

"I told Neville that the DA was under control. That wasn't exactly the truth and it's gotten a lot worse."

"I'm not a leader Seamus." I exclaimed, biting my lip as I looked back up at him. "It doesn't matter that they know I'm 'in the leaders' circle', I just don't have that air of command and control about me. I'm the goody-goody, a doormat, not a bad ass rebel. I'm not you or Ernie or Neville. I'm not like Hannah and Padma either and even they aren't faring well."

"Bull." Seamus stated.

"Yes Mr Goldstein? Is there something troubling you?" Professor Sprout asked, her voice suggesting curiosity. I don't normally call for much attention in class at all, mostly just answering questions or for confirmation before touching a particularly volatile plant.

"No Professor, it's just that it seems that a bowtruckle has gotten a little lost." I replied politely, pointing to the creature in question. "I've finished with my dittany, so I was wondering if it was ok for me to return it to the forest."


"Blaise! Thanks so much for coming."

"Rather impressive rune work. Though overpowered. I don't believe I was supposed to be affected at all." I commented with a small dip of my head. "You must be desperate. All this advanced magic you're putting into this private meeting. Entering my mind. I still don't believe you have that in you. The steps to such magic is too invasive for you."

"When you saw the Muggles there, when you touched the made you too dangerous to leave on your own. This isn't about the Statute of Secrecy!" Goldstein added quickly as I scoffed. "This is about something a lot bigger. A lot more dangerous."

I admit, that caught my attention. What could be so dangerous about seeing them with Muggle filth and a glowing Muggle contraption? Besides the Death Eaters' opinion of the matter of course, but I now highly doubted that had anything to do with this. "Explain."

"First, I need to confirm something." If he bit his lip any harder he was going to rip it apart as he stepped right in front of me. Raising his hand, he gave me a silent request. Intrigued, I clasped it with my own and waited for an explanation. "When you touched the box, did the tingling feel like this?"


"...Even Slughorn has made note of the portraits' acts of defiance!" Amycus exclaimed. I would of laughed in his face if I was human. He looked like he'd swallowed a lemon and his hands were itching to pull his hair out. His foot was twitching so much that I swore he was going to jump up and down at any moment. "We heard him say it himself! The portraits warn the delinquents to our arrival, pass messages amongst their ranks and inform them of what we do! We simply can't let this go on!"

"Are you telling me that your methods of controlling the student population is being outclassed by animated, moving ink?" Snape asked, raising an eyebrow.


I didn't even realise I was running. The screams were coming from everywhere. The few portraits I could see in the moonlit hallways were all either empty or filled with fleeing, screaming people, some of them charred, others having melted limbs and all of them screaming for help.


AN: Hi everyone. Long time eh? Sorry about that.

A couple of people asked for an Omake or something like that to be put up here when I started the updating the next story, but I couldn't think of one, so I went the easy way and made this Trailer. The new story is going up now. Six chapters have already been finished and will go up one per week. I hope you enjoy it.