September 7, 2009

Rosewood, Pennsylvania

4:30 PM

Montgomery Household

Toby's POV

I stood in the upstairs hallway of the Montgomery's house listening to Aria in her room. She must have been recording because she had "Silence in this hall" sign up. I could hear her voice from behind the door. "Aria come on, we are going to be late for school." I said as I knocked on her door.

"SHIT!" I heard her yell. "I need to get a larger clock." She said with a laugh as she came running out of her room.

"Na you would still be late. We just need to hide your guitars." I said as I took her hand and led her down the steps.

"BYE!" She yelled as she passed her dad in the kitchen before we were out the door and on our way to just another day at Rosewood Day. I could tell that Aria was more relaxed knowing that Allison wouldn't be here to hurt her.

"I love you." I said as I pulled her closer to me as we walked through the doors to the hell we called high school.

"I love you." She said as she smiled at me before pulling out her schedule from her bag.

"Looking for your locker?" I asked her as I looked at her.

"I don't think I need this paper to tell me which one it is." She said as she drew my attention a locker in front of us with the word murder written on it. She looked at her paper and up at me before handing me the paper. I looked at it and then the number sure enough it was hers. She walked up and touched it. "Lipstick." She said as she ran her fingers over the bright red coloring.

"Come on you can use my locker." I said as I looked at her. She just nodded her head and took my hand. We started to walk away when Allison's wannabe's noticed it.

"What the hell are you doing Hanna?" One of them said causing Aria and me to turn around. I couldn't believe what I saw. Hanna had taken the sleeve of her hoodie and whipped the lipstick. She wasn't about to get it off, but you couldn't read it anymore.

"Why did she do that?" Aria whispered as Hanna walked passed us alone.

"I don't know." I said as I looked at Hanna. "Let's get you to class." I said as I looked back at my beautiful Aria. She just faked a smile for me as we walked away.