Author Note from Danii Black:Hope you like this. I'm sorry that it took so long to write. My laptop decided that it didn't like the previous version of this chapter that I wrote out.

Chapter Seven

''Remind me again, why we are going to gatecrash a pack meal?'' Leah asked as she watched Bella lace up her converses. ''Because it'll be fun and besides, don't you want to wind the pack up?'' Bella retorted as Leah smirked and nodded.

''We go and we annoy then we leave. Simple really'' Bella explained as Leah remarked'' They're going to be so shocked when you and me walk in together. I'm not going to get any peace once they find out we're 'friends', for lack of a better term.''

Bella laughed before she corrected'' We are friends. What do they expect me to do? Forgive them and get over it? Well, I could but where is the fun in that?''

Leah nodded before she casually remarked'' Sam expects me to forgive him but I can't. How can I forgive someone who didn't even have the decency to break up with me once he knew he imprinted on my cousin, of all people?''

Bella was quiet before she asked'' Can I ask what happened? If you don't want to talk about it then it's alright.'' Leah smiled sadly at her before she explained'' It might be nice for someone to understand how I feel. I've never really told anyone or talked to anyone about the way Sam and Emily hurt me.I've kept it inside of me for so long because it was easier to be bitter then get over it and get on with my life.''

''It is hard to forgive and forget, I know only too well but you honestly cannot move on until you accept that shit happens and people turn out to be backstabbing, no good, lying... like I said, shit happens.''

Leah nodded before explaining'' Sam imprinted on her when he first met her but he told me that it was me he loved, me that he wanted to be with while Emily was just a friend. I found them days later locked at the lips on Sam's couch. That was the day my heart broke into a thousand pieces.''

Bella nodded, smiling sadly at Leah as she explained'' Edward took me into the woods and told me he was leaving, he told me that I was just a toy and that I would forget him as I lived my life. I was more angry then hurt at the way he treated me and that was what started my transition into what I am now. I told Jake everything that was said to me and he promised to never treat me like Edward had.''

''But he lied. He did that, didn't he?'' Leah added on as Bella nodded and continued'' He threw everything that Edward had said back in my face and even everything I hadn't said in my face. Told me I was a clingy pale-face that would never belong anywhere because I was just a toy, a pet because I was stupid enough to think I was worth anything.''

Leah was quiet, staring at Bella with her mouth wide open before she started to shake for a few seconds. Bella watched, confused as Leah gritted her teeth before snapping through gritted teeth'' I can't believe the nerve of that arsehole. How did you not kill him?''

Bella shrugged as she replied'' Sam pulled his strings, Leah. I was so far into my transition into a shape shifter that I heard Sam's command to him even though I hadn't phased but I was controlled enough that I was at the end of my transition but what he said pushed me over the edge. I barely got in my driveway before I was shaking so violently that my vision became red. I phased but that's not important - I got inside without anyone seeing me because my dad was out and I got myself dressed before starting to pack my things. I called my step-dad and told him I was coming back to Jacksonville. He sorted out my flight information and told me we'd talk when I got there.''

''Charlie tried to stop you, didn't he?'' Leah asked as Bella nodded and added on'' He loved me enough to let me go. It killed him, I could see that but I couldn't stay here. I needed to be with someone who could understand and wouldn't be bias but neutral instead. Phil's my step-dad but he's been like a best friend to me these last couple of years. There's only a couple of years between us.''

Leah stood up from the bed as she asked'' Did you tell Phil about what you were? If Sam was here, he'd be going on about the need for secrecy.'' Bella rolled her eyes, standing up as well as she remarked'' There's no need to keep the people you love in the dark if you can trust them with the secret. I trust Phil with my life like I trust my dad and even you.''

Leah nodded, sadly as she remarked'' Sam makes the boys keep it from their families. Jared's parents think he's up to no good, Embry's mom is constantly grounding him which means he's constantly sneaking out for patrol while the others can't tell their parents anything unless their parents are on the council.''

Both headed for the door before Bella grabbed her keys from the hook on the wall where they were kept and locked the front door. Leah was silent before she suddenly asked'' I know this might be none of my business but how native are you? I thought both your parents were non-native.''

Bella was silent before she explained'' My dear mother is a cheating, lying bitch in my opinion. She cheated on my dad and I'm a result of her affair. My dad knows she cheated, that's part of the reason she left him but he doesn't know who. Unlike my dad, I got my answers through.''

Leah nodded before thinking over in her mind all the possible candidates for who Bella's father could be before Bella said'' How fucked up is this? Sam is my half-brother who happens to clearly hate me otherwise he wouldn't have wrecked my life like he has done.''

''Sam's your brother? Did you know that Embry is suspected to be Sam's half-brother so that might make him your half-brother as well'' Leah asked as Bella nodded and unlocked her truck as both of them got in.

The drive to La Push was quiet with the two of them glancing at each other every so often before both smirking at each other. '' This is gonna be so good, imagine their faces when they see you and me together!'' Leah laughed as Bella nodded and replied'' Imagine how confused they'll be and we can have some fun at their expense.''

Once they hit the middle of La Push, Leah gave directions on how to reach Sam's house. Bella's first thoughts when she pulled up down the round, hidden from view of the house were that you could tell a woman had completely decorated it.

'' Hard to believe that it once looked back then and how it does now, isn't it?'' Leah commented, glaring at the small house before the two of them got out the car and enjoying the beginning of their gatecrashing.

