at the window, wanting to see everyone's reaction.

They did not disappoint. Five mouths dropped to the ground in shock. I laughed and took the box, then Percy turned and pulled onto the road.

"Annabeth…" Piper was the first to break out of her trance. "I-it's your birthday?"

I nodded, not looking up from the box, my face bright red. "I'm sixteen today. I don't like to advertise it because I hate it when people buy stuff for me." I turned and glared at Percy, who chuckled at the windshield. When we finally got to the school parking lot, he turned off the engine and turned to face me.

"Open it," he said, nodding at the present. "Humor me."

I sighed, and lifted the lid of the deep green box. Inside was a small necklace. The pendant was a small owl with bright green eyes, the same color as the box. It was beautiful. I lifted it up to see it better, hearing a few oohs and ahhs from our friends in the bed. I shrieked and threw my arms around Percy's neck. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!"

He chuckled, and when I pulled back his face was bright red. "I-it was nothing," he stammered. "I saw it at Wal-Mart and thought you would like it." But he couldn't fool me. I had seen the necklace at Fred Meyer Jewelers and fallen in love with it. He hadn't known that I saw it before, but somehow he knew I would love it. What really struck me was the price. He must have saved up a month's salary at his lifeguard station just to buy me a birthday present. Normally, I didn't like it when people spent big money on me, but in this case, I figured the gift was too sweet to chastise him for.

He hooked the clasp at the back of my neck, and I hugged him again. He didn't complain. After a few moments, the two of us climbed out of the cabin, while Thalia shut the window and five teenagers filed out of the bed.

Jason had to meet up with his math teacher, so the rest of us headed over towards our usual spot: a small creek behind the soccer fields. The only thing different about the morning was Nico and Leo forcing me to promise that all seven of us could do something for my birthday after school. I kept trying to reject, but Percy started tickling my stomach and refused to stop until I agreed.

When I sat up, the others were looking at us funny. "What?" I checked my hair for grass.

Thalia chuckled, "You know, as much as I hate dating, I still say that you two would make a cute couple."

I stared at her, feeling my face flush. I would admit, to a stranger it certainly would seem like Percy and I were a couple. We teased each other and generally treated each other like we were dating (minus the kissing and the cheesy crap that made me want to vomit). We always seemed to be on the same wavelength, and I didn't have to think to predict Percy's actions. And, of course, I had yet to find an actual couple who knew more psychologically about each other than Percy and I did. But that never implied that we liked each other.

I tried to laugh it off, but it was difficult with my face as colored as it was. "Percy and I? Dating? Thalia, how many times do I have to tell you, Percy's much more like my brother than my boyfriend." Percy nodded in agreement.

Thalia sighed and shook her head. "Whatever. If you two are too blind to see what's right in front of you, it's not my problem."

"Besides," I added, "I already have a boyfriend. Remember?"

Thalia shrugged, and Percy muttered something in Latin. I figured that he didn't want any of us to know what he was saying, since only he and Jason knew the dead language. That, and if he wanted us to know, he would of spoken Italian, which he prefers. But, Nico is fluent and I recognize a few words in Italian, so I knew that he was trying to hide what he said.

Percy spoke again, this time in English, "Speak of the Devil…"

Immediately, strong arms wrapped around me, and I turned to see coffee brown hair and chocolate eyes. "Steven!" I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him, ignoring Percy's muttering. I knew that he hated Steven, but did he have to be so obvious about it? At least Steven was kinder about it, though there were times when I'd catch him staring at Percy with a sort of smug look that I never understood.

Steven grinned at me for a moment, then he frowned when he saw my neck. "New necklace?" he asked, gaze flickering over to Percy, who had suddenly taken an interest in an apparently annoying blade of grass.

I nodded. "Percy gave it to me."

"I see." Though—for some reason—Steven didn't seem to like it. He sat down on the grass next to me and put an arm around my shoulders, pulling me into him. "What's the occasion? That necklace looks too expensive to be an everyday gift."

Percy smirked, obviously triumphant at knowing something that Steven didn't. "Your girlfriend," he spat out "girlfriend" like it was an insult to teens everywhere that Steven had one, "turns sixteen today. You didn't know that?" He asked the last bit with an innocent expression, and I scowled at him.

Steven tensed. "It's your birthday?" He stared at me with a hurt expression, and I bit my lip. I had never considered telling him about my birthday. It had come as such a reflex not to tell anybody, that I had just brushed it off.

"Sorry," I smiled sheepishly. "I never tell anyone. Percy only knows because of my six year party when my dad sent out invitations."

Steven nodded, satisfied, and Percy wrinkled his nose in distaste. Then, green eyes turned away from me and headed back to the school, sending a "See you after class." over his shoulder. I felt upset. I wanted my boyfriend and my best friend to get along, but—no matter how hard I tried—I could never seem to find the cause of their resentment for each other.

I sighed. I could deal with this problem later. At the moment, we had to go or we would be late for class. So the six of us turned and followed Percy back to the building.

Little did I know that my life was about to get a lot more complicated.

Well? Too cheesy? Too hard? Too fast plotline? Remember, I'm making a short story. PLEASE tell me what you think! Five comments and I will upload chapter 2!



P.S. If you liked it, you should check out my other story: Graecus Hollywood Arts