Leah knocked on the door and rolled her eyes when a voice shouted'' Come in.'' The two of them walked into the house and stopped dead near a table as they watched Emily Young turn around and her eyes widen as she took in two people she clearly hadn't thought she'd be seeing smirking at her.

''Wh...What are you doing here?'' Emily stuttered, edging towards her mobile phone which sat on the side before Leah grabbed the phone and made a disapproving noise. ''We wouldn't want you to inform Sam of us being here now, would we? Where's the fun in ruining the surprise?'' Bella taunted, smirking when she watched Emily flinch with every word she said.

''You're a timid little thing but then again, you weren't when you were all over Leah's boyfriend? Emily, isn't it? What does Emily mean again, Lee?'' Bella laughed as Leah replied'' rival, laborious and eager. I suppose that sums you up, doesn't it cousin? My rival in everything, always too eager to take what you just shouldn't take and laborious because well, you work hard at being a backstabbing bitch.''

Emily hadn't said anything still at this point before Bella smirked and teased'' Cat got your tongue? Or is it because the truth hurts? I'm sorry about tha... in actual fact, I couldn't give a damn about your feelings.''

Emily gulped before she remarked'' Sam will be home soon and he won't be happy if you're here'' as Leah retorted'' Sam can get screwed for all we care. I think seeing us here might make his day, can't be easy having to live with such a mousy thing like yourself.''

Emily nodded and indicated for them to sit down which they did before locking eyes and bursting out in laughter. The sudden noise of them laughing had Emily jumping slightly as they snickered and laughed about how nervous she was around them. They watched as her eyes lit up suddenly and Leah looked at Bella with a ' this is it, it's time' look as Bella smirked.

They watched in humored silence as Sam walked in, followed by 6 semi-naked boys before Emily tilted her head in their direction, announcing them to the boys who had yet to see them. Leah watched as Sam kissed Emily before sarcastically remarking'' No hello kiss for me? My heart's breaking here, Sammie.''

Sam turned to Leah sadly before finally locking eyes with Bella. ''WHAT THE HELL IS SHE DOING HERE?'' he thundered as Bella chuckled and replied'' That's not a nice way to greet me, Sam. And here's thinking that I made the trip here to enjoy your fantastic company.''

Sam fell silent before he forced a smile on his face and said in a fake cheery tone'' How fantastic. Getting to spend time with you and Leah. Highlight of my day'' before Bella raised an eyebrow and casually remarked'' Don't smile like that ever again and drop the fake tone. From what I've seen, I'd be getting enough of that off your little muffin-maker if she wasn't so scared of being alone with Leah and I.''

Sam somehow went a deep red color as he gritted his teeth as Leah casually suggested'' Why don't you take a drink of something muffin-maker has brought or why don't you take an extremely long run off the highest cliff in La Push and do us all a favor?''

Bella laughed at the sweet expression Leah was sporting before Jacob snarled'' What the hell are you up to?'' and Bella moved her gaze from Sam to Jacob as the two of them locked eyes. Jacob's whole face softened as soon as he met Bella's eyes while hers hardened. ''What makes you think I'm up to anything?'' she spat, glaring at him while cursing her own damn destiny in her mind.

How was she supposed to hate a guy who she imprinted on? The thought of hating him sent a painful twinge of hurt coursing through her entire body. She'd never thought imprinting was that good to start with; imagine being bound to someone who might be a complete stranger to you or someone you previously didn't even give a second glance at or even someone you had previously wanted to hate.

That got her thinking through. How could he have said those painful things to her unless he was her imprint and she wasn't his? The very thought of what he said made the human in her want to cry and the wolf in her howl in grief from the rejection aimed at her.

She stood up suddenly and watched as Leah did the same before she taunted'' As much as I'm having fun here, I have better things to do. You really have been an interesting host, Emily. It's been... fun. I'll have to visit more often if it's this much fun.''

Emily nodded as Bella and Leah burst out laughing before Leah spat'' As if. You're way too much of a pushover. No wonder you and Sam suit, he can control you...''

Leah fell silent as Bella continued'' because you're weak and pathetic. Grow a backbone, will you? People might then take you seriously for once. If I was Leah, I'd be ashamed that I was even remotely related to you.''

Emily looked close to tears as Leah snarled'' I am ashamed. Seriously, Bells. I'm related tothat,I wish I wasn't but I am.'' With that last comment, Bella and Leah walked out the door before turning around and remarking'' It really has been an eventful time spent with you all. We've had such fun.''

The two of them exchanges glances as Emily suddenly stepped forward and screamed'' I am not afraid of you two and I'm not weak! You're just vindictive bitches who have nothing better to do then terrorize people because your lives are that boring.''

The slightly joking expression on Bella's face disappeared as a hard look came across her face before she slowly said, venom dripping from each word she spat at Emily'' You want to try that again, Young? Go on, say it again and you might actually delude yourself into thinking that you're not weak or pathetic when really you are.''

Emily shook her head, shaking slightly as Leah snapped the cold look on her face mirroring Bella's'' Watch your back because you will get hurt. You're lucky that I haven't ripped your throat out yet and don't give me any more reasons to, got it? I said, have you GOT IT?''

Emily nodded before saying'' I've got it'' in a whisper before cowering back into Sam and watching the two of them walk out the door.